Clicking throat
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does anyone have the clicking in the throat by the adams apple. its driving me nuts just started yesterday, my anxiety is making it worse, because thats all im thinking about. no pain, can eat and swallow fine. or is it another menopause symptom
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cindy_45475 Pamwhid
hi. if you mean a clicking sound from the back of the throat when laying in bed at night then yes I have had that (thought it was just me being a little weird!! lol) it dose not happen all of the time but I had a few weeks where it happened every night.
staci88515 cindy_45475
I have it while lying down as well. I think it is because your tongue is in a different position and when you breathe and swallow it moves off the roof of your mouth and makes a click sound. Same doesn't happen all the time.
Pamwhid cindy_45475
mine is fine when i lay down today its the right side of adams apple but i keep thinking about it so its making it worse
grace50455 Pamwhid
your right Pamwhid, I notice when I think about these aches and pains I feel worse . I try to keep myself busy so I'm not constantly worrying about what it could be. hope you feel better soon !! God bless you.
grace50455 Pamwhid
I get that too!! my ears pop when I swallow. do yours do that?
now the clicking noise is constant because that is all i can think about my throat feels tense and my ears are ringing. nothing bothers me when i eat or drink or swallow and when i talk. my anxiety is through the roof because i think something is wrong wrong with my throat. the clicking is on the sides of my adams apple. 2 days ago i was fine and fine up to that point. this past period was so light, and i have all the other 66 symptoms of menopause
lisa95354 Pamwhid
Pam, are you sure it’s in your throat and not from the jaws, feeling like it’s coming from the throat ? we were just talking about TMJ, do you possibly have that?
i do have tmj but its my throat. it seems when im laying down watching my reality shows lol im not clicking my throat. i feel like im getting a cold who knows, or because i have anxiety is it that