Circulation Issues

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Hello Ladies,

Any of you ladies experience circulation issues. I was at the drs. today sitting on the table with my lwgs dangling for about a half hour and it was like my legs turned light blue....I was like dreaking out. I dont ever remember my legs ever doing this before Perimenopause!!! Any comments about this will help ease my mind ladies...Thank You🙏😊

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hello shana ( lovely name)

    yes i get this, if i stand for a while my legs go bluish and my feet go even darker blue and tingle, i now have bad circulation since meno. i can look like a corpse from the knees down, not a pretty sight.

    don't get worried about this just move your toes in a circular movement or walk around a bit and it should clear, its just our circulation.

    sending you love & hope x

    • Posted

      Thank You So Much!!! It made me so scared!! Now I feel this Perimenopause stuff is really mother never told me about all the stuff that goes on....I can't wait till its all over.....sending big hugs to you.

  • Posted

    hello Shana, well at least you were at the right place to ask if it was normal 😉 I am currently having terrible problems w/ circulation especially in the evening, the pins and needles feeling like my feet are falling asleep hands upper arms. it is very annoying, but I’ve never had extremities turn blue. honestly, it keeps me up quite a bit at night 😦 just another stage I guess, did you ask the doctor while you were there? we did go out to eat last week and it was one of those high top tables with high top bar type chairs and they were solid wood, not quite sure who’s idea that was. When I got up I almost fell to the floor because my upper thighs were numb. GRRRRR! I know it’s frustrating, hang in there ! xo

    • Posted

      Hi Lisa,

      I did ask the Dr. when I was there and he said it was the lighting in the room. Which was not true at all. My legs were blue because they were hanging off the table for a half hour. Yes I think this is another stage of Perimenopause. I can't believe that my mother never told me about any of this stuff!! She passed away 3 years ago and never had the chance to talk with her about this. I will just be a trooper and hang in there but sometimes hard to know was Perimenopause and what's the Post Concussion Syndrome or not with the Dizziness and Head not Feeling right. Plus I have the Visual Disturbances going on as well....I can't wait till it all ends...Hugs😊🙏

    • Posted

      oh my goodness that is insane, these doctors, All they do is gaslight ! hey I remember the name of that supplement for the eyes now, I saw a commercial yesterday for it, PRESERVISION.

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