Chronic Diarreah...Help!
Posted , 3 users are following. here, and going out of my mind! Have had diarreah for 13 months. In the first 6 months, attributed it to methadone withdrawal. Was on med for 15 years for scar tissue pain and severe nerve damage. I also have lupus.
In May, 2016, the diarreah became watery diarreah and had the constant urge to have BM. After 3 weeks of daily watery diarrhea, and not getting a warning before it just runs out, I called Primary doc. Did a CBC and blood work was normal, other than expexted potassium loss. No cramping or stomach pain with diarreah. Was referred to Gastro. Immediately did colonoscopy and endoscopy. Had 4 polyps. 1 cancerous and 3 precancerous. Said he did not see anything else other than a kinked bowel, caused by adhesions.
Diarrhea still ongoing. Can happen anytime, anywhere, even during the night. Can't make it 15 ft to bathroom! Then in Dec 2016, I started having upper abdominal pain and in my back. Nauseated daily and especially after eating. Diarreah happening within 30 minutes of eating and still sometimes whether I eat or not. Pain would come and go and then decided to stay. Had CT scan and showed gallstones. Feb 16th, gallbladder out.
Still having major diarreah. Now I have really bad pain on right side, like between ribs and kidney area. Feels like something inside being pulled apart. Pain will also be in lower rh side, which has been there for years due to 5 hernia repairs and a bowel obstruction due to adhesions. Have had 2 adhesion removal surgeries.
At my wits end. Can't leave my house unless I take Lomotil. Have kept food diary and nothing stands out. My gastro has me on Cholestimine now, and it's not helping. Any ideas????? Please!!
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pippa58442 Guest
Guest pippa58442
dan89498 Guest
I can understand your panic. My wife has been suffering from diarrhea for the last 9 years. No GI specialists can help. She has had some improvement by experimenting with various probiotics, Lomotil worked for 3 years but then her body got used to it and the drug is no longer of use. Please be aware of that long term problem. All the other overthecounter anti-diarrhea meds don't help. Herbal countermeasures are too weak to help also. She minimizes diarrhea by avoiding fiber, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fat.
pippa58442 dan89498
Guest dan89498
That is so scary. I think I would go completely insane. My heart goes out to her. I am 63 and never had a problem like this before. The lomotil helps sometimes and sometimes not. On a strange but good note, my lupus hasn't flared up during the last 13 months. First time in 20 years, it's been longer than 4 months between flare ups.
Guest pippa58442
dan89498 pippa58442
pippa58442 dan89498
pippa58442 Guest
Guest pippa58442
First of all, can't take anything with codeine and after going through withdrawals of prescription methadone, not going to take narcotics unless absolutely necessary and for a very short time. I am taking probiotics, Cholesyrtramine Powder and Lomotil. Thought the Cholesytramine was working, since I went for 6 days without diarreah, however have had it everyday for 5 days now. I am thinking I may have a partial obstruction, which would let the liquid through. May be cause of pain also and Cholesytramine would make that worse. Calling GI back today and get back in there again.
pippa58442 Guest
dan89498 pippa58442
We have a dilemma as my wife is rather concerned about the side effects of medication. Alternate treatments acceptable to her, such as using tumeric and eating fermented veggies etc just aggravates further diarrhea. She's caught between a rock and a hard place.
pippa58442 dan89498
Guest dan89498
I feel the same way. I've tried a very bland diet. I eat bananas every day. Also eat rice often. Tried no raw vegetables, only cooked. I have calcium deposits, and calcium kidney stones, therefore can't take calcium supplements, so I eat 2 small containers of yogurt daily. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat.