Chronic hyperventilation we go again
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Jesus. I can't take this. The dizziness inability to concentrate, weakness. The fact that's it's all in my head and other people have suffered years with it, I can't do that. I can't imagine a prolonged life this way, it's making me severely depressed to the point of tears. Does anyone else suffer from this? I've had it before and beat it for years, got it again beat it again..this time however seems like forever. The hopefulness of wanting to beat it isn't there. I go to the gym, I'm physically active, I run my own business and now I am reduced to this again. It all started when I got home from vacation, I got sick had to go on a Zpak and was bed ridden for 5 days.. The anxiety and panic started and it's morphed into several things, full blown panic that's subsided (for now) depersonalization (faded somewhat) and now the hyperventilation a day everyday. I see a CBT therapist once and awhile, I started 3 years ago when I had my last big break down...she helped but I feel like also what can be done NOW? Like is there a distraction out there I haven't tried? I have not taken meds as I'm pretty stubborn I feel like if they don't work I'll just go off the deep end. I don't know, it's summer and I just want my life back. I've beaten this before for years but this time it feels like my life is over. The only peace I get is the wee minutes before going to sleep because I know it's all going to stop until I wake up again. Man this sucks.
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lisa56198 Badluckj
I wish I could help you. Have you been checked as to whether you have silent reflux? Until I was diagnosed I was constantly over breathing. See if you can get your hands on some Ativan. Although hard to get someone to prescribe it. It caused a strange sensation in my throat that caused me to over breath.
Stuie1234 Badluckj
I'm really struggling with the over breathing too I've had it on and off for around 7 or 8 years now and it can last weeks at a time. I think it's a state of mind and a response to stress and unhappiness seeing I've never had a girlfriend, no friends or a job and I worry about my future as I've only got my parents. It can bring on panic attacks too.
noel1174 Badluckj
I am so glad that I found this forum. I have been suffering from lightheadedness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and tightness in my chest for almost a year. Last summer I went to the ER twice because I thought I was having a heart attack. Doctors did not find anything wrong with my heart, my blood, blood pressure, or thyroid. They did all kinds of tests on me and everything came normal.. I thought that maybe it was my blood sugar, or my inner ear. I have done so much research that I just became frustrated. But I found this site. I kept having lightheadedness to the point that I thought I would faint. But now I am almost convinced that it is due to hyperventilation. I do suffer from anxiety and I am always tense. It is hard for me to relax during the day.. but I’m doing yoga, meditation, and some exercise. So far taking slow breaths have helped and I hope it will continue to help. I was prescribed to take an anti-anxiety medication, but I am afraid of discontinuing it. Does anybody have a similar experience? I would like to hear from other people's stories. Thanks .
Breathhelp Badluckj
Hello Badluck,
Are you still suffering Hyperventilating?
What did you do the first couple times that made it temporarily go away? Did you just ignore it and it went away? Breathing exercise? Medication?
when you say hyperventilating, do you mean over breathing like the out of breath feeling you get after climbing a tall hill or do you mean air hunger like you cant breath in a full deep breath?
I'm on an antidepressant that's stopped my tightness in my throat. It also really helped my shaking, headaches, dizziness. But its my out of breathing feeling thats constant that Im trying to stop