Clumsiness and depth perception problems.

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Hi everyone.  I feel completely out of sorts as my body and mind appears to be failing me.   I am experiencing depth perception problems meaning I misjudge where something is and it takes me several goes before I take hold of the item in question.  Also, my grip doesn't appear to be as strong as it once was which makes me clumsy and causes me to drop things or loose my balance.  I have poor concentration, I'm forgetful and feel completely weird( uncoordinated).  Some of my other symptoms are tingling, insomnia and anxiety caused by my health issues.  Is anyone else experiencing depth perception and clumsiness?  Frightened to say the least.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Totally yes! The clumsiness is ridiculous, bad memory, anxiety. I am soon to start Estrogen, we'll see if it gets better. Hot flashes are also ridiculous. I am only 45 and this has been going on gradually for a few years. Hot flashes have gotten increasingly worse.  

    • Posted

      Hi Tmarie.  Thanks for sharing your current health situation with me.  It's a relief to know that I'm not the only one suffering with these frightening symptoms.  I hope that you feel better soon and if the estrogen works please let me know so I can talk to my dr about it.  Kind regards.

  • Posted

    yup its pretty classic.  Ive just said this very thing to my husband 10 mins ago. I have just had a relatively good period these past couple of months where the trembling, anxiety /not able to focus eyes/keep dropping things etc had pretty much disappeared into the background.. then my last period was hardly anything and since then all the bad symptoms have been coming back a bit at a time, and today im back to not being able to focus my eyes keep dropping things, supper shaky/easily startled and feeling like a wreck again. The hormone fluctuations play havoc with our brains and the knock on effect is all this weird neurological stuff that makes life a daily struggle . You are not on your own , i think most of us on here feel like complete fruit loops most days xx
    • Posted

      Thanks for your speedy response and sharing your struggles with me.  I hate feeling this weak, uncoordinated and frankly a bit scared by these changes.  It's such a shame that the doctors don't care enough to ease our anxiety.  I wish that there was a support group in my area where woman could meet to chat about their menopausal experiences.  I've also stopped googling my symptoms as the most scary neurological and autoimmune diseases come up scaring the heck out of me.   Once again thanks.  Take care of yourself and I hope that you feel better soon.  

    • Posted

      Doctors...don't get me started! I pay big money to see a doctor that 'gets it.' Forget the ones associated with my insurance. Yes, I totally wish there was a support group that we could have. This whole thing is definitely crazy and so tired of people blowing it off.

  • Posted

    It may be worth getting your vitamin B12 levels checked. Menopausal women can be low in this and a deficiency cause many of the symptoms you describe. Also it is so easy to fix with prescribed supplements or injections.
    • Posted

      Thanks Suki girl.  I had my Vitamin B12 checked a few weeks ago and even though I'm deficient, I was told that I just under the recommended level.  So according to the dr there's nothing to be concerned about.  I was given Viamin D tablets (4000) because of my deficiency.  

      Best regards.  💐🌺🌷

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