Chronic dizziness and balance problem, can ayone help!
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I've posted my symptoms many times here before, I'm 51 and had very heavy bleeding for a year. Doctor carried out tests and told me that I have a fibroid and also FSH levels very high, however, estrogen levels still normal. GP said I was heading for menopause.
I don't get hot flushes but my main symptoms have been agitation, anxiety has became much worse, insomnia and last but not least this terrible dizziness. I've even been seen at stroke clinic and been told I've not suffered from this for which I'm grateful. I've tried all the usual drugs for middle ear problems such as serc, stematil and cinnarizine.....ineffective, GP hasen't got a clue about peri and now saying dizziness may be anxiety based, it may very well be but is anyone else suffering from this debilitating symptom?
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jennifer01077 brendababy
I have a friend who is really stressed out due to family problems. She is in her thirties and so it is probably due to her stressful situation, but she has the same symptoms as you. She is very anxious, can't sleep, and suffers from dizziness. She is working six days a week, and overtime when she can get it. I know she has to slow down, but I am just waiting on her to decide to change her priorities.
(And it is really really not easy for her, I know).
So, yeah, I think it might be anxiety related. And due to perimenopause, in your case.
I am kinda the queen of anxiety but I take anti-depressants and I think that shields me from the worst. And I have had depression for a long time, since birth really, so I have a lot of practice managing it, I guess. But it is a hard time for me, perimenopause.
brendababy jennifer01077
I've had numerous amounts of therapy over the years but I'm my own worst enemy
I would try anti depressants but my health anxiety always stops me
I'll keep posting on any progress
Thanks x
TeresaJS brendababy
Regardless of my previous tips on fibroids and Meniere’s by reading your poignant story let me just say: most psychologists and counsellors are not prepared to deal with trauma special the one that is part of your experience growing up which, most certainly, is Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD). This generates health issues mainly by dysregulating the HPA Axis (Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis). This is a field of study for Neuropsychoimunology (big name).
So most doctors will not know what to do with it wither, except prescribe anti-depressants s to numb your pain. Of course menopause is the time of life when the past comes running back to you in the form of all sorts of ailments and health issues. So there you are.
In my experience, and I also have a HPA dysregulation derived from childhood CPTSD is that we must be very, very, very nurturing towards ourselves. Surround yourself only with supportive people. Get rid of the other ones or limit their influence on your life. Mindfulness, of the right kind for you will be very beneficial and a long term strategy for health and wellbeing.
Could you join a local meditation group? Some are related with religion, others aren’t. Ifg you could have a massage or something that involves someone taking care of your body that can be quite healing. Do you hair, your nails, pamper, pamper, pamper ….sounds superficial but it’s not: it’s taking care of the child in you that was neglected.
In terms of supplements and drugs I would also like to let you know that, in addition to what I’ve PM you there’s an herb that as a very positive effect on the hormones and HPA Axis: Vitex, Agnus Castus. You must take it medium to long term to have positive outcomes since it’s slow action. A bow and hug to You.
brendababy TeresaJS
I'm sitting crying as I'm writing back to you, not out of self pity but what you wrote. I feel a warmth and understanding radiating from you. I don't know what you do for a job but you may have been a great therapist.
I'm still living with a lot of negativity... I look after my mum and dad as well as my own family & work part time. My mum is a very negative person and I feel this affects me greatly, my brother and two sisters have practically cut ties with my parents due to my mums attitude and to what we experienced with her when we were growong up.
I'm all my mums got left she's even chased her friends away because of the way she treats them. I had to give my job up in 2011 as I burned out and took ME, I got better with the help of a great therapist and also the love & support from my husband and sons. I think I have sank into my old ways of worrying and putting others needs before mine and it's now taking it's toll on me.
I've went back to work for the same company where I gave my job up previously, it may be a big mistake as I worry constantly about being ill and having to call in sick.
Sorry for the rant but it's helping me get this off my chest to someone who clearly understands.
I wish I knew for sure that the dizziness is caused by hormonal imbalance & anxiety but I'm always doubting and worrying I'm going to be left like this.
I have an appointment at hairdressers today but thinking of cancelling as the last time I went I struggled to put my head back in the sink to get the colour washed out. This makes me angry as I love to get my hair done.
I hope we can give one another strenght and come out the other side of this smiling.
Thanks again Teresa, you are a lovely person, keep posting and let me know how your doing xx
TeresaJS brendababy
Dear Brenda, you're too burdened... something's got to give. If you don't make hard choices your health will deteriorate further. There must be a way out of such strain....meditation might help. I'm going to pm you something. XXX
susan556 brendababy
ive had the lot, the dizziness did ease off, the anxiety i still have, some days worse than others, insomia is much improved from drinking the night time tea bags about half hr. before i go to bed. heavy bleeding i had for a few yars before the menapause then they started getting further spaced apart and lighter hurray! that i dont miss, then one month it was my last one, oh the freedom, but you say you have a fibroid, have heard these can shrink on their own, have they not considered removing the fibroid? hope you feel better soon, we can help you so always feel free to ask and im sure many others will answer you tomorrow.
brendababy susan556
I have an appointment with gyno on 28th May so I'm hoping they will be able to offer some good advice
I had the worst night ever last night, let the dizziness overwhelm me, ended up walking the floor, had full blown anxiety, muscles are aching today, I know anxiety makes dizziness worse, I need to have a word with myself & stop the negative thinking, I work part time & always worried that I'll get too sick to work
Wish all the girls that replied a peaceful & restful night x
TeresaJS brendababy
Fortunately I do not have those symptoms. However I am familiar with Meniere's Syndrome (because of family member ) and it seems to me that you would benefit from having an appointment with a neurologist, Just in case… A for the fibroids, and before you head on to heavy therapies, I would suggest you, If I may , to info have e look at The Centre for Menstrual Cycle and Ovulation Research (CeMCOR) - + a pdf sheet on Progesterone Therapy for Symptomatic Perimenopause by Jerilynn C. Prior MD. I’ll PM you the links. XX.
wen06862 brendababy
I'm 53, 5 years ago I bled continuously for 18 months- really heavily and dare not leave the house without huge maternity pads. it was a large fibroid at the cervix which was removed.
I also have Meniere's Disease and was having more dizziness than usual but the condition can fluctuate anyway but it was the stress of the doctors not taking me seriously which was stressing me out and causing most of my symptoms.
The fibroids that were left (or regrew) were the last straw. I opted for a total hysterectomy, which was the best thing I ever did.
If you have got Meniere's, (serc, stemetil, cinnerizine etc didn't do anything to help me). I work with specialists who are looking for a cure. There isn't one yet (my dad had MD, my partner has it, and his dad had it) we all had different patterns of dizziness.
Your other symptoms sound like menopausal ones,
Take care
brendababy wen06862
wen06862 brendababy
If it is hormonal or anxiety related, it can usually be sorted out. (even tho it is still a b****r)
Take care xXx
jennifer01077 brendababy
I understand what you are saying about health anxiety stopping you from taking anti-depressants. In my case it was guilt, which was a symptom of my mental illness. I felt I was responsible for getting everything right myself.
Anyway, I have never been able to find any information about side effects or long term side effects of anti depressant use. The only thing I have found is that if you do take anti depressants, your chance of getting Alzheimer's is decreased. If your anxiety and depression are long standing, I would consider it, or consider more natural therapies. There is a plant remedy for depression and anxiety from northern europe, let me see if I can find it. I did, it's called rhodiola. You could try that. And bless you darling for carrying all this. I just switched to a part time job, I feel so lucky now. I can rest!!
brendababy jennifer01077
nikiola18292 brendababy
An obvious question. but thought i ask it anyway. However it could be something seperate from being peri menopausal. Yes i guess dizzyness could be anxiety based but i have never felt dizzy just a pumping feeling in my neck and slightly sick, not nice. We are all different so it could be, i would pursue it with your GP if it keeps happening and dont be fobbed off if you feel like you are not getting satisfactory answers.
brendababy nikiola18292
I have been suffering from extreme anxiety for a while so don't know if this is my bodys way of communicating and telling me to change my ways.
I hope everything balances out soon.
Take care x
nikiola18292 brendababy
brendababy nikiola18292
Keep posting & take care x
nikiola18292 brendababy