Chronic diarrhoea and jaw pain
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this is being experienced by a friend of mine. she is facing chronic diarrhoea, she says food just doesn't stay in her stomach.
she also has regular jaw pain and pain in the throat. this has been going on for a month. if anyone cud pls provide some insight, we will be very thankful.
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pippa58442 danyal28952
Her symptoms could be down to many things and seem very vague. She should see her doctor for tests if she hasn't done so already and try a food diary to see if she is intolerant to a particular food(s).
danyal28952 pippa58442
she went to a doctor and he did a larynxgoscopy
told her she needed speech therapy
while her speech is normal only
but at times, she starts Getting a croaky voice and it hurts too
sometimes, her throat burns like acid reflux (but we're not sure if its just acid reflux)
all of this is happening a while now but we can't seem to understand
one doctor she has known for a while also couldn't discern it and send her to the guy who suggested speech therapy( -.- )
pippa58442 danyal28952
Acid reflux can cause a croaky voice especially if the reflux is silent and you can also get a burning throat when the acid irritates your throat. Has she tried an antacid or milk? If the symptoms go away after taking antacids, this may suggest reflux. I often have to clear my throat because of reflux to stop my voice being croaky.Having diarrhoea on top of a croaky, burning throat could be more of a digestive problem rather than to do with her voice.
Has she been checked for polyps in her throat? This can also cause a croaky, husky voice.
danyal28952 pippa58442
oh wow okay. thanks i'll ask her and after looking into it i'll come back to u. thank u so much.
edit: she is a bit relieved at hearing it is only a digestive problem.
btw what are polyps? and what cud the digestive problem be specifically?
pippa58442 danyal28952
Polyps are benign growths that can grow in the throat and can be picked up by an endoscopy. However, it is important for her to keep going back to her doctor for a definitive diagnosis to establish if it is a digestive problem. As I am not a doctor, I cannot diagnose; I can only suggest possibilities for her to ask her doctor.
danyal28952 pippa58442
Thank you so much for all your help! I will come back after the next few visits and diagnosis. 😃