Chronic Prostatis flare up?
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Hi, I am suffering with Chronic Prostatis diagnosed by a Urologist .
for the first time in ages all this week I felt a LOT better but today woke up with stomach ache and aching testicles.feeling slightly sick.
is this the usual thing to happen ok all week and now feeling rough.
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Dudley71081 Surfer21
In not knowing any other relevant medical detail additional to the two symptoms you mention, it would be impossible for anyone to guess with any accuracy, the likely reasons for your current discomfort.
If I were In your position however, I would be trying to see a Medical Practitioner as soon as possible to try and work things out and in the meantime, keeping well hydrated.
I hope it is nothing too dramatic and wish you all the best.
Surfer21 Dudley71081
i have had this pain in testicles, stomache ache,urgency and peeing a lot ,my Dr sent me for a ultrasound which showed cysts on the testicles and I was told this is common and should not cause me any pain.
after taking all the various antibiotics for this condition they did not work though sometimes while taking them the pain seemed to ease off.
i recently seen a urologist and he told me I have Chronic Prostatis and to only have decaffe tea and coffee,I don't drink alcohol as I understand it makes things worse.
i am taking Pregabalin and amiltripline .
as I said last week things eased right off BUT yesterday woke up with aching belly and aching testicles.
i have had this now for 3 Years.Thanks
Dudley71081 Surfer21
I looked up the two drugs you mentioned and ( was not particularly surprised to learn that ) either medication could on its own cause the symptoms you are experiencing and age is a multiplying factor. In your shoes, I'd be starting staged/supervised withdrawal now ... and bugger the euphoria !
With kind regards
kenneth1955 Surfer21
Surfer21 kenneth1955
i was given all the antibiotics going and they did not work.
as I said I had a really good week then yesterday BANG it was back.
thanks for replying.
kevtorecover Surfer21
Sorry to hear of your discomfort it's all to familiar with this unpretictable condition. Have you read the book a headache in the pelvis it gives a whole new view and thought process to CPPS. Urologists look at antibiotics and surgery the book sees it a very different way. Trigger points, exercise, relaxation and mind set. It's all about repairing the pelvic floor and the book gives practable ideas on how to go about it. It won't be a quick fix but has changed the way i deal and treat my CCPS.
I hope this helps.
Surfer21 kevtorecover
any further advice I welcome.Thank You