Clobetasol & Lower Abdominal Pain
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Hello! How nice to find a group of women with the same affliction (and also how sad that there are so many of us that we have our own group!). I was wondering if anyone has experienced lower abdominal pain (feels like gas cramps but isn't gas) using clobetasol? I've had this pain for almost a week and can't seem to figure out why. Then it hit me, I've been using clobetasol on my lady parts to try to heal (my main symptom is tearing and bleeding after sex) and then I started using it because the psoriasis on my skin has flared up has my rosacea causing breakouts on my face (!!!). My thyroid T4 numbers have also been slightly off and I normally have a healthy thyroid, although my mother has Graves disease and my sister is hypo.
That being said, I've switched to a plant-based diet after reading so much about all these autoimmune disorders (oh, I also have a somewhat milder case of IBS) and how they are caused by inflammation in the body. I used to be plant-based and had been wanting to switch back anyway. I feel like my body is saying, "Hey! Wake up! Feed me healthy food or it's only going to get worse!"
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heather30576 suzmax
Hi Suz, I was only diagnosed with LS on Friday but have been on the cream for months with no problem, the gynaecologist put me pesseries that has given me lower abdomen pains.
I hate the cracking and bleeding of the skin so much, sex is so painful 😖
suzmax heather30576
I've used it in the past with no problems...both the cream and the ointment. I just wondered if maybe using it for LS and also on my skin for psoriasis has done something.
I'm sorry for your pain.
We use lots and lots and lots of coconut oil for sex. Sometimes it works and other times not one bit (actually it works less often than it doesn't but it's always worth a try. I think the more you use the better. But really there's only so much you can use before it's dripping all over the place!
karen41728 suzmax
Sorry to hear this.. there are many ladies on this site with lots of you suffer with the oral lichen too..
suzmax karen41728
I don't thank goodness.
hanny32508 suzmax
My experience that my body needs to be in some kind of balance - thyroid off and other parts start to 'complain'. My system couldn' t handle the clobetasol on long term because of adrenal gland issues. But I can control LS almost without by using baking soda and/or borax baths and rinses.
?And you have guessed it already - the diet is equally important. I have to stay away from sugar, alcohol, gluten; limited dairy. I guess plant based diet is good for you. Since I have gone gluten free my bowels behave very nicely, bonus. Home cooked meals for sure.
?It takes a bit of getting used to the routine, but in the end well worth it. I don't know about the lower abdominal pain, unless it is related to your irritable bowel sydrome and for that you may want to look into gluten free.
?Wishing you well.
winifred02134 suzmax
justine89448 winifred02134
Hi I really sufferer with my bowels to I'm fructose intolerant what is the cob website
winifred02134 justine89448
e IC was diagnosed and now l have medication for that which thankfully works . I do think the diet helped with the LS which improved after l started this diet , it generally makes me fitter overall . It works for me . Winifred
heather30576 winifred02134
Ooooo I'm going to have to look at this diet! X
heather30576 winifred02134
Sorry what's COB? I know I'm
heather30576 suzmax
Aqueous, is the best to make sex more comfortable so far, but I'm willing to try anything 😭
Metta suzmax
Hi Suzmax,
I also have noticed abdominal pain since starting on Clobetasol, and I've never really had any before. It's quite low down and just feels like dull, minor aches. It's not particularly uncomfortable, but it's there and it's worrying me. I especially notice it when I'm sitting or lying quietly. I did some reading on abdominal pain and apparently it can happen around menopause, which is also true for me. However, the timing with the start of Clobetasol is also a bit suspect. I have called my gynocologist and asked to speak with her. I don't think it's something I should let go on. I'll let you know what comes of it. Please keep us appraised of your situation.
MarywithLS Metta
Hi Metta,
I was diagnosed with LS this past summer... I am writing to you because I think I also have a reaction to the Clobetasol ointment. I had watched Dr Andrew Goldstein's online seminar and was convinced that his process for aplication of C was the best plan... I used it for 3 days and blew out bad with the oddest dscharge I ever saw-- it was A LOT and white (but not like a Y infecton)--anyway--- I had to stop... I finally saw a specialist (and I recommend that to everyone, since it seems a regular gyn or internal medicine doc is unlikely going to be up to speed on LS)-- Well, the vuvular specialist recomm that I use the C at night on area that are bothering me ... Ever since the day I had the exam, (Halloween)-- I have been getting worse and worse with weird and bad symptoms... especially this pelviic pressure and pain. I think the little tiny bit of C I used when she recomm it made me react in a way that I got this pelvic pain;... I have found talk about intersticial cystitis (sp) and pelvic inflamation etc...and it all sounds like what I am experiencing...basically, yes, i feel like the C works agains me... I am in pain even now as I type and tempted to try the C tonight. What are we to do? I have also developed a weird anoying nerve tingling in my feet and legs and groin area-- geesh. I think it is vital that we all read as much as possible and share our symptoms and progress too-- I was able to inform my regular doc about a lot and I think this will help her when sees other women. I saw a male gyn who completely missed the LS-- completely--I even told him all my classic symptoms and I already had adheasions (severe) and his advise was to 'use lubrication when you have sex'-- and he did not a mention of LS or treatment or testing... I hope this encourages people to get second opinions and learn the symptoms... This is my first time sharing on here-- I'll be back, I'm sure. We really need to stay positive and keep sharing what we learn. goodnight... sleep tight