Chronic lower back pain and thigh/hip pain

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does anyone have any remedy that helps with chronic lower back pain accompanied by thigh and hip pain.  I've visited several Drs had blood tests physiotherapy all with no improvement.  I don't want to use pain relief every day so would welcome any alternative suggestions that anyone has that have worked ? Unfortunately on the NHS you don't seem to get referred to back specialist.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, does it feel like muscle pain in your back? I've been experiencing this for ages now although not particularly bad but it's almost always there especially if I stand up for a long period. I started running 3 years ago and noticed that my pain improves with exercise. I was talking to my friend recently and she told me how her boyfriend has suffered with the same thing for ages until someone suggested that he might have very tight gluteus maximus? muscles. It's definitely worth a look beacuse since I've reserached it I think this is what is causing my issue. 

    ?Sorry if that's not relevant but felt it was worth mentioning as it's often overlooked.

    I hope you get it sorted x

    • Posted

      Thanks Jo. I may have to re start the exercising again to see if it improves any!
  • Posted

    Hi, I've had some success and relief from lower back pain and shoulder/neck with a chiropractor. It's weird but it seems to work. Unfortunately we have to pay for this in the UK. Hope you find relief soon. I also take a rosehip supplement which is said to be good for joints.

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      Hi Maisie I've tried many different supplements but none have helped so far does the rose hip help you?

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      Hi Amber. Well something has helped my knee pain. I upped the dose when I began getting pain in my knee when using stairs. It is much better now.

      At the moment I have a burning pain at the top of my hip so I'm trying to maintain a good posture (I lean on one leg when standing), holiday soon so hope swimming will help. I got myself a good armchair to help me sit upright and stop leaning to the side on the sofa. All bad habits! Pilates helps me too. 

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      I know what you mean with bad habit I also sit on sofa with knees to one side which doesn't help may have to try sitting upright on a hard chair as the comfy sofa plays havoc. Just wish it would all go away for goodbiggrin

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    I had this a few years ago.. Thought it was my mattress, the eliptical, etc....   I was sent to physical therapy and started strengthing the hip area...  Things are good now.  I swim too which could help.  
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      You could be right, I did try swimming on holiday and it seemed to help the aching thigh muscles but I've stopped Since came home, will start again!

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      The elliptical is a piece of exercise equipment that I was using...  I really believe that the exercises to strengthen the area and water fitness classes helped a  wole lot!!   I remember that my back hurt as well--it's all connected....   I still sleep with a pillow in between my knees and squeeze it often (that was one exercises).  

    • Posted

      Ah. The elliptical like a cross trainer type of thing? I also use the pillow between knees it helped a lot at first but not seeing so much benefit now maybe I'm getting used to it.

  • Posted

    Hi Amber

    I have just signed up for Aqua Physio, it is expensive but the pool is heated to 34 degrees, they are all quilified physio therepists & hopefully they will show me the correct exercise's to help my back pain!

    • Posted

      Hi barbera that sounds great don't think there such a thing in my area, I used to do aqua aerobics if that's similar?  Be sure to pm me if you have any improvement!

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