Citalopram Newbie looking for support (of course)
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Hi everyone
3rd day in and can definitely feel the side effects, they seem more prevalent during the day and subside at night. Can't wait for them to kick in, GP swears 100% that by continuing for 4 weeks or so, that it will make me feel myself again. The hardest thing for someone looking for advice is to see the words "everyone's different, it can have different effects for different people", however I would like to say, we are all the same in that we suffer together and by helping one another we will get stronger, i will keep logging my feelings as I go through this journey
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Day 4
woke at 530, took 10mg dose at 6am, along with metformin for type 2, cod liver, vit c and d and b complex. After taking cit, feel anxious, sad, emotional and scared, but optimistic hope the day gets better
Hope3578 larry1985
Hi, I am currently in day 2 of week 7 and overall I am much better. I found the first 4 weeks the hardest. Particularly weeks 2 and 3. The side effects were at their strongest those weeks and was a tough ole battle to stay focused and positive. But I did and have had a couple of up and down days the past 3 weeks but overall its been much better. Be prepared to potentially feeling rather off for a few weeks and not yourself. I experienced nausea, insomnia, extreme tiredness, low mood and headaches. But it's mostly all gone now. Occasionally have a bad night sleep and feel tired and a bit off but it's manageable now. Good luck and definitely keep us updated. You can do this.
Thanks for your input hope, im optimistic that once the side effects go, I'll be OK.
Day 5.. felt tired this morning, woke at 415 again, had a relatively decent day, not much in the way of palpitations but ears still ringing and head feels whooshy, feeling bit more funky in the evening this time around, almost at a week!
what started all this off was covid 19 infection on March 31st, hospitalised for a few hours with chest Infection, was doing better then a month later was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, that set me off on a Google diagnosis extraordinaire, ignored doctor from 1st May with the Glucophage Citalopram then when we were back at work, ( sales job ) I got bad again and broke down and so gave in and started taking them Sunday
kat10331 larry1985
good luck with it! I've heard it can take longer than 4 weeks for some. ive been on 10mg for 4 weeks and a bit , still some side effects like dry mouth, yawning but def starting to feel less anxious and more like myself. im hoping the rest of the side effects will go in another couple of weeks. it can be a roller coaster starting these meds be very gentle with yourself!
So yesterday was awful, feel sick to the stomach and anxious, woke up almost every hour last night, took 2x 2mg diazepam to help, im now out of those and doc prescribed me 7x zopiclone sleeping tabs. Today feels OK so far, but I find that when I start good, it ends bad and vice versa, just want the anxiety to eff off
Today is day 8, feels like year 8. Having hard time sleeping, very debilitating, have some moments of feeling great then a palpitation will come from nowhere and ruin it, doctor is very optimistic but its really hard
Day 9 yesterday, was horrific, the worst day yet, doctor and pharmacy say it must be working for me to be feeling the side effects, was having suicidal ideations. ........ today is day 10, ive cried already and feel better off gone
This evening has been better, GP has decided that increasing the dose will have more benefit for me, so upto 20mg now. Hopefully they work
Hope3578 larry1985
How are you doing now?
will20275 larry1985
Hi Larry,
The people on here saved me. I'm on 10 mg for 2 years 4 months.
Hi guys
I do feel better today I must admit, have awful ringing in ears and keep getting hypnic jerks before I drift off to sleep, 2nd day on 20mg seems to be working, I really hope it does! It will be 2 weeks on Sunday since starting to take SSRIs
Hope3578 larry1985
That's good. They are probably starting to work. Do prepare yourself for some possible new side effects now you've upped your dose. (you may or may not get them)
If you do dip then just know its not because they've stopped working or that you need a higher dose, it's normal to have a bumpy recovery that can last a couple of weeks. But I'm glad you have had some relief even if just a little. Keep going now and roll with the punches and emotions and feelings and eventually you will be out the other side.
lesley86464 larry1985
I am new to this but wanted some help from others going through anxiety. I took 10mg citalopram on 17th April and lasted 11 days, side effects were awful, constant nausea, retching, loss of appetite and sleep problems do I gave up. Still have stomach problems but I have a hiatus hernia and moderate gastritis. Anxiety is now worse caused by worry over health and low mood. Should I try again to persevere with medication, most ssri seem to have same side effects but I am miserable and need help. Please can anyone help?
Hope3578 lesley86464
I had terrible side effects and around the 12th day I was considering stopping them like you as it was unbearable, but I knew that I had to be strong and persevere because this medication takes a long time to level.
I would say, it's entirely your choice but you need to be prepared fir a bumpy few weeks before you start to feel better. Unfortunately stomach issues and anxiety can go hand in hand and I know how horrendous it is feeling so nauseated the first few weeks it's horrible. But if you do choose to try again, then only do it if your fully prepared to start the process again. But I would say, this medication has been a life saver for me.
Lesley I have suffered every side effect it seems, worst one was the mental torture and intrusive thoughts I was having, well yesterday on my 13th day, I was absolutely smashing, no worries at all, slept like a baby!!! Today is a bit groggy but I'm optimistic it will get better, the mental struggle and thoughts are very very hard to overcome but stick with it and then one day, you'll just feel better, progressively better, keep it up, you will have what ifs but just know that its normal, give it time..... we are here for you x