Chronic nausea for over a year, anyone have similar symptoms?
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yello everybody! so I decided that trying to type every detail that happened in the past year would be too much, so I'm just going to copy and paste a written health history below 😂 Please let me know if any of y'all have/had similar issues! (warning this is going to be a LENGTHY post)
February 2018:
- Got severe stomach flu or food poisoning
- Had diarrhea and vomited around 20 times (straight bile)
Mid May 2018 (123 lbs):
- Received yellow fever vaccine and live typhoid vaccine
- Typhoid vaccine caused a pretty bad abdominal cramping
- Went to grad parties and noticed some nausea and fullness when eating food, but nothing of concern
- May 26th: Morning of grad party, felt super light-headed suddenly, had to lay down
- Rest of day was fine, ate a lot of food
- May 27th: woke up and felt nauseous. Had to lay down and deep breath for 1 hour to get rid of nausea. Almost ended up not going to graduation.
- Felt normal during commencement
- When leaving commencement, felt fatigue and burning in stomach
- During dinner at restaurant, no appetite and had early satiety
- Week leading up to Uganda trip: loss of appetite persisted leading up to Uganda trip.
- PCC recommended taking Zantac, which helped with burning sensation, but produced a lot of stomach bloating and gas.
- Didn’t eat solid food for that week besides some crackers
- Would wake up and have an urgent need to go to bathroom
- After/during BMs, would be nauseous from the cramping and lightheaded
- Felt terrible the morning of the Uganda trip; woke up and couldn’t burp out gas that was trapped in stomach
Early June 2018 (115 lbs)
- Attempted gluten free diet
- Visited PCC again, and switched to Prilosec
- H. pylori test: negative
- Liver function: normal
- Felt better one day and went to a grad party
- Ate pizza, chocolate cake, nachos, and felt light-headed and somewhat fatigued afterwards. Someone told me I was very pale. After hanging out with people later that night, got very bad headache and felt very nauseous.
First major nausea-attack:
- Ate out and had fried chicken strips and fried; wasn’t very hungry, brought leftovers home
- Ate some leftovers at home and made myself very full
- Tried some chinese herbal medicine (small pills)
- Became extremely nauseous and was very close to vomiting (lasted about an hour)
- Heart racing, numb lips and limbs, couldn’t breath in all the way
** Nausea attacks happened often, even after eating ‘safe’ foods like porridge.
- Bloating/stomach gas: started having to burp very often
- Very early satiety
- Had to burp after eating every spoonful of food
July 2018 (110 lbs)
- Went on trip to China
- Ate gluten again
- Appetite came back temporarily, ate a lot of food. Stomach condition declined fast.
- IBS like symptoms in morning
- Extreme stomach bloating, stubborn stomach gas (would have to stay up until 3 am trying to burp out gas)
-‘Foamy’ stomach feeling
- Nausea attacks
Medicine tried:
Domperidone: gave me dry and foamy mouth
Slippery elm: taste made me nauseous
TCM: tasted terrible, didn’t help appetite (for spleen)
Digestive enzymes (pepsin): stomach ache
Stopped at SF on way back. Everything I ate gave me a stomach ache, felt like food poisoning
Back at home, started taking chinese herbal medicine, first time appetite reappeared
Stomach still wasn’t perfect, but I wanted to eat again
August 2018:
- Upper GI endoscopy: normal
- Cut out gluten
- Fatigue started again, seems to appear 30 min after eating
San Diego trip:
- Decent appetite, but still got stomach aches after eating certain things
- On plane ride home, had terrible burning ache
September 2018 (104 lbs)
Headed off to college
Major nausea attack: ate at pho place, ate one bite that sent me over the edge
Became extremely nauseous and bloated and was close to vomiting
Had to walk around hotel for an hour or two
College starts:
- Cut out dairy and on strict gluten free diet
- Appetite got a lot better, could eat regular food in small portions
- Started tracking macronutrients, prioritizing protein
- Became ~wary~ of food poisoning and stomach flu
Fall Quarter:
- Went to GI and diagnosed with gastroparesis
- Continued having nausea attacks
Winter Break:
- Vacation to Cancun
- Stomach was okay for first couple of days
- One day at dinner, after a bite of food, I felt stubborn gas moving in stomach
- Became nauseous
- Started burping up acid even on an empty stomach
- Started getting very nauseous and fatigued at night
- After getting back from cancun, fatigue and dizziness persisted
- Headaches and extreme fatigue began
- Discovered that laying on left side made upper abdomen gurgle, which provided some relief
Winter Quarter:
- Overeating became a problem for me
- I was accustomed to eating when not hungry, so not sure when to stop eating. Would often eat until felt sick.
- Cooked a lot
- Started going to gym to gain strength back
- At this point, weight was back up to around 110-115 lbs
- Gastric emptying study: normal
- Sensitivity to light and headaches easily
- Started getting dull pulsing pain under rib cage on left side
- During respiratory illness, stomach condition would decline
- Felt like swallowing too much air
- Appetite disappeared
- Bloated easily and regurgitation
Spring Quarter:
- Heavy course load, so stopped working out
- New medication: iberogast, seemed to help me burp more
- Started getting bad scalp dermatitis flareup (could it be related?)
Emergency room situation:
One night, felt cramping all along the right side of abdomen (cramps that you get after running after eating
Couldn’t find a comfortable position to sleep in, felt like pulled muscle
-Next day, had sharp shooting pains starting at ribcage and traveling down to lower right abdomen
Went to urgent care suspicious of appendicitis
Sent to ER, took labs, everything normal, sent home
Day after, sitting in library and started getting what felt like gas pain in upper abdomen
Started getting worse, left library but couldn’t stand up straight or walk too far
Went to ER
Pelvic exam: normal
Labs: nothing significant
CT scan: minor intrahepatic duct dilation and slightly inflamed pancreas
Continued having very vague shooting pains, not as intense, not as often
Summer 2019
- Stomach iffy first few days, but got better
- Feel pressure of something on throat, can’t pinpoint
- Started eating a lot of vegetables and fruits (didn’t eat much during school year)
- At first, only had bad gas from things like onions, apples, etc
- One night, overate frozen grapes. Next morning, flareup began
- Not hungry at all, no room in stomach
- Big aggressive gurgling, no relief of pressure
- Random strikes of nausea, felt in bottom of throat
- After eating, rolling fist sensation under rib cage on right side, sometimes left
- Burning came back
- Shooting pain sometimes at night, gets worse when breathing out
- Acid burps
- All foods seem to cause indigestion, including safe foods
- Took digestive enzyme for dinner, and had really bad burning, pressure, and nausea at night
Current health status:
- Missing menstruation (had last regular period in August 2018, and had one in December 2018
- Weight stable between 110-116 lbs
- Have flareups with unknown trigger
- Reintroducing gluten (soy sauce, etc)
- Limiting fructose and sucrose
- Taking herbal stomach medicine for appetite (although this doesn’t do anything during flareups) and occasionally iberogast
- Symptoms
- Random sharp pains in upper abdomen, sometimes traveling down to lower abd.
- Constant burping, more frequent after eating
- Building pressure in upper right abdomen that produces very loud gurgling that relieves pressure
- regurgitation and acid burps
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waffenamp susgallbladder
I had very similar symptoms "burning, nausea" after I made myself puke 8 months ago. Symptoms turned into ulcer like functional dyspepsia as doctor said I had a normal endoscopy. I cured my nausea by taking 2 drops of peppermint oil a day for a few weeks nausea disappeared. Although it didn't do much for the burning.
mary19068 susgallbladder
Hi susgallblad
Have you had blood tests to check your vitamins and minerals such as vit d and B12 to name a few. You need to get them checked via a full blood count. Specifically ask for vit d and B12 to be tested...low levels can cause digestion problems..
CTh susgallbladder
Hi, I couldn't read it all, but I had similar problems and turned my diet upside down. STRICT GLUTEN AND DAIRY free and I eat just healthy - plus no coffee, no alcohol (has too much acid) , rarely meet (because it's too hard to digest) and drink looots of water!
I also eat small portions..
I feel great now!
Hope this helps.
lester90053 susgallbladder
Hope you get well enough to write the next chapter.