Clicking in ear

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Hi ladies

Does anyone else have an annoying clicking in their ear ? This started 2-3 days ago x

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    I call it thumping in my ear. Sometimes my ear feels full and swollen. Sometimes the hearing is better than at other times. Sometimes there is a whooping noise and increased tinnitus.

    But the thumping is so irritating!!!! The thumping is only when I swallow. It sounds like someone is thumping on my ear drum.

    I feel it is hormonal because during the month it ebbs & increases with my cycle.

    I also have throat clearing. Sometimes it goes away and other times it really acts up, with my monthly cycle.

    So, I have figured out it is part of perimenopause/menopause.

    Hope this helps.


    • Posted

      Oh struggling 50 I feel for you! I really hope this is a passing thing! I’m already having a whole range of peri symptoms which have been ongoing for 3 years! Take care 
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    Oh. By the way. I am 51. The ear problems started end of March 2017.
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    I get more of a ticking noise! It comes and goes thankfully!
    • Posted

      Yes it feels like a ticking mainly when I breathe in x it’s not all the time but it is really annoying x along with all the other peri rubbish lol
  • Posted

    Hiya stevo yes Iv started getting that over the last 2/3 months, I’m 4 yrs into the menopause, and seem to be getting every thing at the mo, b4 the menopause I never had this prob with my ears, so really am hoping once this crap is over it will settle down again, it’s at my worse when I go to bed and lay on the pillow i here it more, ticking noise, some times heart beat, and tinnitus as well, I try to sleep on the edge of the pillow so my ear is not coved by the pillow🤔 can only hope it goes away as quick as it started, the menopause as some thing to answer too with all the problems that come with it 🤗x

    • Posted

      Hi Dawn70425

      I like your pillow idea x people would laugh wouldn’t they if they saw all of the length ‘s we go to in an attempt to alleviate the symptoms x the annoying thing is one day I can be fine and the next I feel like - well you know lol

    • Posted

      Hi stevo.. lol ow yes I know what you mean, you think your getting through one symptom then ‘bam’ another starts up, when does all this crap stop, or do we just get use to the symptoms and learn to live with them ( hope not) ..

      Yeah Wen I lay on my pillow on my side I just go closer to the edge so my ear is not coved 😁 as other wise I can’t get to sleep as it just seems worse when I lay right on the pillow lol.. we’re woman and will do any thing that may help us in any way,   Bloody menopause 🤨x

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