Citalopram- dropping from 30mg to 20mg due to side effects
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Hi guys,
Me again!
I mentioned a couple days ago about having loads of side effects on 30mg, after an unfortunate 10 days or so of hell, i spoke to my doctor and he said he thinks 30mg is too much for me and go back down to 20mg. Has anybody reduced under similar circumstances?
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marsh23433 jamieh94
Hi Jamieh94/yes i have done that quite a few times.Just remember that you will get side effects by cutting your dose down
dubry7605074 jamieh94
i started on 20mg. reduced to 10 in increments of 5. from my understanding, dropping from 30-20 shouldnt be that bad. the lower dosages are where you have to take it very slow
patsy23421 jamieh94
Hi Jamie,
My dad was advised to reduce his dosage from 40mg to 30mg because of side effects. Circumstances are different to yours though. My dad had been on 40mg for 9 weeks and the side effects (dizziness, drowsiness) were from taking antibiotics for uti. Since he was still a long way from remission and the side effects were gone, we didn't reduce his dosage.
Sorry, not of much help, but I guess it is not uncommon for doctors to suggest dosage reduction. We got a second opinion from a different doctor who also suggested reducing dosage.
marsh23433 jamieh94
Hi Jamieh94 /You can cut down ,but remember you will get side effects which can last for 8/10 weeks every time you change your dosage you will get some side effects
Guest jamieh94
Have you ever felt dizzy on them. Felt quite dizzy this morning and very briefly passed out. Dont know if it's a bug or the meds. Not really helping me will give them few more weeks then maybe wean off as sometimes think making me worse.
jamieh94 Guest
absolutely! when i started on 20 originally for about 6 weeks, but it did pass, i had a brain scan cause doctors found something wrong with my eyes woth the dizziness but again, it was anxiety/meds that caused it! when i went up to 30 the only side effect really was increased anxiety and i had it constant for 2 months when the 2 month period was over i rang doctors to discuss my options and because 20mg originally worked they suggested dropping back down to 20mg and to be honest so far so good, i'm only 13 days in and have terrible mornings but come the evening it normally passes!
Guest jamieh94
I'll give them another month then wean off them if I don't improve as will have been on them 3 months then and think should notice some improvement by then also my intrusive thoughts sometimes worse on them. Had awful sinus pain and headaches since starting, if they don't help not worth putting up with side effects. Hope you soon improve
toria_07298 jamieh94
im sensitive to meds, i drop 2mgs a year and have brutal withdrawal!
Charlie_T toria_07298
How are you dropping by such a small amount, have you got liquid or are you crushing etc?
toria_07298 Charlie_T
jamieh94 toria_07298
luckily, touch wood the side effects haven't been too drastic so far other than the obvious initial side effects, i feel sicky once every couple of days and i'm feeling the increased anxiety quite alot in the morning and during the day, but normally by night time it's gone. So hopefully, this is the start! i'm still only 13 days in tho so!
toria_07298 jamieh94
aw fingers crossed you wont get hit badly x