Chronic Diarrhea - Despererate for Help
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I've been suffering from chronic diarrhea now for roughly 8-10 years, which are constantly mushy and foul smelling (sorry to be graphic). I often feel tired, irritable and very depressed and I'm also having skin issues which I'm pretty sure is linked to my digestive health. I've seen various doctors and no one can seem to figure out what's primarily wrong with me other than a stool test which I've attached that indicates some inflammation and dysbiosis. Would anyone have any idea looking at it would could be the main culprit? I feel at a wits end now and very suicidal. Thank you.
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PatientMod-B Sydonia044
Hi Sydonia044
We note from a recent post which you have made to our forum that you may be experiencing thoughts around self-harm. If we have misinterpreted your comments then we apologies for contacting you directly. But if you are having such thoughts then please note that you are not alone in this, and there are people out there that can help.
If you are having these suicidal thoughts then we strongly recommend you speak to someone who may be able to help. The Samaritans offer a safe space where you can talk openly about what you are going through. They can help you explore your options, understand your problems better, or just be there to listen.
Their contact details are on our patient information leaflet here:, which also offers lots of other advice on how you can access the help you may need.
If you are having such thoughts then please do reach out to the team at the Samaritans (or the other people detailed in our leaflet) who will understand what you're going through and will be able to help.
Kindest regards
pippa58442 Sydonia044
The readings that are high are likely to be the reasons for your symptoms. Your best bet is to ask your doctor to explain these results to you because they are the expert. Most of us on this site are not doctors and will not be able to interpret your results for you.Tell your doctor your worries and you will get reassurance, diagnosis and treatment.
isu08633 Sydonia044
get well soon
Sydonia044 isu08633
Thank you.
mary19068 Sydonia044
Hi Sydonia044
Your bacteria tests look fine also your good gut bacterial flora. Have you had your vitamins, minerals and electrolytes tests?..such as Vit d, b12 and iron also all b vitamins, vit c and electrolytes sodium and potassium levels. If your levels are not normal this could be the problem. What is your diet like? Do you eat a healthy diet?....
High Sydona044
The 'high' results are the good gut flora. Its good you have been tested for all the various bacteria.....
The 'highs' come under 'normal bacterial flora' if you look at the heading in blue line...
Sydonia044 mary19068
Hi Mary,
Thank you for your reply. I did have some blood work done a few back which came back fine, but I'm unsure if they checked for everything you mentioned. I'm guessing they would have been checked via a blood test? My diet is for the most part healthy consisting of eggs, fish, chicken, leafy greens, oats, wholewheat pasta and bread, cheese, nuts, green tea and water. I stay away from processed foods and refined sugars.
mary19068 Sydonia044
Hi Sydonia044
Do you have a print out of all your blood tests and results. Usually b12 and vits and minerals plus electrolytes are specifically ordered by your doctor for the lab to carry out. If you have a copy of the results check if they have been tested, if not request a copy from your doctor...
mary19068 Sydonia044
Hi Sydonia
Your diet is healthy. I noticed there is little meat and dairy tho except the eggs. Dairy and meat contain b12 and iron. Do you take vit supplements?...your tiredness and irritability could very well mean you have b12 don't mention your age. I noticed in your 'fungus yeast' results are good so you have no fungal overgrowth in your intestines. Have a look at your previous blood results....
Hi Sydonia044
Just to mention as an after thought have you thought of changing to gluten free, lactose free and wheat free foods. I noted you eat oats, wholewheat pasta and bread. Give a go at eating gluten free oats, gluten free bread and gluten free pasta. I changed my diet to gluten free, lactose free and wheat free foods also sugar free and caffeine free and take probiotics and my gut is now fine... give it a go and see if it makes a difference. Try it for a few - month....keep us posted
Sydonia044 mary19068
Hi Mary,
Thank you again for your information, I'm 31 years of age and yes I do take a multivitamin. Unfortunately, I don't have any print outs of my blood work, but I do remember that there was nothing out of the ordinary according to my GP. One thing which does concern me is the positive H Plyori VACA. Tomorrow as suggested I'll start a gluten and lactose free diet which I have done in the past, but likely didn't give it enough time to see results. I think previously I had been on one for about 4-5 months. Thank you again it's much appreciated!
pippa58442 Sydonia044
If you have h pylori, this may be the cause if your symptoms. Doctors prescribe a triple course of antibiotics for this infection.
mary19068 Sydonia044
Hi Sydonia044
Are you saying HPylori was detected and you were'nt treated for it?...this could most definitely be the cause of your problem. You have to mention this to your doctor and be treated for it, as already mentioned with a 3-course antibiotics. I suggest that they test you again to make absolutely sure you have HPylori before you begin antibiotic treatment. I wish you well with changing your diet to gluten free and lactose free.....keep us posted...
Imnotadoctor Sydonia044
I hope you are feeling better.
Am I right in thinking you had this test 2 years ago? Perhaps it should be re-done to see if anything has changed. Have you considered SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth)? Ask your doctor about having a hydrogen breath test to check.
Good luck.
Sydonia044 Imnotadoctor
Thank you for your reply. Yes, the last one was 2 years ago, but I've just recently had another just waiting for the results now through the NHS. I will most definitely request a breath test soon, thank you.