chronic osteomyelitis amputated foot 33yr old woman
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Hi guys I'm Jenny I'm 33 and I have just been diagnosed with chronic osteomyelitis in my ankle joint - cuboid and foot.
I'll start at the beginning. 5 years ago dropping my daughter off at preschool a child ran over my ankle on a pushbike. I heard a crunch but as I could walk I just got on with it. Since then my foot and ankle swelled a few times a year and caused me severe pain. I went to A and E each time and was misdiagnosed with a sprain, then eventually told "well its not broken, so it must be a muscle injury go home and rest". This went on for 4 years and atleast 20 A and E visits. Finally, after a particularly bad episode where I was left unable to walk for 3 months - I was crawling around my house - I developed golf ball sized black cysts on the swollen foot. I returned to A and E - the previous week they had told me to go home yet again and not too come back because it wasn't broken and there was nothing more they could do! - anyway I returned, they said it was infected and operated striaght away. My foot was black, half of it was dead from the infection.
They debridged the bone and cut away alot of dead bone. Then told me I had chronic osteomyelitis. I have a huge whole in my ankle bone that they packed - it was agony each time they pushed anything into the whole, I screamed the hospital down despite being given morphione it just didnt touch it. Waking up was awful after the operation I was in so much pain they gave me ketamin which was the only thing that helped, but not for long. Anyway, I was sent home after 2 weeks in hospital. I had daily antibiotic injections that made me really sick and a nurse who came daily to change my wound dressing and pack the wound - god how I dreaded that visit. After 10weeks I could limp about but my foot is still numb most of the time and grey and cold. It doesnt react to temperature and I still cant walk on it due to the pain.
After more tests and an MRI they have now told me they can't treat it because the infection is so bad my foot is riddled with it. The only option is amputation of my foot, or too live with it. I can't live with it, I'm in constant agony. Despite the fact that it can't be healthy living with an infected limb, I worry about it travelling up my leg and having to loose the whole leg. The pain has shifted slightly towards my ankle confirming what the surgeon told me, that the infection has spread throughout my foot and ankle. At the best of times I have a constant dull aching throb and can't put weight on it for more than 1 minute. At the worst I'm screaming in agony. Pain killers seem to do nothing. I now work nights to try and reduce the amount of time standing but even this is getting hard to do.
I'm 33 years old with a 7 year old child that I can't take ice skating, out for a walk or even sit and watch a film with - it hurts more when down on the floor. If they'd have taken me seriously to start with my prognosis would have been so much better. I've decided to let them amputate it, atleast I will have a better quality of life and some mobility which I don't have now. Plus hopefully the infection can't come back if they cut it off?
Itd be great to hear from anyone whose been through this? I'm told its really rare but when I googled my symptoms on the NHS website the advice said to get a test for infection. Something I was never offered in 5 years of presenting with the same symptoms.
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osteomyelitisarmboy jennyjuniper
Amputation i''ve discovered is quite common with this disease especially as it's so difficult to clean out the joints.
Sorry i can't talk more at this second because i'm at work, but i'm here for you just message me and i'll always get back to you.
jennyjuniper osteomyelitisarmboy
osteomyelitisarmboy jennyjuniper
I was on tramadol and a herb plant, begins with the letter C... I know it's wrong of me to point this out but that plant was 100x better than oramorph AND tramadol together!
I believe i contracted this infection from a 1cm cut on my finger it can come from anywhere. My consultant said determining where it came from is pointless, it could be anything, treating it is all that matters and you too will be out of the woods eventually, i know it.
jennyjuniper osteomyelitisarmboy
I've also just started gabapentin, which may or may not work I'm not too sure yet. I'm just mainly worried because no-one seems in a hurry to operate - they've told me I will need either an amputation or possibly several surgeries to TRY and repair the ankle using healthy bone - but they arent keen on this option. If I need an amputation then it must be a risk having an infected limb but I havent got a meeting with the surgeons until March
plus I feel crappy again. I'm having my bloods redone but last time they showed okay (ish) yet i felt terrible so I dont know that its an accurate test. The pain is really getting me down. I'm switching to a vegan plant based diet and quitting smoking so I'm hoping that will help. It gives me hope that your all recovered and back at work, I feel like its going to be a long road but my work are supportive which is nice. Money wise did you get any support when off sick? I get sick pay but its about half my regular wage so I'm hoping there might be something to top it up, unlikely though i guess. Thanks again jenny
donna68767 jennyjuniper
jennyjuniper donna68767
I asked the GP to explain my condition and she said she couldnt, that I had to talk to the specialist - I dont even have a specialist! I'm meeting lots of clinicians in March but as of now I am still under the orthopoedic doctor as its located in my foot - surely I should be under an infection specialist though? Who do you see?
thankyou for your reply and I really hope things are okay infection wise for you - I think we know our own bodies and we know when something is wrong. I still don't understand why neither of us was given a test for infection and why they seem to be dragging their feet in terms of treatment. Do you find certain things make it flare up? mine is worse in cold weather and if I have a drink - which I dont because of pain meds anyway now. I asked my GP to explain what osteomyelitis is exactly and why mine is chronic and not acute and she said she couldnt, that she didnt know what it was
wishing you all the best jenny x
donna68767 jennyjuniper
jennyjuniper donna68767
donna68767 jennyjuniper
jennyjuniper donna68767
Plus you'd think they'd rather be safe than sorry but given previous history maybe not! I just feel like no-one wants to treat me, probably because its so RARE lol
Good luck with everything I wish you all the best do stay in touch and we can share experiences, two heads are better than one and all that...fancy being so close I've only spoke to Mike on here and one other person in USA as well xx
ROBIN1964 jennyjuniper
I don't have anyone to talk to about the pain I have because people just don't understand.
donaldb jennyjuniper
leslie26372 jennyjuniper