Chronic Retention of Urine - Enlarged Prostate
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Hi Guys,
New to the forum. Was catheterised due to retention of urine on 23 Jul 14
because of an enlarged prostate. I am 62 yrs of age, I am not happy to have the catheter on, but I have been told that it needs to stay in till I have my Turp operation.
I have been on the "waiting list" for almost 7 weeks, it seems strange to me that no priority is given to those on catheters.
It could be a while till I have my operation, does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can go about getting this operation on the NHS quicker rather than later?
And any views would be appreciated on the newer treatment called "Greenlight Laser".
Kind Regards
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howard50192 Tinytim24
Important Note: BPH is not prostate cancer, and having BPH doesn't mean a man is more or less likely to get prostate cancer. They are two different diseases. Prostate cancer begins in the outer peripheral zone of the prostate, and grows outward, invading surrounding tissue. BPH begins in an area of the inner prostate called the transition zone, a ring of tissue that makes a natural circle around the urethra. In BPH, the growth is inwardtoward the prostate’s core, constantly tightening around the urethra (the tube that carries urine from the bladder through the prostate to the penis) and interfering with urination. This is why BPH produces such annoying, difficult-to-ignore symptoms—but why prostate cancer is often “silent,” producing no symptoms for months or even years.
The key word here is benign. (The word hyperplasia simply means an increase in the number of cells in the prostate, which causes it to become enlarged.) By itself, an enlarged prostate causes no symptoms and does no harm. If it weren’t for the fact that the prostate encircles the urethra, BPH might never require treatment.
However, one-quarter of men with BPH—more than 350,000 a year in the United States alone—eventually will require treatment, some more than once, to relieve the urinary obstruction BPH causes.
Tinytim24 howard50192
Many thanks for bringing this to the attention of the forum. Good information to have.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
I think if we are honest we all think it maybe the big C, I hope that info
will help ease peoples minds. the growth ( or as the urologist say's " abnormal cells") are located close to the urethra, he picked it up via ultra sound. I could only see haze on the screen. he will be as is always with a TURP be sending the removed tissue to the path lab. and should any cancer cells be found ( which he say's is unlikely) further treatment would be discussed at a later date.
kind regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
derek76 howard50192
I always remember my father in law say of a friend who had prostate cancer. He died screaming in pain and kicking his heels on the floor.
howard50192 derek76
so why call it a disease, ? as if it's some thing you catch from some one else
all men go through the same thing but not all suffer with it.
howard50192 derek76
A disease is a particular abnormal, pathological condition that affects part or all of anorganism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specificsymptoms and signs.[1] It may be caused by factors originally from an external source, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such asautoimmune diseases. In humans, "disease" is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes,
howard50192 Tinytim24
just a thought
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Many thanks for all your emails and the interesting history of the so called foley/catheter, great homework if I may say so.
Just had the District Nurse pop round Howard, she used some BARD OptiFlo Irrigation Solution through the foley, I hope that sorts the problem out with flow etc.
No mail today, 12 weeks tomorrow with the foley in.
Have a good afternoon.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Hope all is well. Yes no more bleeding and the treatment given to me yesterday seems to be working. So many thanks to you.
Bill20925 has posted an e-mail to me (as you are probably aware) at the bottom of the forum. I need to read his posts when I have a minute and come back with a comment. Bill seems to favour the Holep operation.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Yes we both do
. I have read all Bill's emails, I am now going to take the time to reply to him.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
Tinytim24 howard50192
Hope all is well. Any news your end.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
I had a strange thing happen today, I had white muscos stuff come down the foley and pain ful bladder spasms as if the tube was pullin down on the foley.
( I've had the odd small blood clot now and again but nothing like this )
Have you had any thing the same ?
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Sorry to hear this news.
Yes and No. I had some painful bladder spasms when I had the catheter first put in for a period of 5 to 7 days, I went back to the urology ward and was put on medication to calm the bladder down, which worked.
Secondly I have had white mucous come out "every now and then" but not with the bladder pain together.
Maybe you should pop into your urology ward just to check it out, you might have an infection?
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
I hope all is well with you, still no news this end.
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
All well here except my computer is playing up. Any further news on your latest problem? Got quite a bit of post today, got excited when I saw a brown envelope, however it was for the good wife, NHS letter about her hip.
Had a good walk today, maybe I overdone it a bit, feel a bit tired, but got plenty of frest air
Tinytim24 howard50192
All well here except my computer is playing up. Any further news on your latest problem? Got quite a bit of post today, got excited when I saw a brown envelope, however it was for the good wife, NHS letter about her hip.
Had a good walk today, thinking about a fresh approach, maybe I will have a chat with my doctor, to see if he can move things along next week.
Anyway take care Howard, we might get some good news next week
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
Today I've been having sharp pains a bit like sitting on a spike when I bend over sit down or get up from sitting down also tender below the navel.
maybe the foley ( I don't think it's an infection ) and still getting sludge and flecks of blood ( I think it's to do with bladder spasms ).
there you go I had my moan...LOL
it will be interesting to see which one of us geoes for surgery first.
you have had your cath in for 8 weeks and I had one for 7 weeks then 2 weeks without then 2 weeks with this time.
kind regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
You got my date wrong I'm afraid Howard. I was catheterised on 23 Jul 14. Now 12 weeks plus.
Looking forward to the week ahead for hopefully some postive news (mind you I have said that for the last few weeks).
Keep an eye out to what is happening to you Howard, very strange.
Kind Regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Hope you have had a good week. I'm afraid I have picked up another UTI,
got it last friday. Had a bad weekend, picked up a few other bugs as my defence system is pretty low at the moment.
However the last few days I am starting to improve health-wise.
How are things with you?
Kind Regards
Tinytim24 howard50192
Hope you have had a good week. I'm afraid I have picked up another UTI,
got it last friday. Had a bad weekend, picked up a few other bugs as my defence system is pretty low at the moment.
However the last few days I am starting to improve health-wise.
How are things with you?
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
kind regards
PS. any news as to when they will be sorting you.
derek76 howard50192
howard50192 derek76
The day prior to surgery
l You must drink 3 cartons of nutritional supplements (Fresubin)
l These should be sipped slowly over a 4 hour period each to avoid feeling sick (nausea)
If your operation is in the
1. Don’t eat after 12.00 midnight the
night before.
2. Drink water, squash, black tea or
coffee until 6.30 in the morning.
3. One hour before admission ensure
you drink two cartons of ‘pre-op’
(carbohydrate drink), which must be
consumed within 20 minutes
preOp is a Food for Special Medical Purposes for use under medical supervision. preOp is a 0.5kcal/ml, clear, non-carbonated, lemon flavoured, iso-osmolar carbohydrate drink. preOp is designed to switch patients from a fasted to a fed state prior to surgery. It has been shown to moderate metabolic responses to surgery, improve well-being, decrease post-operative insulin resistance and attenuate loss of lean body mass. preOp is presented in a 200ml carton.
· Fresubin® energy drink is suitable as a nutritional supplement or as a sole source of nutrition for patients at risk of malnutrition.Fresubin® energy drink is prescribable on FP10/GP10 for the following indications: short bowel syndrome, intractable malabsorption, pre-operative preparation of patients who are undernourished, patients with proven inflammatory bowel disease, following total gastrectomy, dysphagia, bowel fistulae, disease related malnutrition
derek76 howard50192
howard50192 derek76
derek76 howard50192
Tinytim24 howard50192
Well it is all happening with you Howard, hope it all goes well today with the stitches coming out. Good news with the date for your Turp op. 3 weeks to go, not too long.
No news here as yet, but starting to feel a lot better, just about to go to my surgery to find out results of my urine test and what sort of bug I picked up (it did make me feel pretty bad).
Anyway very pleased for you howard, you can start planning things.
Have a good day.
Kind Regards
howard50192 Tinytim24
I asked the nurse what the drinks were for, by all accounts it's to fill you with vitamins so your body will recover quicker after an opperation,
they do it for all surgical cases down this way.
I hope you are feeling better now (it can be so depressing when you are in pain)
kind regards
PS. 3 weeks and the clock is ticking.
mike48088 Tinytim24
I have had my catheter in for >6 months now and have had intermittent white discharge for all of that time - most often when I defecate. I assume that this is seminal fluid from the prostate which has to go somewhere, so have not worried about it especially since I have been free of UTI since having catheter fitted. Sorry I have not been following these topics for a couple of weeks since Halloween is the deadline for submission of my tax return! Best wishes, Mike
howard50192 mike48088
I also get little flecks of blood also, I put it down to the balloon of the foley rubbing against the bladder causing Trauma, ( I had it bad when the folley
clip supporting the folley came undone and the bag was hanging full weight trying to pull it's self out ( very painful ), I'm sure some one on here can tell us what the sludge is (as the foley drain is above the prostate I can't see it being prostate fluid, ) maybe I'm wrong, either way I hope you will get sorted soon.
kind regards
mike48088 howard50192
I think I must have a different variety of BPH to the rest of you: I do not experience any pain, and, just to test out the pronouncements of one of the urologists quoted on this forum, I tried doing a few press-ups yesterday (with feet on the toilet seat) with no untoward effects! Also, I, too, have not been able to take advantage of Lidocaine for catheter insertion (but for a different reason) but do not find the pain very severe - especially when the District Nurse performs the proceedure quickly. She seems to be very dexterous.
My (second opinion) urologist still wants to perform TURP and lithoplasty, but has offered to refer me to someone in Stevenage if I insist on Urolift. I have still to approach him with a request for a biodegradable stent as an alternative.
I hope your troubles will soon be behind you. Kind regards Mike
howard50192 mike48088
When I asked my urologist about a stent he said " we don't do them in this hospital and that they can move into the bladder or/and be expelled when voiding" any way my TURP is on the 21st so will give you all a day today update as to what to expect.
kind regards
david91143 mike48088
I don't have UTIs, etc, and my 'retention' still remains a mystery: it could have been neuralgia following spinal trauma.
I had the white sluge too, coming around the tube at the exit poin - this is quite common and seems to be as you say, secretions of the prostate or pipe-work generally. When I was having a number-2 it used to dislodge the cath and as well as a bit of sludge I'd get some pee too. It felt OK with me as i thought at least it was cleaning the uretha out.
I was taking Tamsulosin all through but want to come off it now, as I don't like the side-effects.
Hope it works out well