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has anybody ever had depression and/or anxiety that's been DIRECTLY caused by antidepressants and have success stories coming off and going back to normal after 6 months?
my story started 7 months ago when a so called "doctor" gave me sertraline becuase I was having SLEEP ISSUES NOT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES all becuase she said it was safer than the sleeping tablets, what a load of rubbish, I spent just THREE DAYS on sertraline before having a major reaction, then tried mirtazepine for 4 weeks until i was properly suicidal, and ever since november last year I've struggled on and off every 4 weeks with severe depression and anxiety over the whole situation, I've spent all this time with them keep changing and upping my meds, onto citalopram and quetiapine 50mg in december on 10mg 20mg and now 30mg of citalopram for the last 12 weeks and I'm just simply fed up and dont want to be here anymore... I must stress my life before all of this happened was simply WONDERFUL, with a great career and a beautiful 2 year old daughter and partner, now I've had to quit my job becuase of this, take my little girl out of her private nursery permanently, not even knowing how I'm going to cope when my partner goes back to work, I want off those horrible brain altering drugs ASAP but I'm scared they've caused permanent damage and I'll never be the same person I was before all of this ever again, and if that's the case i just dont see how i can continue living like this, I'm a shell of the person I used to he all caused by these stupid tablets, please only respond if you have a similar experience ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
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zoe60597 emilyroma98
Hi. This is very similar to me. I never suffered with anxiety until I was given Sertraline. I've been stuck in a vicious circle of being on different meds to calm the anxiety I never had before sertraline. I am also suicidal. I've been receiving help from a home treatment team as a result. Can really empathise with you because this mirrors my story. Never really suffered before antidepressants. Ive just started new meds and praying ill be back to myself once I let a dose settle. The trouble is I'm so impatient and I'm desperate for my life back. Feel like I'll be this way forever. In my experience gps don't understand these meds. Perhaps ask to be referred to a psychiatrist? That's what I done. xx
emilyroma98 zoe60597
yeah I have been, I've been under the home treatment team too, speaking to a phsyciatric nurse on thursday to see what they say, but everyone's telling me I've just got to get out of it myself xx
zoe60597 emilyroma98
it's so difficult. I still get the feeling that no one believes me it was the sertraline that caused this. Saying that one therapist said to me it could of caused ptsd. I'm constantly monitoring how I'm feeling and have awful side effects from the drugs they give me. The new ones are making me feel so spaced out and it scares me. My husband is staying at home for another couple of weeks to be with me. I'm very impatient and want my old life back. I'm trying to say to myself that if I stay one my new antidepressant for some time hopefully all will level out. I was chopped and changed and it can't be any good. I'm going to try and get through this dose and see how I feel in 12 weeks. Such a long time but changing has got to mess with the chemicals in my brain. I'm constantly seeking reassurance from everyone. It sounds silly but I've also asked to be sectioned because in my head ill go in and come out who I used to be. Trouble is I don't want to leave my son and the mental health professionals seem to think it will make me worse. I'm after the quick fix but trying to come to terms with the fact it wont be. I have so much anger towards my doctor for giving me the sertraline. I know I've got to let go as that cant be helping. Just want you to know you aren't alone and we'll both get there. let the current dose settle. its awful I know xx
I wouldn't recommend coming off everything. I tried it. Thought in my head that the drugs caused the problem in the first place so I thought it would stop the problem. unfortunately it made me more anxious, suicidal and physically unwell. My story also started in November. Thought I was alone 😦. I'd try sticking at your current dose for as long as you can. We'll get there 😃. I thought I was alone. These drugs definitely mess with the chemicals in your brain. Sorry I cant be more positive by saying I got through it. Everyone is telling me to be patient. I'm trying. I personally couldn't tolerate citalopram. Made my morning anxiety unbearable. Sorry I couldn't be my positive by saying I'm through the nightmare x
im also so scared of my anxiety. Sit there waiting for it to happen 😦
emilyroma98 zoe60597
omg I could have written those exact words myself, I've also asked to be sectioned, honestly your story is the exact same as mine!!! I've not been on sertraline now since november and I only took it 3 days before it messed me up, I've been on citalopram at each dose now since december, ive now been on 30mg for 3 months and still no better, thing is I will have a few good weeks then go straight back downhill again... I dont wanna be on meds anymore but scared now that I'm permanently damaged ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
I personally dont believe more meds are the answer but I dont know if I have a choice xx
Shorthair emilyroma98
as hard and painful as this is, you need to stabilise now and not change your dose. you do have a choice and only you knows exactly how you feel. it's terrifying not feeling how you do but the only thing we can do, is give it time. i always wish i was one of those who didn't suffer the side effects of these tablets. i've built up to 10mg via 2.5mg increases and it's been very hard. i'm on 7 weeks and am staying here for a bit, on the hope that 10mg work. years ago when i first took these, i used to hope i'd be sectioned as I couldn't stand it but give it time, and things should start to settle. in my experience Dr's just keep upping the dose without any knowledge of these powerful drugs and therefore, you never give a dose chance to see if it works x
emilyroma98 zoe60597
did you come off cold Turkey?
I'm currently on 30mg cit, 50mg quetiapine, and 40mg propranolol 3x a day
emilyroma98 Shorthair
yeah but I should not have had to wait 3 months on the same dose, going up and down every 4 weeks after feeling fine for 4 weeks surley...
zoe60597 emilyroma98
No I got switched to duloxetine. Straight switch. Helped for the first three weeks now back down again 😦. Can't catch a break. I could never handle mirtazapine. Made me feel so ill in the morning. Couldn't function. Came off the cit as the morning anxiety was awful.
emilyroma98 zoe60597
you shouldnt have been straight switched