Chronic fatigue!!!

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I know I workout alot and probably not helping but the FATIGUE is unbearable ! I’m now on Adrenal Support supplements and they said would help within a few days but boy..... I’ve been going through this 6 months now . It takes me hours to get out of bed and then Once up have to lie back down again . I’m even starting to drink caffeine again as must get some energy during the day .

Does anybody else have this ? It’s all so daunting . 

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20 Replies

  • Posted

    Lori, you might actually be suffering from CFS. I went to a specialist in NYC who works with CFS patients, there are tests she does to see if you have the markers for it. Have you been tested for reactivated EBV? 
    • Posted

      I’ve never heard of that test but going to ANOTHER natural doctor Monday and I will ask him. I thought it was just menopause but nobody else ( unless I hear from somebody ) seems as bad as I am . 
    • Posted

      Lori, make sure to google the proper testing for reactivated EBV. You have to make sure you have all the tests, there are 4 of them. The moderator won't let me post them. 

    • Posted

      Yes, make sure to ask for the complete EBV testing (google to see what they are) for reactivated EBV. The moderator won't let me post them. 

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      That’s ridiculous ! I wonder why hey won’t let you post ? 
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    I too suffer from sooo tired. I wake up tired. I do a bit and get back on the bed. I have nonget up and go in me at all. I cut out sugar and crap food. It has improved slightly. I am taken vitamin tablets .  And iron. But still so tired. Even my 22 year old and 26 year old comment on how bed ridden I am all the time. From a person that would never have sat down. I got thyroid and all them test done but only slight low on iron.  But I was taking iron before I got bloods done . So the would have been improving already. 

    So hard to concentrate also

  • Posted

    I was told the rule of thumb for adrenal support is it takes as long to start working as you took to start needing them. Lol. Sounds daunting for anyone who has been going through this for years, but definitely worth taking. They do help. Mine are starting to work. Nothing major at all, but I do notice less fog and fuzz.
  • Posted

    Interesting about ebv. I had chronic fatigue as well, back in the days when Peri was in full blown mode. It was recommended by some of the nurses at the hospital to take a vegetarian multivitamin, which really helped to get me out of bed. There are only 2 brands, I have taken of course, if I post it here, this message will be blocked. They are a bit pricey, although one is much cheaper it's still pricey for some but it's so worth it.

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      Yes I take loads of vitamins .... doing the best that I can but this is all getting OLD .... FAST !

      Sick of it !! And yes it’s a classic symptom of menopause 

    • Posted

      They are starting to find that reactivated EBV is to blame for many things, especially CFS, fibromyalgia, lupus, hashimotos, lyme,  etc.. And that hormonal upheaval is the time it reactivates due to lower immune system. And EBV is to blame for severe perimeno and post meno symptoms. It's believed that before EBV women didn't get symptoms, even hot flashes, during meno, And meno was a time to look forward to for women. It's only since this century that meno symptoms arose. I have vegetable vitamins, but please message me with the brand you took. Thanks! XO

    • Posted

      EBV Epstein Barr Virus !!! I have that !!!  Omg that explains everything ! 

      The drs told me years ago that it’s very common and shouldn’t effect your life . Boy were they wrong !! 

      Now how to bloody cure myself of this awful awful illness ! I wondered why I’ve felt so terribly debilitated . 

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      Suzanne, I'm not seeing the pm button so please send me a private message so I can respond.

    • Posted

      Hi suzanne,  I’ve heard about that too and often wondered.  I have EBV also.  My blood results from a few months ago just say “ past infection”. It doesn’t explain how long ago “ past” is.  I must of had mono as a kid.  Also, I think about 95% of the population have EBV.  But, I have gotten so many sore throats, fatigue, dizziness since perimenopause immune system is definately not as strong as it used to be.  I too was told it’s not a big deal.  I think it does affect us. 
    • Posted

      Yes, most of us have EBV, it's just a matter of how strong the strain and whether or not your immune system is failing to suppress it. There are certain tests you need to have to see if it's reactivated, just not past infection, but the moderator won't let me post them. You can google and find out. Look under reactivated EBV testing. 

      When my GP tested me, after I requested it, he just said "oh, you have mono". I'm like, no, I had mono when I was a teen. This is different. They just don't know. Just like perimeno symptoms.

      A recent study showed that EBV is responsible for lupus! I think it's responsible for so many autoimmune issues as well as bad peri.

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      You should juice organic celery and drink the juice every morning before breakfast. 
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      Yes I do a green juice every day which includes celery ... I guess back to the drs for me . No amount of sleep is ever enough ... I feel like a rag doll most days . It’s awful. 

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