Chronic pancreatitis

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I have had stomach issues for over three years. Doctors thought I had here all this time. I have been a moderate drinker over the years. I have had multiple endoscopies, esophageal manometry, 24 hour ph test revealed that I do not have gerd. I have had numerous cat scans from 2014 until May 2017 that show a normal pancreas, liver, spleen etc. However I still have chronic epigastric pain for 6 months and bowel movements that range from normal to diarrhea all in a day. I am at my wits end going to different doctors and emergency rooms. My amylase and losses are either very slightly elevated or normal. I don't know what to do. I went from exercising daily to finding it difficult to work.Any input? I am getting finally scheduled for EUS

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    A fecal/stool elastase test can help reveal if you have chronic pancreatitis. It's non invasive and cheap!

    • Posted

      Hi Jamie Thank you so much for replying. How are you coping with this? My ultrasound and ct scans are normal yet I still have all these symptoms. When were you diagnosed and what method did they use?
    • Posted

      Hi Jamie I am new to all this. Thanks for replying. Do you live in the US?
    • Posted

      I do live in the US. I've not been diagnosed with anything yet. I'm currently being worked up and haven't seen GI yet. I'm a dietitian by trade and I know it's one of the tests that they use to determine chronic pancreatitis.

  • Posted

    Hi lotus15549

    Since you have had all the tests you can have and it is showing nothing untoward.....i know this sounds a bit odd because i thought it odd too when i read about it.....have you had your Vit D tested..if you have low Vit D it causes gastro 'Gastro problems and Vit D deficiency'......hope this may wishes..

  • Posted

    What is a EUS?
    • Posted

      Hi nancy76309

      I would say the US is ultrasound i don't know what the E represents....

    • Posted

      Yes doctors did mention I be. Waiting for more exams and struggling with pain while trying to work and care for my family. We are all at wits end with this.
    • Posted

      Endoscopic ultrasound it's like and endoscopy but has ultrasound attached so they can get high definition images of the pancreas from inside the stomach. Doctors suggested this when I mentioned pancreatitis suspicion. I am so scared.

  • Posted

    Hi lotus15549

    I re-read your post again and noticed that you once exercised everyday....regular intense exercise can cause digestive problems by stressing the adrenals which in turn will release high levels of cortisol wich will cause digestive problems and pain. As well as getting your Vit D levels checked get your cortisol levels checked wishes...

    • Posted

      Wow I did see something about working out and pancreatitis on the web.
  • Posted

    I'm actually being worked up for median arcuate ligament syndrome (MALS). Google it....see if your symptoms could be due to it?

    • Posted

      Hi jamie,

      I googled it and I am not sure I got the right syndrome. I had to call in sick at work today as pain woke me up. I changed gastro doctor and I was finally given a fecal test for elastase today. I am very nervous about results. Guess it will take a few days and I will know my date. How do you cope with daily life with such illness? I don't have energy for the gym anymore. I find myself thinking about illness and reading about it 24/7 and becoming white depressed. I cry a lot. The doctor read one of my ct scans and said infection and wants to do and extended endoscopy. I asked about endoscopy with ultrasound for suspected chronic pancreatitis. She said she doesn't think it's that but just about all my symptoms got the criteria.

    • Posted

      I live in New York . So many different places to chose from. Hope I can get some answers at last. I am suspecting i have been like this for about three years and just in Nov 2016 pain came and didn't leave.

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