Chronic headaches for nearly 4 years now, I wake up and go to sleep with them.

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I'm a 19 year old, female, who has been suffering with chronic headaches and sharp pains in my head for nearly 4 years now. I've had an MRI scan, it was clear, though that was back in 2014; I've tried several different types of medication and still nothing has changed. I wake up and go to sleep with these, and sometimes the pain I get in my head is excruitating and nothing helps to reduce the pain. It's worst down the right side of my head. Doctors are running out of ideas. I don't have any issues with my sight, and I've never become dizzy or passed out from it. Anyone with a similar situation or any solutions? I'm open to all.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Megan,

    Have you tried Sumatriptan epipen injections?  I get these headaches too and Sumatriptan has definitely helped also Verapamil and Preganalin.  What meds have you tried?

    Best wishes and take care

    • Posted

      Thank you for your response!

      No I haven't heard of those. My new doctor is currently talking to the local hospital and suggested Botox injections in trigger areas, but otherwise we are running out of options.

      ?I've tried from prizotifen tablets to Amitriptyline tablets, and all sorts.

    • Posted

      Megan, I can confirm from my own experience, that Botox is good!  I have had several sessions now and they have helped me for sure.  But do talk to your Neurologist about the meds I suggested, again I speak from personal experience, that they are helpful.  Also, they have an upgraded version of Amitriptyline - that is Nortriptline, so you can suggest that as well.

      Do keep in touch to let us know how you get on.

      Take care and best wishes

  • Posted

    Hi Megan

    I have had a similar problem for about 7 months now with pain in both or 1 temple continually. My headache is now right sided like yours. I have tried various meds from the doctor, physiotherapy and had an MRI scan which was negative. I have a theory that my headache is due to trigger points in the trapezius muscles. I have sore muscles in that area from exercise, and when I massage those points, sometimes the headaches ease or disappear for a while. For me the headaches do return, but it could be something to look into for you. I am looking into getting a proper sports massage to deal with any knots. Will report back if it helps me.

  • Posted

    Could be a type of Migraine, there are many things that can cause headaches, there are different types too. Cluster headaches, coital (orgasmal) headaches,

    light sensitivity headaches, blood pressure (Hypertension).

    Foods can cause headaches i.e. Wine cheese, spirit alcohol, brandy.

    If the Medics have eliminated anything untoward like tumours.. aneurysms, then this is good News! 

    Maybe a Hormonal issue, high oestrogen levels can cause Menstrual headaches, my daughter suffers these. Other than that it could be congestion, Sinusitis infected tubes under the eyes, temporal. Do you suffer from epilepsy? or Trigeminal Neuralgia which is a Nerve pain down the side of your head, into the jaw. This can be excruciating, sometimes mimic toothache

    How often do you get these headaches ? keep a diary of when how often and when they arise, what you eat?

    whatch the Medication you take, too much analgesic can cause headaches.

    best of luck..

    • Posted

      Doctors don't believe it to be a type of Migraine, as I show no symptoms of them. They've looked into other headaches but none match my description and my bp is fine.

      ?At the beginning when a hospital investigation began, they tried me out on stopping eating certain foods and nothing made a difference. As well as taking paracetamol, or ibuprofen, or anything like that were stopped (not that they make a difference because they don't), and that made no difference.

      ?My headaches don't affect any area around my eyes, nor do I have any sensitivity to light; nor do i suffer from epilepsy.

      ?I have these headaches everyday, for the nearly 4 years. Sometimes they're their normal pain and other days they intensify.

      ?I'm currently taking no medication for them, as I am awaiting to hear back from my doctor.

      ?Trigeminal Neuralgia - I'll discuss with my doctor and see his view - especially as it seems to affect my right side more than my left.

      ?Thank you!

  • Posted

    youre not the only one, im 21 and in may last year out of the blue i started getting these headaches in both sides of my temples, havent left a day since, i go to sleep with it and wake up with it, its 24/7, My CT scan was clear, my bloods are fine, and i have an MRI in a few days, the neurologist thinks its chronic tension headaches, but how is it even possible to have a headache every day sad
  • Posted

    Hi Megan,

    Sorry to hear about your discomfort.

    First off, are we talking about a head ache or sever head PAINS that prevent lying down.? If this is the case do your ears pop on ONE side when you hold your nose and blow; if so does a slowly dripping, watery discharge come from the nostril on the side that pops?


    • Posted


      ?Erm both? I have a headache as well as severe sharp pains, and they both affect me when I'm laying down or sitting or standing or just doing anything.

      ?No, if i do that both my ears pop fine, and there's no watery discharge.

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