Citalopram increase - feeling anxious - can anybody help? Please ☺️
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Hi everyone,
My story is a long one so I apologise in advance!
I was put on citalopram nearly 4 years ago before I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Im completely cancer free but now riddled with health anxiety and have had to up my dose from 20mg to 30mg - currently on day 14 of the increase and I'm one of those people who is quite sensitive to medication.
I cant really remember the first time as I was then diagnosed and that took over.
I've changed the time I take it and feel woozy/lightheaded and wooly headed, Ive been a bit like this on and off - is this normal and could it have gone a bit worse because I've messed with the times a few times?
The side effects kick my health anxiety off and I panic myself that I've got a brain tumour or something equally frightening. I saw an eye doctor a couple of weeks ago who said neurologically I was absolutely fine and definitely didnt have a brain tumour, but I was misdiagnosed before my cancer and find it very hard to take things on board. I automatically jump to worst case scenario.
Other side effects I've had are jaw clenching, dilated pupils, nausea although that has wore off, sweating more but that has lessened, vivid dreams and dry mouth. I also feel drowsy hence why I have played around with the times.
Thanks in advance,
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harry09460 amybelle88
hey amy, i hope your well. all these side effects are expected when upping your dose. i started citalopram 4 months ago, upping from 10 to 20 in the middle and got the side effects again, that wobblyness that feels a bit like the floor is bouncing was the worst one for me. just remember theyre all side effects and will go soon! Hope your well and congratulations on the all clear. Give the dose another couple weeks to settle
amybelle88 harry09460
Hi Harry,
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply - I really appreciate it.
I've had a bit of a headache today too, that distinctive citalopram headache! I'm sure you know what one I mean.
I was a little worried as I didn't expect these side effects, I thought it would be quite mild and taper off after a week or so, I was concerning myself thinking this should have passed by now with it being an increase and not a fresh start.
I will keep going with them.
Thank you,
rob37052 amybelle88
hi amy
really happy you got the all clear
is it any wonder you feel like this bless you
unfortunatly when you increase or decrease you get the horrible side effects.
they will start to lessen & lessen to the point where you wont even notice its that slight, citalopram is a very slow working medication but please be assured that these are side effects & they do pass. I had crazy vivid dreams for ages plus the dry mouth as well. What would help amy is you taking your meds at the same time everyday , i take mine first thing every morning when i wake up, get into a habit, also please be kind to yourself, some days are going to be better than others but thats part of the journey were all on. take care
amybelle88 rob37052
Hi Rob,
Thank you for the kind and lovely reply - I cant even explain how touched I am by your empathy. It means a lot especially when I beat myself up all of the time for not being more fearless after beating cancer.
I do also take codeine which is a minefield of side effects too, although the need for them is reducing.
I'm on my third night of taking them at the same time, I feel like with every time change I sort of reset the side effects, so it's partially my own doing. I have the vivid dreams, too, they never really went over the last 4 years but I don't mind the good ones haha!
Thank you so much,
rob37052 amybelle88
hi amy
how are you feeling today?
better i hope
i think this medication is a real roller coaster ride at the beginning untill you settle, feel awful enough but then you have to deal with the side effects!......
take care
amybelle88 rob37052
Hi Rob,
Thank you for reaching out again - it's really so kind.
I am feeling much, much better today - my vivid dreams are settling down again. I feel ever so slightly woozy but nothing to write home about and the dilated pupils only seem to happen for an hour after I've had the medication, then they settle. Previously, they were lasting a while so I'm assuming this is my body adjusting to the meds properly now. The headache has lifted, too, my sleep is better - I still clench my jaw but that was something that has never left me in the 4 years I've been on the lower dose.
I have found that it affects my sinuses, something which I've read can be a side effect, so I take an antihistamine and it stops the pressure. I've had this for a long time but never attributed it to citalopram - when I upped the dose it went worse for a few days and then settled again, so I'm pretty certain it's the citalopram. It's funny all of these side effects that people get, and some people get minimal - I'm definitely just somebody who is sensitive to medication.
My mood has drastically improved and I don't find myself wandering into my own thoughts as much - when I do, I can bring myself back down easier than before.
I don't want to speak too soon as I know there can be peaks and troughs with citalopram, especially when you start/up your dose, but I feel like I've turned a bit of a corner today. Fingers crossed!