Citalopram 30mg anxiety

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does morning anxiety ever go? I've been on 30mg for 12 weeks and ive had a little improvement but still not completely back to myself... mornings arent good... but as the day goes on it gets a little better, my depersonalisation has gone and I can eat etc now but still not sleeping properly and still getting anxious thoughts about my anxiety and being stuck like it forever and not being able to go back to work etc... I've also found my temper is very short too... should I be back to myself by now?

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    hi emily x I tried to message a few times to see how you were but it would never let me send so assumed you were not on the forum any more. so fingers crossed this message goes through!

    glad to see you have had some improvements at last!!

    12 weeks is enough time for some but for others is not x at 12 weeks last time i remember feeling exactly like you do now! it got better and better and at about 16 weeks is when it all seemed to come together. some people really do take a long time x how is your depression and mood ect? x glad to see you have improved even if it's only a little. and good news about the depersonalisation. this can only mean one thing. that the meds are gonna work for you x well done for sticking with it for so long!!

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    also dont worry about the morning anxiety x it's always the last thing to go for most people x but it does. you'll wake up one day soon with no anxiety and it will be bliss!

    • Posted

      hey, how are you?? haven't been on here for a while as have been fairly okay, I only tend to come on here when I'm bad, and today has been rough, I tend to he better if I'm out, but I just get really anxious thoughts about my anxious thoughts being back and it makes my mood go from fine to low xx

    • Posted

      that's gonna happen from time to time until you are more settled. everyone has bad days but when you have them with anxiety and depression they are a lot worse which is to be expected. it will pass. it's just a case of keeping busy and distracted until it does.

      it will be a mix of the meds being up and down as you aren't settled yet and the fact you still struggle at times it does catch up with you but you will get better!

      days like today suck but you will get there x

    • Posted

      you're bound to get anxious about your anxiety coming back x I know I always do on better days and you're right it makes you feel low and down x

      remember 12 weeks is still early, things will improve even more soon x

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      my Dr says I should be fine by now though, I'm going to call her tomorrow becuase I've been in tears all morning but I know shes going to want to change my meds

    • Posted

      honestly it takes longer than 12 weeks.

      I know a lot of people who have changed meds way way too soon.

      lois took 8 months to fully recover

      Katecoggs took 5-6months

      a friend of mine called lala on here was still feeling like you do at 12 weeks

      a lady I know called claire messaged me at 16 weeks because the depression came back pretty strong but it passed x

      Bruno snow took 22 weeks on sertraline

      Balasz took 5 months on sertraline to feel better.

      so many people need more time x

      one of the worst things I did was listen to my doctor at 12 weeks who said I should be better by then. I swapped anti only end up back on citalopram which for 7 months that hasn't worked the second time at all.

      its cost me over a year and a half of my life because I didn't wait long enough and listen to everyone in here x

      I say give it a while longer and you will be so glad you did x the fact you are better than you have been is a good sign. setbacks and blips still happen.

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      but surley if they take that long to work then why do the Drs say people should only be on them for 6 months to a year? I just dont want to waste my time waiting for meds to work and me have my life back permanently or at least as close as possible... I'm quitting my job and everything becuase of this... I've been on citalopram since 18th december altogether and I've never been so mentally unstable in all my life, one min I'm angry, the next I'm fine, most of the time angry and ultra stressy, then I'm anxious, then in afternoon I'm fine, like today I've cried all day, now I feel ok ish... but I know tomorrow is probably going to be worse part of me doesnt even see the point of being on antidepressants cos they're clearly not working as they should be... it's not fair on my partner and little girl to have to go through this, as when I quit my job I'm going to have to pull my little girl out of the nursery she loves that we pay for which is gunna break my heart even more

    • Posted

      are you still on citalopram?

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