Clear Ultrasound. What now?
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I went to the doctor for my ultrasound and bloods appointment and all of the results are clear. I was so shocked that I cried. What do I do now? I still feel poorly. My right shoulder hurts so badly that I can't breathe and my stomach keeps hurting no matter what I eat. My weight loss is also a real concern for me. The stage hospitals doctors keep telling me that it's just reflux and gave me medicine for it... but I am still feeling sick. The omerprazole gives me headaches and so does the ranitidine. I can barely breathe these days. Can anyone advise me? What do I do now?
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peter1928 tamsyn59552
You mention 'state hospital', so you're not in the UK - but you also think you may 'go private'. Are you in Australia?
I wouldn't advise you to go privately unless you have health insurance. In any event, press for a second opinion and beware of quacks trying to sell you somehting.
tamsyn59552 peter1928
dorcas44815 tamsyn59552
tamsyn59552 dorcas44815
731Madabb tamsyn59552
731Madabb tamsyn59552
731Madabb tamsyn59552
tamsyn59552 731Madabb
debbie89808 tamsyn59552
debbie89808 tamsyn59552
As others have mentioned, the Hida scan is the way to go to check how well the gallbladder is working. Also you may need additional checks for your pancreas as symptoms can be very similar. My consultant was going to order further tests of the pancreas had I not had an abnormal Hida.
Best wishes
tamsyn59552 debbie89808
Gem1384 tamsyn59552
Sorry your scans didn't show anything. It is really fraustrating.
I have similar symptoms to you. With weightloss and pains etc (see my other posts)
I have been diagnosed with IBS. The consultant is quite adament that this is the cause
he's written a very in depth letter to my new gp. When I saw her I filled her in with everything. I mentioned I am still worried about my pancreas. She said she would test my amylase, faecal elastase and then scan. All of which I have had done and are normal. She said after my endoscopy and sigmoidscopy (this Thursday coming) if that's normal she will look into food alergies. I have looked into a private Hida scan but they are £700+. They don't really do them much anymore on the nhs since 2012.
It's really upsetting as I'm still in pain everyday and still unable to put weight on. I still have loose stools.
I'm hoping the cameras show something so I can just move on with a diagnosis!
Have you had any stool samples done?
tamsyn59552 Gem1384
jodie77731 tamsyn59552