Chronic Diarrhea, what could it be?

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Hi guys. Ive had diarrhea every day multiple times a day for the past 6 years (since i started recovery from my earing disorder, which is completely better now). Sometimes its better, sometimes its worse. Right now for the past week or so i've been having diarrhea every hour or two. I am dizzy and weak and dehydrated. It seems like no matter what i eat i still have diarrhea. Sometimes i have to go during my meal. I get repremanded at work for taking too many bathroom breaks. I cant keep going like this. Does anyone know whats wrong with me?

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12 Replies

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    try a specialists. Maybe you need help. all you will get here are guesses. good luck.

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    is your stool yellow and really smelly ?

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      Sometimes, yes. Sometimes its a greenish color. It's never brown though.

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    See your GP. I am sure they can help. As already said, we can only guess and are not experts.

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    Yeah guys I'm not stupid I'm not looking for a diagnosis here I'm just nervous about seeing a GI doctor so I figured I'd see if anyone had a similar experience and knew what it might be. You guys don't have to be so condescending.

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    Hi kaylajoy

    You may have Gardia a stomach bacteria which causes the symptoms you are experiencing. Ask your doctor if you can be testedimage.

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    Kaylajoy, I have never experienced this, but I believe you have intestinal infection that has remained with you for far too long. Have you tried antibiotics? For a quick relief from diarrhea try chewing 3 small guava leaves. It's bitter, dries your saliva but it works. Please see a doctor. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Much love 😗

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    You have had such a terrible condition for 6 years and never saw a doctor but continue to live with it. You ask if anyone has had it and what is it. There could be many reasons and only a doctor could tell you after running some tests.

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    What disorder did you say you were recovering from? Hearing? Eating? Try a food diary to see if any foods are causing diarrhoea. Food diaries can help to pinpoint a pattern that you may not be aware of. However, you should see your doctor for tests and diagnosis. We cannot tell you what is wrong with you because very few of us are doctors on this site. Only your doctor can give you an accurate answer.

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    I know how you feel as It makes you not want to eat. As previously suggested start keeping a food diary and maybe go on a bland food diet, as well as drinking lots of water

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    hello. dear. your symptoms are not common ones. it would be very difficult for this forum to help you. i think eating different foods low in fats might help. But as the comments here are about food mapping. You need to see a GI and a nutritionist. They will help you more than just guessing on how to help you here. I would seek medical help. please seek help . You are a strong person. For dealing with this that long. Happy healthy days for you. Bless You.

  • Posted

    First of all, I really feel for you and sympathize completely. You must be exhausted. It is really important to drink a lot of water and put a quarter teaspoon of salt in it because you lose electrolytes with each bout of diarrhea. You need to replace this by drinking 8 ounces of water after every diarrhea episode. This will help you stay hydrated. You need to get your doctor to give you a requisition form for your stool sample to be tested at your nearest medical lab. I know this is a nuisance but it may be the only way to determine what is causing this so that you can be given the right treatment for it.

    I went through this four months ago. I suddenly started having diarrhea 12-15 times a day, almost every hour and this went on for 3 weeks. It was pure hell and like you, I became dizzy and weak. Due to Covid, my doctor's office was not accepting patients and would try to treat patients over the phone. I was informed that I needed to get my stool tested at the lab and depending on the results the doctor would decide which treatment yo prescribe. The stool is tested for parasites, as well. It took a few days for the results because it had to be cultured in the lab. Thankfully I did not have a parasite and the cause was undetermined so I was classified as having Irritable Bowel Syndrome and given Metronidazole ( antibiotic) as well as drinking Fibre 4 low Fodmap fibre supplement twice a day. This helped and it slowly improved after three more weeks. My bowels were finally normal for two months until until 12 days ago , unfortunately the diarrhea 19 , started up again. I don't know why but I am now going through again what you are going through now. I hope that my experience the first time may be of help to you about phoning your doctor. and telling him all your symptoms and what you have been going through. In the meantime, please drink lots of water!

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