Chronic anal fissure.

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I am having sharp buttock and back pain before and after bowel movement.

suffering from a chronic fissure for 4 months. i never had burning sensation in my anus before. now its burning after bowel movement. the pain usually used to start after half an hour of my bowel movement. now its before and after my bowel movement and my muscle becomes so tight.

is it fissure or something else? thanks in advance

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    yes, sounds like fissure spasms.

    have you tried diltiazem or rectogesic creams?

    • Posted

      i tried diltiazem for 3 months, i was fine. i stopped after i thought my fissure is healed. suddenly one day my muscle went spasm and the pain came back. i thought its the effect of discounting diltiazem . i am scared to use it again. sometimes it feels like burning and sharp scratchy all over my rectum. i never had sharp back pain before bowel movement, now i experience sharp back and buttock pain before and after my bm, especially in the morning .no blood btw. i did my sigmoidoscopy few days ago, doctor told me that the fissure is there.. i feel pressure in my rectum and pain caused by muscle spasm. do you think its fissure or something else like pelvic floor problem?

    • Posted

      hi, i have the same issue . i am in so much pain, have no idea whats going on.

      are you male or female?

    • Posted

      as your fissure is still there and you feel tight, did your doc not mention LIS to you? that would help get rid of the spasms and heal the fissure

    • Posted

      Can I ask? Is anal fissure on the inside or outside of the anus? I have wounds and my anus is swollen on the outside. When i go to the bathroom to take a poop it is so painful. Is that anal fissure?

    • Posted


      yes, it causes sharp pain during a bm and/or bleeding.

      some people also get pain after bm that lasts several hours.

    • Posted

      it doesn't last the pain in me for several hours after I bm only when I'm pooping. And it doesn't bleed.

    • Posted

      it's probably a fissure but best to get it examined by a doctor

  • Posted

    Suffered for 13 years. Did sitz baths, use murilax daily, apply Beaudreaux Butt Paste. All gave relief but no cure.


    1. clean area gently
    2. apply thimblefull of vaseline to area, insert some inside if possible
    3. protect underwear with paper napkin or pad
    4. repeat above about 12 times daily
    5. continue for 4 weeks.

    I am a week and a half into this treatment and have achieved incredible results. No more pain of blood spotting. Able to clean area similar to pre-fissure. I believe the fissure is actually healing.

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