Clinical Eyelid and lash cleaning

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I've been suffering with blepharitis for about three months and been diligently following the protocol my ophthalmologist prescribed. Its been helping a lot but is a very long process and very frustrating. I'm desperate to go back to wearing contacts and make up.

Although I think things are coming under control I have been trying to speed things up a little and so  today I went to a local opticians who have a new machine which gives a clinical standard washing over the eyelids and lashes. More intense than I can do at home.

Before the procedure they also took close up photos of my eyes with a magnified lens to show me exactly where the problem was. In my case it was mostly the lower lid and mainly due to blocked glands.

The cleaning really seems to have worked. My eyelashes seem longer and finer somehow. The technician stopped after doing just one eye to see if I could feel a difference and I could. The eye already treated felt freer, lighter somehow.

The technician said this procedure would have helped to unblock the glands and help a better tear flow.

Apparently my case of blepharitis is not very bad and my home cleaning has already helped a lot, but I think this treatment will help a lot. Rather like a good dental cleaning at the dentist.

I am supposed to go back in three weeks to check how things are going and thereafter if it works I'll probably have a treatment every few months. 

Just wanted to share.


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4 Replies

  • Posted

    I talked to a clinic about that the other day about the eye cleaning for blephartitis and it takes 11/2 hours to do

    and it cost 250.00$. I was  going to get it done until she said it did not cure the problem and it will come back.

    She said it was just a tempory fix.Nothing will cure it ever so I don't see the point in spending that kind of cash.

    Mind you if I were rich I might do it. So do you still have to do your daily eye care like the rest of us ?..if so that's another reason not to get it done if your still messing with your eyes everyday after that big expense.


    • Posted


      I think maybe we are talking about different methods/systems. For me the consultation with the opticians technician took about 10 minutes including looking at the magnified photos together. The cleaning itself only took five/ten minutes. It also cost 30 euros (I live in Europe not the US although I believe the machine is American). I certainly wouldn't pay 250 USD.

      The way it was explained to me it is really like a visit to a dental hygienist. Its not that afterwards you stop cleaning your teeth yourself, but it gives it a really intense clean that helps your own efforts and in this case speeds a recovery.

      I have to say that when i look in the mirror this morning, my lower lashes especially look longer and finer. I think this is because before they must have been more clumped together at the eyeline, so now I see the full length of the lash if that makes sense.

  • Posted

    Hi Victoria.

    Before you spend money on fancy gadgets, have you tried tea tree oil applications?

    You can use a diluted solution with water or essential oil, or a pre bottled facial cleanser. Just don't get it in your eyes, it stings terribly.

    • Posted

      Hi Jason,

      No to be honest tea tree oil is one thing I have not yet tried though I have seen it mentioned quite a lot so I will look into it.

      Honey has helped me and I am waiting for some manuka honey eye drops to arrive (it should be easier to apply than pure honey) and the research on them looks very positive.

      For the moment things seem to be improving and I have today gone back to wearing contacts (a big step).

      So far they seem good and very comfortable but I will hold off judgement for a few days. 

      The intense cleaning at the opticians seems to have helped. My lashes are visibly better - longer, and not bunched up at the root which in theory must be a good thing. I will go back to the opticians in three weeks for a check up and probably another clean. On reflection the thing I am very pleased about at the opticians, is that that they seemed to be ready to accompany me on this path of resolving my blepharitis. They gave me a lot of good advice and the fact that they really examined my eyes properly and then shared the images with me so I could see exactly where the problem was, really helped. 

      They were also very encouraging both in terms of how much I seem to have already resolved the problem myself and also how I should be able to make a full recovery. Its nice to feel you have support.

      I'm pleased that next time I should be able to see the progress myself.

      Thank you very much for the advice. 

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