Citalopram Withdrawal
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Having been on Cit for a relatively short period of time (6 weeks) after discussion with my GP and due to numerous and significant side effects I stopped taking, for me, the evil drug.
Initially as I am over 65 the GP placed me on 10m for a few days then up to 20 mg thereafter.
Within 24 hours of upping the does I was into major side effects which included nausea, loss of appetite, copious stomach gas, dry mouth and lethargy. Not to be beaten I stopped with the dosage and the drug for the next four weeks until my next agreed visit to my GP. All this time the side effects were maintained at a similar level.
Having met and agreed with the GP that the does should be cut back to 10mg a further week saw the same level of side effects.
I again spoke to the doctor and we agreed that the medication did not suit me and I should stop all of the medication and the GP stated that I would be back to normal in a few days as I had been on the drug for a relatively short period.
That was almost five weeks ago!!!!
The first three weeks I remained the same with the side effects now becoming withdrawal effects but still with a loss of appetite, nausea, dry mouth, copious stomach gas. One thing which has improved is my lethargy which has almost disappeared.
Week four saw a great improvement in all aspects of the withdrawal symptoms which were negligible for a period of five days, however, this last week they have returned to a level to which they were two weeks ago.
Discussing this with the GP who appears to be as a loss and is unsure about the reasons for the symptoms I am now suffering and has completed a raft of blood tests and is now sending me for scans. So far the blood tests have turn up nothing and I await the scans (NHS)
I think there are several issues here;
1) I believe that I should have been informed of the possible consequences of commencing a course of this drug
2) I should not have continued with the drug as long as I did with the level of side effects I was experiencing
3) The GP does not appear to be fully conversant with the withdrawal symptoms or the longevity of their withdrawal effects.
4) Had I known the potential difficulties with the drug I would never have embarked on a course of them.
I have read several good websites regarding the effects of Cit and what is more than obvious there are no common ways which individuals react to the drug both during medication or post medication. I have a friend who took it for depression for six months and then came off it cold turkey with no affects, either during or post medication. Others appear to not have any real issues with the drug until they come off it, then there are a significant number of people like me who have to come off the drug due to the side effects then suffer further post medication.
The other thing is that there does not appear to be any real correlation between the time people have spent on the drug relative to the time that the withdrawal effects are likely to last or how intensive they maybe.
I am interested in people’s experiences on the above with regard to how long and how intense peoples withdrawal effects last!!
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christine46281 dave2002
I stopped taking them and stomach is now much calmer and apetite ok.
I do not think that I would want to take them again.
dave2002 christine46281
Your experience appears to be very similar to mine.
May I ask how long ago were you on the drug and in your case how long did the side efects last for once you had stopped taking the evil concoction?
christine46281 dave2002
It was then suggested that I try Mitrazeping but I could not face any further problems so finished all of them.
Some people feel that the drugs have given them a new life and they could not manage without them.
I just do not know.
dave2002 christine46281
Than ks for the info I will not be taking any alternative drugs of a SSRI nature ever again!!
You didn't say how long that you suffered with withdrawal syptoms after you stopped Cit
christine46281 dave2002
I do not know what was a side effect and what wasn't really.
All I know is I am so fed up with all of these feelngs and mucking about with medication and side effects.
I wish you well Dave keep me in touch with how you are.
dave2002 christine46281
Thanks for the update i will keep in touch and let you know as i hope u wil let me know how you are fairing!!
christine46281 dave2002
I have an appointment with Health In Mind on the 4th Feb and I am hoping that I will be offered CBT.
I cannot go on like this for all time.
I just want to LIVE.
What is good about logging into here is that others people fully understand the discomfort of anxiety, the fear when you have health issues and the misery that it causes for the person who suffers it however illogical it is to those who don't understand it.
Chik07 dave2002
dave2002 Chik07
Again you sound like you did the correct thing and got of the drug sooner rather than later !! My mistake was to try and beat it!!
I, like you occasionally suffer from dyspepsia and acid stomach and this is why I to have major side effects in this area. I just hope that the side effects which are now slowly waning will continue to dissappear soon.
Thanks for your information!!
loxie dave2002
erin22088 loxie
loxie erin22088
erin22088 loxie
dave2002 loxie
thank you for your comments what is coming to the fore for me is the number of people who have taken this type of drug in good faith on doctors recommendations and when the side effects kick in (which according to this site and several others) there are a significant number of peolpe who do suffer that the medical profession do in general not appear to understand the potential for distress that they may cause should they not suit the patient.
In my case i ws not informed of the possible side effects and the doctor in good faith I beleive said that I should aim to make an appointment after four or five weeks. At no time was i informed that i could face horrific side effects and if so I should contact them immeadiately.
Whether there are seminars or whatever for the medical profession tha both th edurg companies and them should be made to attend such gatherings.
I like you will never be going near a SSRI ever again I do hope that your hair is now returning as this must have been very dramatic for you!!
andymc1970 dave2002
I've been on them for 25 days, terrible side-effects for the first 5 days, and consistently bad side-effects so far. I don't really feel like I am heading in the right direction with these meds, but my Doc is unconcerned.
I'm just wondering how long to put up with this before expecting some proper relief?
I am also on 2x40mgs Propranolol per day, so not sure what to do about those either?
loxie andymc1970
dave2002 andymc1970
From my experience do not try to beat them sort out an exit strategy with your doctor and sort out a suitable substitute!!
As I said before had I not stayed on these tablets with all the side effects I suffered I am sure that I would not have experienced the dramatic level of withdrawal symptoms nor the longevity of them.
I consider my GP to be thoughtful and dedicated but I believe that she has been caught out with me and appears to be very apologetic. For you if you are not getting the response that you require from your current GP take a second opinion as soon as you can. The longer you leave it the longer you are likely to suffer. According to my GP the actual effect of the drug is relatively short. It is the effect on the brain as a result of being deprived of the action of the drug which is the issue that the body has to deal with!!
I hope this helps
andymc1970 loxie
Cheers, Andy
andymc1970 dave2002
Thanks again
loxie andymc1970
dave2002 loxie
Thank yo for your thoughts!!
andymc1970 loxie