Citalopram, Sertraline, loose bowel motions

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Hi all,

Appreciate some advice as im at wits ends.

I have been on citalopram for 7 weeks which was switched to sertraline. After 2 weeks on that i went cold turkey and had horrendous withdrawal side-affects, so after a week gp put me back on citalopram.

Now TMI but after stopping sertraline and restarting citalopram i have really loose stools, i am going toilet 3 times a day and lost 2 kg,which is not like me. I had a bit of blood which gp says is anal fissure and hemmorhoids, he ruled out bowel cancer based on me having clear colonoscopy 19 months ago. I am really panicking that it is bowel cancer but my partner is saying, it must be digestive issues from ssris that aggrevated my bottom too. Anyone here who had loose stools on these meds? Thank you

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3 Replies

  • Edited

    Absolutely yes. One of the main side effects from citalopram for me is loose bowels and it does take weeks to subside. It's totally normal on this medication. I also have ibs and some issues similar to yours so id say everything you're experiencing isnt something you should worry to much about. It will ease up in time.

  • Posted

    Thank you so much. It is really reassuring to read similar experience

  • Edited

    Hi i wanted to message to say i have had a very similar experience and its been hell!

    i was on citalopram for 8 years varying between 10 and 20mg. i came off them as i was having gastric issues like relux so the dr suggested coming off could help.

    i came off too fast and my anxiety rocketed.

    when trying to reinstate on just 10mg from day one i had diarreah. i was waking up every morning and my heart was pounding and i would have really bad bowels. sometimes going up to 4/5 times before lunchtime and being really shakey and week. my appetite went and i had the driest mouth. i lost a stone within 2 weeks.

    my doctor has just straight swapped me off 10mg citalopram to 15mg mirtazipine. i took my 1st dose last night and for the first time in ages woke up later and slept properly. i also only had one bowel movement which was soft and slightly loose but nothing like diarreah.

    i think the inital side effects of SSRIs like sertraline and citalopram are hard for people with sensitive gut. if you are prone to stomach upset when stressed like me then i suspect the morning adrenaline and anxiety from side effects of SSRIs is causing it.

    ask perhaps about a different class of anti depressant thats not a SSRI. or perhaps ask about something that can reduce flight or flight response.

    its early days for me on mirtazipine for me and its apparently known for causing weight gain ad drowsiness. it defo made me tired on my first dose but i think if this keeps my loose bowels and panic at bay i will keep with it.

    im pretty sure its combo of SSRI side effects causing irritable bowel symptoms for me.

    saying that i was successfully in citalopram for 8 years so the inital gastro side effects must eventually settle. just depends if you can wait it out. i would say though if it goes past 6 weeks its worth considering a different drug class of anti depressant

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