Citalopram struggle

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hi everyone

ive been commenting on posts over the last week or so but feel like im needing constant reasurance at the moment 😦

started on citalopram 5 and a half weeks ago 2 and a half weeks on 10mg and up to 20mg for the remaining weeks. ive had awful side effects of nausea, runs, agitation, increased anxiety, brain fog, no emotions, morning anxiety and more recently low mood.

ive always been a bit of a worrier but a sucession of events has led me to be bed bound with anxiety. so my question is like many will i get better on citalopram is what im feeling normal? i didnt have low mood before starting this so why have i got it now?? i generally start to feel better towards evening time.. i can drift off to sleep no problem then in the morning its like ive been hit by a bus the moment i open my eyes whether thats 4am or 7am theres no getting back to sleep i have to get up and get moving..

im just fed up. desperate to be a mummy again

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3 Replies

  • Edited

    Morning Emma

    Download an app called DARE, it will help with your anxiety im certain of it! I have been on tablets now for 2 weeks and 3 days. My anxiety has gone for now but the mornings are a bit of a struggle with heightened anxiety. Diet and exercise seems to help, no caffeine or sugary foods etc. I have been taking a magnesium tablet from Boots (in uk) in the morning and evening along with Vitamin b12 complex, cod liver oil and a vit c and d tablet too. They help for sure. What is your doctor saying? You should be starting to feel some benefit now surely? Do try to remain positive if you can, you're not alone i promise you

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    hello, everything you're feeling is normal, or what i went through anyway. For me it took about 3 months to start to feel improvement but it was very much one day id feel okay the next id be terrible again it didn't just happen in one day from what i can remember anyway. i had the morning anxiety for the longest it was the last to go, id wake up for a few seconds id be calm then it would hit me and id feel physical pain from the anxiety in my stomach if that makes sense. regarding whether you will get better on these or not is a hard question to answer, some people these don't work for and others they've been a life saver. Either way you're not going to have anxiety forever and no matter how long the journey through it is you'll get to the other side 😄 a bit of advice from me would be to try and keep busy i know you said about being bed bound i've been there too and this past year ive been walking for miles and miles and miles and i never thought i could do that. some of the things that help me is meditation, i used to think yeah whatever like thats going to help but it actually does make me feel calmer and also yoga, i have intrusive thoughts at the minute and ive noticed when i so yoga i dont think of anything other than doing the yoga. or anything else you can do that you enjoy, but you do have to push and fight through the anxiety really push yourself to do something however small when you feel anxious, the tablets need help from you as well like you need to work along side them rather than them being a miracle cure. hope you're okay

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    hi everyone

    thanks so much for your replies. I have had a decent run of 4 days now and when i dip it dosent seem quite as bad so maybe things are starting to level off. I also had an afternoon where i felt completely myself 😃 i was like hellllo emma!!

    I seem to be worse when im tired or ive been on a long car journey i dont know if anyone else feels this way.. im trying to get by as normally as possible. hope everyone is doing ok.

    3 and a half weeks in on 20mg

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