citalopram withdrawal?? needing help

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I was taking citalopram on 40mg for about 6 months, and recently been weaned off them to fluoxetine instead. for the past few weeks i have been having the worst 'motion sickness', where the only thing that helps is laying down with my eyes closed-if i could spend all day sleeping i would. it seems to be getting worse and today ive been dry retching on and off. not sure what to do and at the end of my tether-i have severe anxiety about vomiting so this hasn't helped. i take anti-sickness tablets daily for bowel issues i have and they dont help this horrible motion aickness. how long will this last and do i bother going back to the doctor?

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Did you stop Citalopram then start Fluoxetine, or cross-taper or just switch from one to the other?

    Why did you switch?

    Also what dose of Fluoxetine are you on?

    • Posted

      i cross tapered with the fluoxetine, been on it before and got on better so doctors decided it'd be better to switch back. im on 40mg of the fluoxetine now

    • Edited

      Those doses do seem equivalent, if this isn't the first time though you might find, as other people seem to, that it takes longer to settle.

      If it's only been a few weeks on the full 40mg of Fluoxetine maybe it's still settling, but either way I think you should report this to your doctor - it may not be entirely down to the Fluoxetine for example.

  • Posted

    Hi Lauren /you say you used to be on citalopram 40 mgs ,how were you weaned off them and how long have you been on Fluoxetine as the effects that you are getting could be from either medication.Citrolopram is for depression and Fluoxetine is for mdd and ocd.

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