Chronic Retention of Urine - Enlarged Prostate
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Hi Guys,
New to the forum. Was catheterised due to retention of urine on 23 Jul 14
because of an enlarged prostate. I am 62 yrs of age, I am not happy to have the catheter on, but I have been told that it needs to stay in till I have my Turp operation.
I have been on the "waiting list" for almost 7 weeks, it seems strange to me that no priority is given to those on catheters.
It could be a while till I have my operation, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can go about getting this operation on the NHS quicker rather than later?
And any views would be appreciated on the newer treatment called "Greenlight Laser".
Kind Regards
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howard50192 Tinytim24
just to up date you all I went to A&E tonight had a foley fitted it got rid of 1500ml of urine.
they gave me a blood check ( kidneys are ok ).
they sent me home with a goody bag full of bags ( well 1 leg bag and 10 night bags + 2 leg straps) aren't I a lucky one. I was told to phone up the urologist secretary to let her know ( he said that if he did it I might have things set back as it might go to another urologist.
so boys welcome me to the
derek76 howard50192
One of the leg bags proved porous and started to leak. Just as well that I was near home when it happened. I contacted the makers who asked me to return it with the batch number. They then sent me a large supply.
howard50192 derek76
I so did not want to end up with another foley ( but these things happen )
I'll be glad to get this all over with.
kind regards
david91143 howard50192
They gave me two leg bags and one night bag - to last two weeks. I an supposed to use the one leg back for a week then change to the other. I was advised to wash the night bag. i have to connect the night bag to the leg bag for night use so I guess that's why I have only one night bag. Sometimes, so that I can move freely in bed, i get up about 4 in the morning and disconnect the night bag. By then it has some 400 ml in it and then on the leg bag hardly fills until I get up properly.
Good luck with your consultation
francis41237 howard50192
howard50192 francis41237
although having this thing in is not nice I must say that I had a good nights sleep as I did not have to get up every hour.
The doctor did say at the A&E that he thought I might also have bladder problems and need it to be trained after the OP.
He also asked when I was due for surgery I said " how long is an elastic band" he laughed and said " yes the lists do stretch".
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Well Done, it is great news that all is well with your kidneys.
In you next few days try and get some flip-flo catheter valves, much more comfortable than leg bags.
Best Wishes
david91143 Tinytim24
Tinytim24 david91143
That's fine, I was on a bag for about a week, then I was told about the flip-flo valve and I have used then since (24/7).
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Good news, I'm happy that you in better shape now, hopefully you have your op at the end of Oct. I'm 11 weeks tomorrow with the foley in. Should get it changed in the next 7 days, hopefully I will get a experienced district nurse when the time comes.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
Get them to take it out slowly as when they took my first one out (it was in for 7 weeks ) it had a build up of crystals on the top which were jagged.
the out come was that they scored the uretha on the way out which made me bleed and was very sore, the crystals were also beging to block the
drain holes which explained why I was not draining as fast as when it was first put in.
I hope all goes well for you.
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Thanks for the tip Hopefully the District Nurse will be well experienced,
but I will tell her to take it very slowly. Had foley in for exactly 11 weeks today, should get a call anytime now.
Kind Regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Just been notified that the District Nurse will pop round tomorrow to exchange the catheter. I have a question for those persons who use a catheter valve (flip-flo) like I do (and have done for 10 of the 11 weeks that I have been catheterised).
I tend to empty the flip-flo around about every 3 hrs or so. The trouble is
"I don't feel the normal urge to void" during that time. Hopefully when I finally have my operation, I hope I will be able to void normally, that is my concern. Anybody who has similar problems like me?,
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Thank you for asking. Had my catheter exchanged around 3pm today. District Nurse did a good job, I was told to relax, which I did, she took the foley out nice and slowly. Foley was clean which was good news, no signs of crystals.
She put a new foley in (Bard is the Manufacture). a bit more painful this time but not too bad. I have had a bit of bleeding since but hopefully that will clear when I next void.
Just feel a bit uncomfortable at the moment with the new foley in place, hopefully that will pass soon and I have my fingers crossed that I will not get a UTI this time.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
anyway brian it's over until the next time ( let's hope you get sorted by then.
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Yes, it was painful when she hit the prostate.
In fact I have just voided (not because I felt the urge) but it has been 4 hrs since I last turned on the Flip-flo.
Still a lot of blood in the urine, hopefully I will be ok tomorrow, I am drinking plenty of fluids to clear it.
Yes, I hope my operation is before the next change, should be?
Are you now on a Flip-flo?
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Hope all is well with you. Best follow the good Doctor's advice. I had the bag on for the first week when I was catheterised.
I went back to the Urology Ward after a week, because I was still bleeding, the Doctor put me on a Flip-flow and gave me some medication to settle my bladder, I was also having bladder spasms at the time.
Since that moment I have use only the Flip-flo 24/7. No bag at all.
Find it more convenient all round, can wear shorts, bike to work etc.
By the way good news this morning, the bleeding has nearly gone and I feel much more comfortable with the new foley in place.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
have more force behind the flow ( mine did due to no partial blockage caused by build up of sediment etc.
kind regards
I'm so glad you are more comfortable.
I had a letter from the hospital yesterday, when I saw NHS on the envelope I thought YES!!! but it was only for day surgery to remove an SCC from my nose.
Tinytim24 howard50192
Thank you for the warning about the bike, better get the wife to take me to work.
Very strange things happening with the new catheter. The last one was much more forceful and straight. With the new one the wee is coming out a lot slower and in different directions all the time, very strange indeed.
Maybe it is because of a different manufacture of the foley?
Like I said when the District Nurse took the last one out, it was quite clean with no crystals. I will drink a bit more today and see if the flow improves?
Sorry to hear about the letter, hopefully not too long now. I am in the same boat, everytime I see the postman or letters hit my doormat, I think this could be it, but not yet so far.
I am hoping for a letter sometime in October, we shall see.
Have a good day.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
or it may be the flip-flow.
kind regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
Can bike riding cause prostatitis? Cycling is great exercise for you, but it can lead to repetitive trauma to your prostate. Riding a bike can cause irritation to the prostate, which can lead to chronic prostatitis or chronic pain similar to chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CPPS). Cycling can also negatively affect your fertility. Only a small number of riders get prostatitis from riding their bikes, but it is good for all male riders to take preventive action and know how to recognize the signs prostatitis.
Tinytim24 howard50192
Good point, I will monitor it for the next 48 hrs, if it still the same, I will give them a call on Monday to come and flush it out.
I take it that you have decided to have a TURP.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Let's hope we both don't have to wait too long for our respective operations and that all goes well for both of us.
Kind Regards
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
Tinytim24 howard50192
I will second that. I will come back to you later in respect of your other question. Have to speak to a lady who knows a lot about catheters (so I am told by a friend on the sme estate as me) She is a District Nurse.
Hopefully I can get hold of her. But yes I agree with you, the catheter needs a flush.
Have a good day.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
I found this an interesting read, it seems the problems we have have been going on for eons.
Catheterisation of the bladder dates back to the 5th century BC and includes such notable names as Hippocrates, Celsus, Soranus, Rufus, Aretaeus and Galen.[16] Catheters were also used in late antiquity and the middle ages.[17] The ancient Egyptians may have used catheters as early as 4000 BC. In the Graeco-Roman era and in the Middle Ages in Europe, S-shaped bronze catheters with one terminal eye were in common use. In the Middle East, these were developed further and by 1013, straight or one-curve catheters made of gold, silver, copper, lead or salve of white lead, with a rounded end and many side holes and a stylet, were the standard instruments.The rubber catheter of Nelaton was invented in 1873. Frederic Eugene Basil Foley (1891-1966) was an American urologist who invented the self-retaining balloon catheter in the 1930s whilst a medical student
francis41237 Tinytim24