Chronic health anxiety help

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Hello, so I have suffered with anxiety for 6 years now and it all stems from 'health'. Recently my physical symptoms have been awful, i have so much tension in both my arms, neck, shoulders and occasionally back + alot of breahtlessness in parts throughout the day. not physically related, i could just be sat there and feel like i cant get a full breath. I have discussed this all with my GP, visited A&E as it got that bad and all bloods, ECG & chest X-ray come back clear. I would just feel so much ease to hear if anyone has struggled with something similar or can recommend something to help. I'm trying my hardest to perfect meditation, keeping busy and listening to mindful books, but I'm open to any other helps people have found along their health anxiety journey. These are just some of the symptoms i have experienced over the years, but its always helpful talking with others that understand. This pandemic, although it cant be helped and is no ones fault, really has bought an even more dark cloud for mental health.

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6 Replies

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    just replied to you on another post. I have bad tension in my neck, shoulders and back and i think maybe my chest to, i have done for 3 months now. my arms and legs are weak as if ive been exercising the day before but i havent and i get all achy everywhere like that way you feel your going to be un well but nothing actually comes of it, do you get that too?

    • Posted

      Hi Meghan,

      Thanks for your reply. i completely feel the same and experience exactly what you said. I'ts really worrying/irritating, but its refreshing to hear that we are not alone.

      Thank you.

    • Posted

      i totally understand. It's scary and its horrible to live like this most times. Sometimes its like you want a cold or something to come out of it to get a bit of relief? I'm only 23 and sitting on a couch kills my shoulders etc. do your shoulders and neck crunch when moved? i hope you fine relief soon!!

    • Edited

      yeah, you get that run down you really wish there was some reason for it, i.e cold etc. Just to give you that mental clarity. Yeah, my neck does. I really feel its because we are so uptight and stressed as its factually stated that you carry stress tension in your neck, shoulders and arms. I wish there was a easy relief or cure, but i think its learning to control it (again easier said than done). I hope this information helps and you feel better asap. Always here to help, i know how cruel it is.

      stay positive and remember to talk about it, dont bottle it up .

    • Posted

      thanks so much. It does make you feel that bit better to here your not alone. Yeah definitely, its honestly debilitating but hopeful for some relief soon!! Hope you feel better soon!

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    Can totally relate! I had a sore neck and arms for weeks on end. I have honestly had a list of different symptoms over the last 12 months and they are constantly changing - Dr says it's all anxiety. I have a fear of MS and ALS so of course, the more I think about them, the more symptoms I get. Today it has been a phlegmy throat and clearing my throat, changing voice. I am currently in a spiral and just can't break the cycle of fear. I wish you well - this battle can be won!

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