Chronic Diarrhea

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At the time of writing this, it is 4:23 AM, and I am sitting on the toilet, an hour before I should wake up. I am having abdominal pains and diarrhea, that is more liquid than solid. I have suffered from this condition for about two years now, with one short break in between years, because of a probiotic that decided to stop working after 4 or so months. I am currently 15, 5'8", and 137 pounds. Before all of this I was 5'6" and 150 pounds. I have been losing weight consantly and my skin color is always a sickly pale because of lack of nutrients. I used to be at 69 laps at the pacer test at my school, now I can barely reach 50. I've been to doctors, i've tried treatments natural and medical, i've changed my diet, i've gotten a colonoscopy, i've gottwn blood tests, and i've collected stool samples. I'm really sick of this. I'm going to see another GI after a long time of not going to any doctors because I don't trust them anymore. I'm then going to a nutritionist for the first time, maybe that will help. I lost hope a while ago though. It's impacted me mentally as well, it's hard to get through each day when you start it off in pain on the toilet. I can't enjoy my favorite foods anymore without thinking about the consequences. My grades have been dropping. I'm watching myself eat more than most of my friends, yet get skinnier and skinnier. I don't even know why I'm posting on here I just need to get it all out. Thanks for reading.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Ask your next GI specialist about IBS.  If all the tests you have had were negative, IBS can be diagnosed.  IBS can cause diarrhoea along with the stomach pain.  You could ask the nutritionist about the Fodmap diet to see if you have any food triggers you may not have noticed.
  • Posted

    Hi Michael I know exactly what you're going through. Up until a couple of months ago I was in the exact same position. I was diagnosed as having clostridium difficile back in Sept 15, then I relapsed again in Jan 16, I had to drop out of uni bc I spent so much time in hospital or barely being able to get out my bed. My bowel has been left pretty unsettled and I'm still going through investigations to confirm a final diagnosis. However, my dr tried loads of different things on me (medication wise) plus a lot of the other suggestions like pro biotics, food diaries etc. Nothing worked. Eventually she prescribed me with codine phosphate that has literally changed my life and made things so much easier to cope with. Codines main side effect is constipation so I take 2 a day (to avoid me becoming too constipated) and it works wonders. I used to go to the toilet up to 15 times a day, I would worry leaving the house and I also lost a lot of weight. I don't know what the criteria is to get a prescription of these drugs, Im 24 so I don't know if there is a certain age limit, however it's something that you should ask your Dr about. It also helped with the tummy pains I was getting. Digestive problems are horrible and I totally get were you're at right now but talk to them about your options, even if you can't get that particular drug, ask them to advise you on something similar if it's more appropriate. I really hope you get the help you need. Let me know how you get on.
    • Posted

      There's an article in the Times this morning about how they have discovered that ingesting other people's faeces can cure c.diff. Sounds disgusting I know but according to the article for some reason it works. Have a read. Very interesting
    • Posted

      Yeah I've been told this! I know they only do a faeces transplant after you keep on relapsing from cdiff, I've had it twice so I don't know how many times I'd have to have it before they consider it as an option. But I have to agree, it's sort of gross sounding! It is very interesting.

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