Ciprofloxacin Antibiotics

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Had bronchi for som time now reading the forum mine is minimal. No appointment for clinic to see specialist until Jan 2017 last one was Jan 2016. Have rescue pack in place in case .Ciprofloxacin. One twice a day.

I take Az three times a week. Started a course of Cipro in September and after a week felt really rotten. Having panic attacks and palpitations. Never been that way before so looked at side effects of which there are many and sure enough they were there so stopped the medication. Went to doctor who said it "wouldn't be the Cipro" gave me breathing excercises. Strted them again and the same thing has happened. Every now and then for no reason whatsoever. I have had osteoarthritis for many years slowly getting worse but since starting the antibiotics it has been ridiculous so went to doctors and explained. She has given me Amytripiline which she said was for "nerve" pain and told me only to take at night and it would probably make me sleepy. I told her i have no problem sleeping only staying awake!!!! Going for blood tests next friday 21st to see if it could be Fibromyalga. On checking as you do on the internet the Cipro is not good to take with lots of other meds. So haven't started to try these as yet but as I don't suffer nerve pain not sure it is the way to go. Last night I started to get a burning sensation on the skin on my arms and by the time I went to bed it had generated to my legs. Googled Cipro and was amazed at how many people are suffering different things because of it. Rang my specialist nurse at the hospital for advice this morning and he has told me to stop the antibiotics (he doesn't think my sypmtoms have anything to do with them) and to see how I go and take a sputum sample in to him on Wednesday. Google says doctors are loathe to believe anything about Ciprofloxacin and I wondered if anyone on her has any comments to throw in.

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12 Replies

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    i also have minimal bronchi

    But i now refuse to listen to general practioners (GPs) on the subject of bronchiectasis

    Mercifully, my GP automatically referred me either to the specailist nurse in our health centre, who directly contacts the hospital if she doesn't know. Or the hospital out patient department in question. Who  (in my case anyway) have been Brilliant .

    In addition, i have on occasion asked for an appointment to be brought forward.

    When we are juggling different types of medication...i am a firm believer in getting specialist advice.

    Do hope that you can properly sort the medication things out soon


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    Dear Mo,

    Listen to your body and to your common sense.  And that doctor telling you to stop taking the cipro is good because then you'll find out how your body feels and once you get back to a normal feeling the idea is that he'll probably put you back on it again to see if the symptoms come back.  I wouldn't do that.

    I agree with you that the Amytriptiline is probably not what you need.  She was trying to help and that's what she came up with but your common sense disagrees.

    You are probably right in your thinking to stop the Cipro because I also have read horror stories of what it can do.  It's a fluoroquinolone drug and it's similar to Levaquin which causes all kinds of problems in lots of people  (made the lower part of my face swell up).  I took cipro for several infections of bronchitis and each time it got rid of the infection and as soon as I was off it the infection came back.  the cipro caused ME no problem taking it, however, I did read one of the side effects can be a ruptured tendon.  No kidding every time I had a twitch in my leg or foot I thought of Cipro.  Well this year I was exercising on the bed lying on my back, doing leg lifts and stretching my foot towards my face real hard, which is what I was told to do, and all of a sudden something popped and I got off the bed to see and I felt a twinge of pain and then I couldn't walk.  couldn't take a step.  My foot just wouldn't work.  I was treating it with ice and elevation and then something else happened a month later when I was removing strong support hose and ended up with horrible pain and swelling and in the ER and to the Podiatrist and several appts and he could see nothing wrong but he thought I could have had a tendon tear that didn't show up on x-ray or MRI. May have been a tiny tear.

    It took 2 more months of ice and elevation and wearing support hose and finally I have it fixed.  The Dr. and I both thought of the Cipro I'd taken years ago.    That's a nothing story compared to one I read about a man who ended up totally crippled and ruined with wracking pain all over his body all from taking Cipro - when he was a teenager I believe.  

    I think the doctors give u what they believe is the best drug for your condition and tell u not to worry about the side effects mentioned in their inserts because the drug co. is obligated to put in all possible side effects that people in their clinical trials have come up with but it doesn't mean you will get any of them.  But I believe we still have to read about the drug we are to take and do our own research and online is about the only place to do that but go to good medical sites and one like this where people are really trying to help others and not likely to say negative untrue things.

    Antibiotics don't all have the same side effects.  But they all do destroy your good gut bacteria and that causes one to not feel good so advice to take a good Probiotic is good as that helps to build up the good gut bacteria and I think we are not to take them at the same time as the drug.  Take them separately and every day that you are on the drug, and continue with them.  Pick one with several strains of bacteria so it helps different areas of the body. (More research!!)

    If it were me I would add some Vitamin C to your regime.  It will make you feel good and it helps to prevent infection and also could help you get rid of it if you take enough of it.  I'm speaking from experience here.  I got off the Cipro and the doctor never put me back on it because he never had to as I had gotten rid of a nasty bacterial infection just with Vitamin C IVs from a natural doctor.  Ever since I take C in powder form 5000 mg a day.  i was on 8000 but I got lazy and after 2 years I just dropped down to 5000 and it's keeping me well with no infections.  I always feel bad for people when I hear how many antibiotics they take to feel well yet they dont' feel that well taking them. because of the damage it's doing to their gut.  But your medical doctors are not likely to be talking about a vitamin. It's just something more to research yourself if you are feeling the antibiotics are not making you feel better, and you want something else.

    By the way, you mention your arthritis is worse - I was dxd with spinal arthritis when I was 30 and it slowly got worse but like you I was having bronchitis and antibiotics and didn't know enough to get on certain supplements but when I got older and learned about Vit. C and did some reading I learned about supplements that would help pain from arthritis and there again I have to say I don't really suffer much pain and not taking antibiotics so don't have to worry about their side effects. I figure I'm doing pretty well. Glucosamine chondroiton MSM and Vit C all help with joints and connective tissue etc.  I know with Cipro you can't take Calcium and Magnesium at the same time but I believe these supplements I mention you can.  Anyway it's more research for you and I think if you listen to your body and your head you'll figure out the best way to go.  Most other people on this site I think would recommend the Azithromax rather than Cipro so you're already on the one they would recommend.   Somewhere in here hopefully you'll find some solution or at least something to research.


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      Thanks so much for your input I have survived with only paracetomol for the arthritis for many years now agreed it onkly dulls the pain but any other medication affects my gut. The Azithromicin seems to work for the chest the majority of the time and as I said it is months since I needed my rescue pack. I do rememner the last time I took Cipro not feeling good in myself but perservered. /As you say researching Cipro is pretty frightening and it does say doctors don't agree about the side effects even though they are there to read. I know they have to protect theirselves by stating all effects possible but when it say if this happens stop and notify your doctor immediately and then your doctor says "no don't worry" where do you go? I remember in previous discussions on here saying doctors don't understand bronchi and it is true for years I was treated with a "chest infection" one dose of Abs after another until I asked to be refered and a CT scan confirmed Bronchi. This is a very good site to get info off. Will give the vitamins a try. Did try Glucosamine a long time ago eventually was told by a pharmacist they were available on prescription after my doc said not. Also told there was no ill effects from this but did suffer a nasty tummy and when I looked into it it can cause what is called a "Sour tummy". So there you go thank goodness for the internet as have very little confidence in my gps.

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    Talking about doctors disagreeing about side effects etc, when I had my scary facial swelling I called the dr's office in the morning and they gave me the nurse and she says to me 'well just don't take it then'.  I was horrified and terrified actually because my lips had swelled up to the point they were about to block my nose - fortunately I could open my mouth but what if my throat had swollen too.  I would have thought she'd let me tell the doctor to see what he'd advise to do because I had no idea how to get rid of the swelling.  As it turned out it slowly over 12 hrs or so went down but I was discouraged by her seeming lack of care.

    Re the Glucosamine I think it works better with Chondroitin and some have MSM with it but perhaps if you take it with food it would work better or did you try that?

    I've taken it for years but never can I get 3 down a day so I'm usually taking at least one and probably most days 2 and I take them in the evening as I take so much else during the day.  Many people I know get much relief from that supplement.   Did you finish the entire bottle? Did you just try one day and it upset your stomach?  If so try it again with food.  Something else that I've read is good for inflammation is Traumeel.  It's natural from a health food store probably.  It's harmless, it takes quite a while to work but u have to stick with it - look it up and read about it because I don't know how to describe it.  My alternative doctor put me on it years ago.  what works for one person may not work for another so you may find Traumeel helps u where the Glucosamine may not.  There is also Bromelain (more reading) - I have a friend who swears by that even for bad pain and I've tried it but taking it with everything else I take I didn't notice anything different but likely it takes a couple of months.


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       Hi Tabatha I had a similar swelling on y face a god few years ago had just started to take a course of antibiotics got up in the moirning to a beautiful swelling right diown my cheedk. No  itching and it wasnt sore rang docs and they told me to stop taking the abs. as I was ovbviously allergic to penicillin. Funnily enough when I rang hosital about the abs I was taking this time the doctor asked was i still allergic to penicillin and when I explained how irt came about he said he disagrees that I am allergic just from that description so what do you do??? Have no faith anymore in either docs or hospital.   It was a good while ago I tried Glucosamine. I remember taking I think it was 400 mg (could be wrong) but found out from researching that I was underdosing and might as well not be taking them. I think the dosage was recommended to be about 1000mg would need to check. I was also told doctor couldn't prescribe however pharmacist told me they had been giving it on prescription for a number of years. Am willing to give them another go. Will wait and see what the results are of my latest Sputum test. Another problem as my doctor is not in the same trust as my hospital so any results of my sputum don't get to my doctor. It is a real pain.

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    MO,  LOL that is not an allergy.  It's called a sensitivity.  I learned that this year from my allergy dr.  I too thought things like that were allergies but apparently there is a diff.  I now take allergy shots (thought they were a few weeks/months.  But turns out I am now just into my 3rd week of maintenance and it goes on for weeks and then start another round ev. 2 wks then monthly for the rest of my life) and really I don't know if I needed them or not.  His testing showed I was VERY allergic.  Anyway I asked him what about the cooking smells and the perfumes and the chemical smells everywhere that bother me and he said they are sensitivies and nothing to do for them except avoid them.  A Pharmcist agreed with that explanation too about some reaction to a drug calling it a sensitivity.

    So exactly what an allergy does to you I'm not really sure - I had bad hayfever younger and always said I was allergic to something - well sure enough ragweed and other molds in the air and oak show up on my allergy testing.  Seems to me they'd be sensitivies too but they are actually allergies.  Might be interesting to talk to your Pharmacist  about  that puzzle and see what they say.  (Another thought I had is that just maybe the allergy doctor calls other things sensitivities because he doesn't have an allergen to inject you with for those things)  confused

    The best Glucosamine is 1000, Chondroitin 1200 and MSM 1500 I'm pretty sure is what come together in one tablet for best results.  You can buy them separately too but may not be as effective for arthritis.  They would have nothing to dowith  sputum results.

    Re your test results can't u get a copy of the test for yourself and then take it to your doctor.  I get a copy of everything anyway then if my tests were not forwarded to the doctor I give him a copy of mine.  I'm in the USA.

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      Very interesting and am agreeing with everything you say. Sensitivities not allergys. I too suffered with hay fever and "allergies" to dust grass all sorts of things that has now settled but cannot wear perfume have air fresheners in the home and hubby has to go into another room with his Anti Perspirant or I cannot breath. Interesting to know there is a differenc shame GPs didnt know that!! I do get copy letters from hospitals but general appointments with doctors at surgery no follow up. Hard to believe that doctors cannot communicate with whoever you are under at the hospital. There are two trusts in the area and unfortunately I am not in the right one and have no intention of changing as I feel happy enough with who I am with. 


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      I'm in the States and have lived in 3 of them all in the hot and humid south and have lived in Canada and have traveled thru other states.  Bad hayfever in Ontario, Canada went away when I moved to the southern states.  But testing shows me very allergic to stuff here yet I didn't suffer as I did with the hayfever.  Nothing bothered me outside the house; it was always chemical smells and perfumes. B U T  on the few occasions I've driven out west where it gets drier and less humid I find no drippy problems or congestion!!!! even with all my lung issues. So I must be suffering from allergies where I live, right? It's a big puzzle.  

      The Pulm doctors ask you if u had allergies as a child and we say yes, hayfever, and they say 'that's why you have asthma or allergies today'.


      To solve this question I've looked it up.  An allergy is 'a damaging immune response', as my allergy to Levaquin, for example but if u just get drippy due to perfume or hubby's deodorant, that's sensitivity.  

      This all makes me wonder how dust or oak trees change our immune response - seems to me they'd be sensitivities like hay fever.  OH NO WHY AM I HAVING SHOTS.  I think they are senstivity shots.

      Re the husband::::: buy Fragrance Free deodorant. I had that problem - I could smell his deodorant in bed and it would get me gagging and coughing so I got the FF and it's just fine and you don't have to send him to the other room.  Get FF everything.  Don't use fragranced candles either.  I love them more than anything and I pick out a great one like Cranberry that doesn't cause any problem when I remove the lid and sniff.  But as it's burning down the smell can get to me anyway and it's just too much and I have to put it out.  There probably is not any candle that won't cause that so now they sit around doing nothing.

      OK, I think we solved the world's problems. And I now have more questions to ask lmy allergy dr. in 4 months.


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      Good luck with that Tabatha look forward to hearing his answers. xx
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    I use AZ (5 days) when I need an antibiotic.  Yes I have been given Cipro, however, AZ works best for me.  I usually get an upset stomach, which is not unusual and I take it with food.  The only time I get palpitations is whn I usen Ventolin.  Good luck mo!
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      what effect did cipro have on you if any. I use AZ all the time 3 days a week but if an infection starts and I need abs I have to stop taking them
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      Really, not as much as AZ does.  I use it as my second line of defense and/or if I have a bladder infection.  I was taking nebulized Tobi for pseudomonas, but thank goodness that's gone now!

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