Citalopram 10mg day 10

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someone reassure me this gets better, had a pretty good day yesterday 'feelings' wise and apart from my usual awful morning anxiety and dread i felt pretty calm for most of yesterday and went to bed feeling good. today is a different story. i know it takes time but just feeling fed up today. doctor said i can increase dose but ill need to call tomorrow to see when would be the best time to do this and whether i would need a new packet of 20mg or if i can double up on the 10mg i have currently. i know it can take months but id spoken to a friend who said she felt better within 2 weeks so for some reason on today being day 10 i was expecting to wake up anxiety and sadness free.

sorry to waffle on and i hope i make sense

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    It definitely will get better, it takes weeks and often the changes are very small to begin with. Day 10 is still super early days.

    I am on citalopram for the second time. First time round it took about 2 months for the physical symptoms to improve (nausea, intense morning anxiety, shaking, burning arms) and a good 5 months or so before I could say I was much much better.

    I am sure you have read many of the posts here, almost everyone goes through the bumpy start. It takes a lot of patience but it will happen. I have been through it, thought I would never improve, but I did and so will you!

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