Citrolopram pregabilin
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hi everyone really need advice
i was put on citolopram on the 20/6 10mg then 7 days later 20mg i developed a funny sensation
ekectric shock sensation tight chest if i laughed crued pushed i got s finny electric shock sensation theough my bidy and was wakened with muscke oain in my neck tgey saud it was nueropathy whivh later vould if been the side effect of the citolpram so theg out me on pregablin also and clonapan to slrep
i was on 75 then upped it to 150 mg i was walking like a dnack head it was not me i developed funny sendation ms in my nody numbness ( tightness in feet and two of my fingers also tingling thd dictor saud come iff thd pregabilin and increase the citolprsm to 30 so i did and reduced pregabilin to 25mg i was still thr same i wasnt sleeping great
i then was incrwaed to 40mg and it was still yhe same crying sll the time i couldnt walk as my foot tremors ,
im now off them completly and gave been got 4 weeks im a little bit steadier on feet but its still there . does anybody knod how long they take to cone out system im so scared i have paid for nuerlogudg as think i have MS he saud i hsvnt but still hsving s brsin scan also s ringing in my ear
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jessica57633 claire82660
i am dealing With the exact same thing. I am currently weaning off of the citalopram, trying to see if the symptoms go away.