Chronic pain and mental changes after childhood orchiopexy
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Hello everyone,
I would be grateful if anyone could tackle my case.
When I was 11 years old I had an orchiopexy surgery at a central london hospital to bring down my left testicle that was stuck in the upper groin near the abdomen. To date I do not know whether I was born with it or if it went up - though I think it had come down before. The operation was said to be successful and I was discharged and never seen again.
I have had chronic pain and discomfort in that area since the surgery, which occured nearly 12 years ago. The pain varies in nature and can sometimes appear to be a burning sensation, whilst at other times can be a dull like pain. There are various sensations and pains in my scrotum often affecting both testicles. Whilst the right side flows like a river, the left side has always felt somewhat disconnected, from the scrotum up to the groin. It also feels like the testicles are never their full size.
The other part I would like to touch on is quite serious. Prior to this surgery I was a very active, hot blooded kid. Afterwards, I seemed to have changed as a person, becoming very fearful and depressive. I was picked on often, and although I always wanted to fight back, it was as though my body would no longer listen. In my later years, I would develop an anxiety disorder and have had several 'breakdowns' along the way. All the while, I always had testicular pain but was too embarrassed to see anyone.
After over a decade I finally had an ultrasound of my scrotum which it showed nothing wrong. The urologist had no idea and speculated that it might be nerve pain, which is something I have difficulty believing, given the various nature of the pain and the constant changes in the entire scrotum. He also mentioned that the operated testicle does not produce alot.
I will also add that when I tense the muscles of the groin and push them down with my hand on the left side, the left testicle will sometimes feel better.
Could anyone possibly have any advice on what the problem may be, and what course of action I should take?
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PVP-ouch woundeddog
Sorry you find yourself in pain in the groin area. It really is horrible there.
I wouldn't be too quick in disbelieving and writing off the possibility it's nerve related.
The area in question is jam packed with nerve endings and each one can be / is susceptible to damage resulting in pain. Pain can be localised or appear further away from where you'd expect the pain site to be.
Nerve pain can also come in many different forms, piercing pain, wave of pain, wave of dull aches, intermittent pain...and more variations upon a theme.
If consultant thought it may be nerve related then you can always ask your Dr to prescribe appropriate medication. It may not work but then what have you got to lose ? It'll cost you time to go Drs and cost of meds. If meds work then a bargain so to speak.
You might have to play around, via Dr, with differing meds to find the one / combination that helps ease or lose the pain. Meds can take time to build up to the effective dose.
When your body has lots of pain to deal with it can alter your responses in so many different ways, sometimes consciously others not.
The old flight our fight response may very well change to avoid any possibility of increased out further pain.
Libido can take a hit as well as, again, pain causes, or can cause, problems with automatic responses. So if your deep mind and body feel sex will hurt you won't fancy it so often.
Both above very broad brush strokes bit I'm sure you'll get the idea.
I know how debilitating long term pain in the testicles and groin can feel and you have my sympathy.
So get yourself to Drs, perhaps ask for new ultrasound given time past since last one, inform him of what consultant had said and try to explain pain to Dr with view towards treatment with drugs designed to combat nerve pain.
Hope things improve for your
woundeddog PVP-ouch
Thank you very much for your response. I think you and the urologist may be right in that nerve pain seems like the likely explanation.
When I look back, after the operation I was always incredibly scared of anything coming into contact with the operated testicle, and would often go to sleep with my left hand covering it in defense. I guess this sounds like a nerve pain problem.
I do believe that the pain affected me greatly during my teen years. It's still there now but I've become very hardened to it, though I would still be over the moon if I could get rid of it somehow.
I will definately speak to my GP soon regarding meds or injections.
Once again, thank you.
Bustergonad woundeddog
I'd agree with Marc, nerve damage is quite likely and definately worth pursuing with your GP.
If your urologist can't find a solution push for a referal to a pain management clinic.
I'm down to have a series of nerve block injections for testicle & groin pain this Friday after 3 operations have left me with very similar pain as you describe.
My problems stem from (I feel) a bit of a mess of the 1st op, but either way, as Marc says, it's very easy to snag nerves during an op down there, or trap nerves in scar tissue.
Hope you get somewhere soon
woundeddog Bustergonad
Thank you very much for the response. I am definately going to persue this further with my GP.
3 operations sounds very harsh. I have all this pain from only one op, which I've been told takes about 30 mins to do. Could you describe the kinds of pain you get?
Best of luck with the nerve injections. Let us know if they bring you relief.
Bustergonad woundeddog
Thought I'd report back after things had settled down after my jabs before letting you know how it's gone.
I was given bilateral Inguinal nerve blocks and bilateral spermatic cord nerve blocks and pleased to report a noticeable drop in pain. From a pretty consistent 6 to about 2 right now.
I'm not sure if the combination of the two was aimed at my testicle pain, or if each type was to target the two types of pain I get, but it's worked really well with the testicle pain, not quite so with my wound sites.
So it's quite possible woundeddog there's a precedure there that might give you some relief. It is a tempory thing but definately worth mentioning to your GP / urologist to see if they could offer it.
Best of luck
Bustergonad woundeddog
Yeah, when you get on first name terms with the nurse on admissions you know you spend too much time there, lol.
My 1st op was testiclular cyst removal, the badly performed one. The 2nd was another go by the head consultant and the 3rd was laparoscopic bilateral varicocelectomy.
The entry wound port sites on my grion of the laparoscopy give me a tearing, burning pain about 75% of the time. My pain consultant is confident this is a nerve that's been nipped when they made the incission, quite common.
The testicle pain I've been left with (mainly after the 1st op, the others have not made it worse. I'd even say I had less after the 2nd op when he cleared some excess scar tissue away) is generally a fairly consistent pain like being stabbed with a red hot needle.
When it's a bad day this is combined with the sharp, burning pain you get if you hit your thumb with a hammer. When that sensation goes it leaves a heavy, dull ache. Like having a bad headache in your testicles.
Maybe this is similar to your pain? If so I'd certainly say nerve damage is sounding very possible.
I'll report back how the injections go.