Chronic Diarrhea - No Diagnosis

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I am a 28 year old female. No major health issues. No known Allergies (other then developing some seasonal ones). Do not like to take medicine, the only thing I will take is Asprin when I get migrains (1 every 1 to two weeks) 

Stomach Issues: 

For over 6 months now I have had Chronic Diarrhea. Its worst in the morning usually 2-4 times. 1 to 2 before eating, then 2-3 after eating breakfast. Once I have "purged" my system, I don't have BM for the rest of the day and when I do it's just mucus. I feel Fatigue, often foggy brained and when its warm I feel like I am going to faint. Every now and then I get very painful abdominal pain, it will feel like I am hooked up to a muscle stimulator. 

Doctor Visits: 

Blood Test for Celiac came back negative 

Stool Test came back normal 

Coloscopy Came back normal 

Blood Test were said to be normal 

CT Scan, found one small cyst on ovary but it was considered Normal 

Endoscopy normal - Dr did find I was "severely Lactose Intollerant" 

   * I've cut out all dairy and found that I am still having daily issues

Breath Test - Bacteria count hight (22 ppm) 


- First Gastro Dr put me on Librax - Calmed my nerves and reduced stomach pain, no changes in BM

- Second Gasto found high bacteria count, currently on Xifaxin for two weeks, on week 2, no changes yet 


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I'd get yourself on some probiotic supplements to get that bacteria under control.

    • Posted

      Thank you, I was actually told not to take probiotics because they will add to the imbalance I currently have!! So many different things to try! its frustrating 
  • Posted

    Hi kate028

    You will have to give time for the meds to get rid of the bacteria.....were you tested for hpylori?a stomach bacteria that causes severe diahorrea.....

    Did your doc test to see what bacteria you have?

    Keep taking the meds sometimes these bacteria are a challenge to get rid wishes......

    • Posted

      Thank you. Yes they did check for Hpylori. I tested negative for that. The doctor didnt say which bacteria I have, I am not sure he even knows, he just said the count was high. I called today and they are going to do another 2 weeks of the Antibiotic so hopefully that works! 


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