Chronic Nausea and upper abdominal pain/discomfort for last 5 months, no treatments working?
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I am a 25 year old male, about mid june i believe i got food poisoning, immediately after lunch I had severe discomfort in my upper abdomen, was nauseous, and felt like i was going to blackout. a few days later I started vomiting and that lasted about 3 weeks, in that period I lost 27 pounds, I have now been able to eat and keep stuff down, so about a month after I put the weight back on. Ever since then I am constantly nauseous everyday, almost all day along with discomfort in my upper abdomen, and sometimes in random places around my stomach. I feel full almost all the time, discomfort after eating, and feel like im starving at random times, and sometimes feels like i get backed up near my chest when i eat I cannot function, and have been working from home the past 4 months. Anti Nausea medication does nothing, Hyposicamine does nothing, anti-biotics for 3 days did nothing, I have no life and feel like im going crazy I am starting to feel like I am going crazy. I was diagnosed with Post-Infectious IBS, but I really don't think that is the correct diagnosis, as I don't believe constant symptoms every single day, all day for the past 4-5 months is IBS.
My C-reactive proteins at one point were at 16.8, and a test reported swollen lymphnodes somewhere in my stomach but never found an infection.
has anyone had anything similar and was it cured?
Tests I have had:
- Barium Swallow
- Stool Samples for Parasitic Infections
- H. Pylori
- HIDA Scan
- Endoscopy
- Blood tests
-Chronic Nausea
-Chronic Stomach discomfort
- High C-Reactive proteins
- Feeling of fullness at almost all times
- Occassional feeling of starving, almost like a hole in my stomach
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pippa58442 kjmo56
If all your tests have been negative and you have bowel habit change, accept your diagnosis of post infectious IBS because IBS can give you constant, daily symptoms for months. When my IBS started, I had constant, daily symptoms for three and a half months. Trust your doctor, because he is the expert and ask for a different antispasmodic; sometimes you have to try several.
scottio19 kjmo56
i feel your pain. My advice is if it doesnt seem like IBS or you arent happy with that answer then keep searching for an answer because your health is all important. Many use IBS as a last resort when they cant see anything else and ran test, I have been in severe discomfort for 7-8 months and they tried that with me after a few weeks, it was rubbish.
Have you had a CT scan or MRI? Pancreas and Gallbladder can cause your symptoms especially upper pain and changes in bowel. i had to go through 4 specialists before someone actually helped me. Trust your body
kjmo56 scottio19
Thank you for the advise Scottio,
I have had a CT scan which showed enlarged lymphnodes in my stomach, have not had an MRI. My next test is a SIBO test, so hopefully that shows up with something.
pancreatit38902 scottio19
From someone with both pancreatitis and gallbladder issues, I find it extremely unlikely to be pancreatitis. If it was he would not be on here writing, he would be in hospital getting hooked up to morphine.
Gallbladder issues less so but any half decent Dr would do murphy's sign and suspect Gallbladder issues if so.
scottio19 pancreatit38902
You should know then that its all dependant on the severity of the damage to the pancreas. Its simply not the case that pancreas problems cause the kind of pain you describe, it can and often does but doesnt always and i know first hand.
Someone who doesnt produce enough pancreatic enzymes can suffer from stomach issues , weight loss and bowel problems for example without the intense pain.
Problems with the pancreas are not limited to Pancreatitis
Sarah9612 kjmo56
Try taking Domperidone before meal because that's what I took before or everytime I feel nausea it's effective though.
pancreatit38902 kjmo56
After I had food poisoning I constantly felt sick, was put on lansoprazole which didn't work but I ended up throwing up quite a lot of white foam, ever since then I haven't really felt sick since. A couple of times but nothing like before. No anti sickness medication was working for me either. I don't know if it was the medication that made me throw up the white foam but yeah.
My Dr suspected GERD despite not having heartburn etc, maybe you have GERD ?