Chronic hyperventilation we go again

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Jesus. I can't take this. The dizziness inability to concentrate, weakness. The fact that's it's all in my head and other people have suffered years with it, I can't do that. I can't imagine a prolonged life this way, it's making me severely depressed to the point of tears. Does anyone else suffer from this? I've had it before and beat it for years, got it again beat it again..this time however seems like forever. The hopefulness of wanting to beat it isn't there. I go to the gym, I'm physically active, I run my own business and now I am reduced to this again. It all started when I got home from vacation, I got sick had to go on a Zpak and was bed ridden for 5 days.. The anxiety and panic started and it's morphed into several things, full blown panic that's subsided (for now) depersonalization (faded somewhat) and now the hyperventilation a day everyday. I see a CBT therapist once and awhile, I started 3 years ago when I had my last big break down...she helped but I feel like also what can be done NOW? Like is there a distraction out there I haven't tried? I have not taken meds as I'm pretty stubborn I feel like if they don't work I'll just go off the deep end. I don't know, it's summer and I just want my life back. I've beaten this before for years but this time it feels like my life is over. The only peace I get is the wee minutes before going to sleep because I know it's all going to stop until I wake up again. Man this sucks.

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    Ok, i got really angry and sweared a lot, so my post hasnt been accepted. Damn it was long and detailed. The point is im having for over an year the exact same simptoms as you all and i found out that this might help: Stop yawning at all. Not even 1 yawn. Ive been doing this for 3 days and at first i felt like a fish on land. Extreme urge to yawn and take that deep satisfactory breath. But dont. Consider yourself as a warrior, a martyr, a never ceasing knight. The next day, the urge will become slimer. I repeat, not even 1 yawn or deep breath. Keep in mind that we are in fact breathin too much. Maybe retraining our breathing is like giving up on smoking. Very hard at first, but, if you are strong enough, you beat. The thing is i regained my olf self. Im me again, the concentrated and smart me. It has a price (the urge), but maybe it will disappear once in the future. Be strong, and take back your life, lets stop together beeing this syndrom's slaves. Stop yawning, and dont lose hope.

    My previous reply in a nutshell. I know im lazy. Srry biggrin

  • Posted

    Been suffering from this for a year now. I know, this is torture, and you are probably thinking you are beeing extremely unlucky. In the last month, for the first time, i only had bad days, whitout even a break, so i decided to do something about it. Im young, so the thought of living with this for the rest of my life is unbearable. I came to the conclusion that i just have to find a way to cure it definitive. No more. Thats what you want, right? A normal life again. Now, thats my only wish. So I thought: Hey, whats the concrete problem that is causing this? Air hunger and more precisely excesive and unsatisfactiory yawning. Did a lil research and found out that we actually breath too much, so i thought: Why dont i just stop yawning? And i did it. I have to tell you, in the first few hours it was a complete nightmare, i was like a fish on land (btw, i have also been tested for other respiratory problems and i had nothing wrong), i had to picture myself like a warrior, a knight that doesnt cease to the tentation. But i found out something amazing. I had regained my self, the good old me, capable and smart. Im now in the third day of forced normal yawnless breathing and it is easier to not yawn, but i still feel the constant urge to take a deep breath. But i feel like i rediscovered myself. Be strong and resist for just one day (maybe tommorow morning biggrin ) and you will feel normal again, with the only price of having to constantly fight not to take a deep breath. But *bad word* it. This isnt life. Better be a warrior and a "martyr" than beeing crushed by this *bad word* syndrome. Im still experiencing, so i dont know if the urge is going to go away. Maybe its just like giving up on smoking, at first its hard and then, with a lot of inner strenght you beat it (never been a smoker, just heard stories biggrin ). Remember, the first hours are the hardest, stay strong and lets together fight this soul-eating *bad word again*

    This is it, i got it back. The original reply. Hope it helps

  • Posted

    Bad luck, there is hope for you. Your problem is common and treatable, but drugs are not going to do it. You need to contact Buteyko Clinic. They have facilities throughout the U.K., and treat chronic hyperventilation syndrome regularly. Please let me know if you need anymore info, I'll be glad to assist.

    I wish you well my friend

    Greg R

  • Posted

    Reading your post here and I'm sure I have this my breathing has changed dramatically after my panic attacks last April I don't know what normal breathing is anymore i also feel the urge to take a big yawn and fill my lungs.

    I'm on meds and receiving CBT therapy but it's just that urge to take a deep breath all the time I have had this everyday since my panic attacks and when I don't take that big yawn my breath will catch on its own if you get me? The only way I can describe it is like a really really annoying itch that won't go away its like a pulling sensation in the middle of my chest that makes me want to yawn and catch my breath constantly all day everyday I also have a lot of other like Symtoms to like shortness of breath all day long etc.

    Hope this rings true to some people!

  • Posted

    I've been reading this thread for months and decided to join.

    I am a longlife anxiety sufferer. I get different symptoms at different times. It started in early December. I went out with my girlfriend and her friends it was a great day. All of a sudden I felt my palms sweating profusely, panicking, heart beating fast, i had to stop the car for my girlfriend to drive the rest of the way. She was so worried. I was worried. It made me feel helpless. Since that occurence it has been on and off. 

    One time at work i called 911 because i felt like i could not breathe and they told me i was fine. 

    Going on vacation with mygirlfriend and I cannot find myself to be able to zipline. She won't do it because she refuses to leave me alone if i won't do it and it makes me feel horrible because just last March we were doing 8 zip lines having the time of our lives. This whole hyperventalation crap is keeping me from living my life.

    I keep hoping one day I wake up and it is all one. It happens. but then when i least expect it back to square one.

    One day I want to make some sort of app that will help all anxiety sufferers.

    You aren't alone. We will all get through this. One breathe at a time.

  • Posted

    Hello there

    I saw this post and wanted to see how you are doing now with the hyperventilation ?

    I have suffered from this as well for many years and like you can go for years without any symptoms then it seems to come out of no where !

    I wanted to suggest Niacin therapy . Have you heard of it ? It is vitamin B 3 and it does help with anxiety .

    Let me know how you are

    God Bless


  • Posted

    I know exactly what you are going through. I started having SERIOUS breathing issues eleven years ago after I began having panic attacks. Right now, I've developed tics and severe difficulty feeling as if I'm not getting enough air at the right time. I've lost weight because I can't breathe while eating nor can I hold a conversation without getting winded. I'm lightheaded 24/7 and I can't stand on my feet for too long. I can't stand and sing or even jog. I'm constantly fatigued, dizzy, confused, etc.

    I hope you're feeling better.

    • Posted

      Have you found any relief yet? This is my 2nd time going through this.

      Thank you,


    • Posted

      Hi DaveĀ 

      I am a nurse and have trued to find the answer to. This for 30 years ! I can go for for a very longvtime without the CHS sometimes a few years ! But its awful whrn it happens . However Inresigned myself to the fact that for whatever reason my cns is very sensitive and I needed medication . Buspar has really helped and ativan or lorazipam on an as needed basis resets your breathing patterns .Ā 

      Ativan is used in hospice patients to reset their breathing when they are having a difficult time so I thought I would try it for CHS and it has worked ! One per day for a couple days should be all you need but it wont hurt to take moreĀ 

      Best wishes and I hope this helpsĀ 


    • Posted


      I have been taking Ativan 1 - 5mg every 8hrs for 7 days now and nothing. I will talk to my doctor Monday about Buspar.

      Thank you,


    • Posted

      Hi david09480, I have found relief by working with a speech pathologist. She has been magnificent in teaching me breathing exercises that have given me my life back! I highly recommend that you find a qualified speech patho. in your area! Good luck!

  • Posted

    Have you ever got relief from it?, if so, how? im 31, and I have the same problem for the past 18 months. I've done a lot of test and everything is normal, but its a never ending cycle of deep breathing and monitoring my breathing.

  • Posted

    I live in a small town and the first time this came on I was in a grocery store down the meat aisle. This time I was driving down a country road, and it has been going on for over 1 week now. This is disability, frustrating, and exhausting. It is good to see I am not the only one not having this problem. The most frustrating for me is they want to jump to anxiety and stress when in reality this is not the case in my situation. I have been to multiple EDs and have had 1000s of test and seen 100s of doctors. This is the first Dr that has said CHS can be associated with Stress and Anxiety but in some cases it is not and no one has a reason why it come on. I just hope it goes away soon so I can get back to my life.

    Thank you for listening.


  • Posted

    I am going through something like that as well but the doctors here are not good. They only tell you that it's all stress and all I can do is follow up with a psychiatrist who will be able to help me further. Funny thing is that I have been going to the psychiatrist and and she does is give out medicine and talk about her stresses. So very unhelpful. But on the main land where you live I am sure you can find one that will truly listen and be helpful for what you are going through.

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