Citalopram - 3 weeks in
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HI everyone, I know this is probably a common question, but I was just hoping for some reassurance. I've been on citalopram for 3 weeks now, 17 days on 10mg and 4 days on 15mg. I'm definitely better than I was, and I'm back at work, but I feel that each day, sometimes from hour to hour, is a rollercoater of different feelings. I can feel great one minute then really low a few hours later. The mornings are usually the worst, then I generally seem to feel better after lunch.
Is this normal? I'm hoping it means the meds are starting to work and are trying to level me out. Do you think I'll start to feel better soon?
Thanks so much for reading xxxx
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I've been on Celexa for 5 months now and I still feel dreadful in the mornings. But once I get out of bed and get out of the house I feel like my usual self. I still don't know when and why these awful feelings occur in the ornings. Guys, have any ideas?
I assure you the morning terrors will go away, this was my worse time, but fine now, you just have to persevere, however no denying its tough, but there is light at the end of the tunnel, please do check out = Anyone NOT had any side effects on Citalopram? so many folk at different stages on there and all so supportive, I take Cit in the morning as my doc says its a stimulant so it would keep me awake and as I wasn't sleeping that wasn't good for me, its good for those whom take it at night and can sleep well done, as sleep is so important to us for recovery.
Take care all
I would safely say everyone of us has had this feeling at some stage, they say this anxiety comes form loosing people in ur life, you with ur break up, I lost my Mum, there is always some trauma to bring it on, and its really an awful thing, but I have defo come out the other side now, and couldn't have survived without Cit, so be strong and persevere you will get there,
Anne x
I have been taking Cit for a couple of years now due to Depression and so low all the time and was finding day to day hard to deal with. .
My GP Put me on Cit and I would not be without it. I asked my GP How long I could be on it and He said as long as I wish as it is not addictive which I am Pleased about .
. It calms my Nerves and I don't bet anxious about things anymore. So it is all Positive for me .
All the Best to all .Maria.
AussieLee Mumbo
I am new to this site. I started taking 10mg citalopram on 22nd Feb for anxiety as I suffer from panic attacks, so I am now on day 25.
I experienced the hightened anxiety, lack of appetite and insomnia for the first few weeks, but that went away and I was starting to feel ok. A little more normal, still with a hint of anxiety (but I have quite a stressful job and have recently just brought a house and am training for the London Marathon, so I assume all of the stress towards these things hasn't helped.)
However, yesterday morning after leaving the gym, I seemed to hit a real LOW point and was feeling really depressed and hopeless and down. I then started to feel ok at about 11am and was fine throughout the day. I got home last night and made dinner and then sorted my stuff out for the next day and was feeling quite tired. However, when I was laying in bed, my mind started to race and I was thinking a lot of weird things which freaked me out. I then had an episode where I just couldnt stop crying as I felt so down and hopeless. I eventually got to sleep, but woke up this morning with the same feeling and I cant seem to shift it again. I cannot bare the thought of having another episode like I did last night. I feel like I am losing control and losing my mind and that is scaring me. I am all of a sudden extremely worried about anything and everything!
I just wondered if this was normal after being on cit for as long as I have and wanted some reassurance that things will get better and other people have experienced this.
I am totally willing to persevere with the cit but is this normal? Should I be feeling down like this? I never felt depressed before, only upset and frustrated with feeling so panicky and anxious!
crest vickib151
How did you get on after your blip? I hope everything levelled out for you? What does did you start on? Did you have to up it after the blip? I'm only on day 13. Most of the horrid sode effects have started to go but the insomnia hasn't! Did you take anything for that at the time? And the morning anxiety is BAD.
Look forward to hearing from you. Hope you doing ok.
sarah09381 crest
KathyT123 sarah09381
I had 4 days crap (feeling like I wasn't my self and I felt weird and my anxiety thoughts were racing constantly
Then I was back to my normal self.
This is you're body getting better and showing you you're on the mend but it will take time. It does get better
sarah09381 KathyT123
KathyT123 sarah09381
That is what I went though my self
Years ago when I went on it I never had any side effects at all.......but this time around when I developed mild depression
I got nauseous
Loss of appetite
(I was able to sleep though)
Increases Anxiety thoughts
But I stuck it out and it got better week by week.
Them bad days are crappy but the good days you have is showing you you're on the mend
I have had this
I jumped up to 20 mil 2 weeks ago but I started to feel like i wasn't my
I started to feel like I wasn't my self I felt weird
So I dropped it down to 15 mil and I'm better on that. That feeling lasted 4 days and now I am back to my normal self being almost a week
I've been on the medication for almost 6 weeks and I'm so much better
sarah09381 KathyT123
KathyT123 sarah09381
See how you go for another week
But if it's not getting better then go back to dr
11WHITES sarah09381
I'm on day 22 now having swapped from fluoxetine
I been off sick for 4 months now, i left my job after 3 months as that was part of my problem so now im on sickness benefit till i get sorted.
Having slightly better moments atm but no real change, yesterday i found myself looking for jobs until my mum said i wasnt anywhere near ready.
Find it hard to get through the days. Im a 34 year old mald and feel totally washed up. Dreading finding work and going to interviews etc. Not sure what to tell them when they ask why ive been off work for so long