Codeine addiction.

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I was diagnosed with nerve root compression of my lumbar spine by MRI in 2006. The Dr prescribed me co/codomol 30/500. And I am still taking them to this day. About 2 years ago I learned that I couldn't function without them. They don't stop my pain anymore so I started taking over the counter Ibuprofen and codeine 12.8/200mg. This has gradually crept up to 24 tablets a day. So with the 8 co codomol I take I'm taking 547mg of codeine a day! It's my dirty little secret.  I can't function without that daily dose. And the first thing I do on waking is to swallow two co codomol and 4ibuprofen and codeine! I am so ashamed of my secret. Nobody else knows. I just can't tell anyone. If I don't take my full dose of daily codeine throughout the day, I get terrible withdrawal symptoms. I'm nervous/anxious/have cold sweats and terrible cramps and get panic attacks. Anyone else in a similar situation? Please get in touch. 

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    Hi, I'm in the same boat but not as bad. I have never gone over the daily maximum dose, but it's still hell to get off them, on lower doses.

    The only thing I can suggest, is that you cut them down very slowly, going "cold turkey" with the amount you are taking will cause very strong withdrawal symptoms, so try cutting pills in half for the ones you take in the middle of the day (even if you just take off half a tablet at a time, it's a start) when you tell your gp, tell them that your worried about withdrawal symptoms if you stop them suddenly. There may be something they can give you to help.

    - see my discussion


    • Posted

      Hi there, thanks for your reply.. Well I woke this morning and the bed was soaked! I must get withdrawal symptoms in the night. I'm terrible until I've had my second fix. Restless, irritable etc.

      ive tried cutting down. But get terrible withdrawal symptoms. Even just by small amounts. It's really got a grip on me. I need professional help! I've got a repeat script to get at 9am with some nitrazepam on there which help me space out the codeine. But I have to take 8 of those 2 x 5mg tablets every 5 hours. The tablets only last me a couple of days as I'm only prescribed 30 tablets a fortnight. At least it gives me a couple of days off the high doses of codeine. 

      Like I said earlier. Why is codeine sold over the counter in this country? And so easy to get hold of when it's banned in a country like America! I've read that an estimated 40,000 people are addicted in England alone to over the counter codeine. In some forums people take upto 100 ibuprofen and codeine with co codomol ! At leat I haven't got to that stage.

      i will get the courage to tell the Dr at the end of the month and hopefully he will help me get off this highly addictive poison.

      Really appreciate your reply. Will continue to put updates on here.

  • Posted

    Hey guys, I can really relate to what you are all saying. I've been addicted to codiene now for a few years. It was silly how I started taking it as my mum gave it to me (she's a nurse) when I fell and twisted my ankle badly and I really liked the high it gave me. Before long I started stealing it from her as she takes it herself for nerve damage. I think she may be addicted herself as she never mentions it if any of her stash goes missing. I buy a pack or 32 16.5/800mg codiene and ibuprofen everyday and take them all in one go. Sometimes this makes me sick but I still force it down. Every morning I wake up my first thought is how to buy some. Some shops refuse to sell it to me as they know I buy it too much. Others just make sure I don't buy it more than a week at a time. I've been taking them for years and have managed to quit twice by going cold turkey but it's the high that I miss. The whit drawl is awful but sometimes I manage it only to get pulled back into it when I miss the high. They make me so dowsy I don't mind my boring anti social life when I'm on them. It's all so pathetic. I'm the same as you in thati can't admit to anyone that I have a problem. I would like help from my GP but I am afraid. I'm scared I've ruined my liver or caused stomach ulcers. Some days I throw up allot after taking my dose of 32 tablets. It makes me sick just thinking about it. My sleeping pattern is all messed up with it and it's just as well I'm self employed as I plan my days around my drug taking. I hate to think how much money I spend on these tablets. I suffer from depression too which is probably a side affect of the addiction but it is a vicious circle. I'm worried I may kill myself on these but I don't want to stop enough to do anything about it. Sometimes I do but then I feel lost without them. My friends all knew at one point but then I told them I quit and they think I'm still off them now. I wish I had any idea of how dangerous they were when I started taking them. Doctors don't give enough warning about them. Like someone else here said they are as bad as herion. I almost believe the lies I tell to the pharmacists to buy them. I'm so weak...
    • Posted

      Hello Kate I do feel for you and like you I know I couldn't function without the codeine. I'm prescribed it for rheumatoid arthritis but before that I was buying over the counter codeine with paracetamol 12.8/500. I got used to them after being given it after an operation. My question is though where do you get that 16.5/800 tablet? I didn't realise you could get the higher dose. Thought the highest was 12.8.

      I also agree doctors don't warn patients just how addictive they are. I get 8 boxes of 28 codeine ( on it's own, no paracetamol) every 28 days. Heaven help me if my rheumatologist decides I need something different!

      Liver damage is a side effect of the combined tablet in particular. I know it's hard but there ius help for codeine addiction but the problem is very few people can go through with it.

    • Posted

      You can get 8/500 and 12.8/500 OTC, anything higher is prescription only. Although it is possible to buy a 200ml linctus that has 600mg of codeine in it, OTC for about £3, with chloroform and sorbitol in it to deter overuse.

      I have an underlying, as yet undiagnosed knee injury, that causes me constant pain and irritibility, I also have IBS and a plethora of allergies.

      Since I started taking low dose co-codamol every day, the pain has gone, but strangely, my mood has lifted, I feel normal, my IBS has pretty much stopped, I can concentrate and listen more than before, basically pay attention to people when they talk to me. I'm more critical, more involved, more productive, my ability to analyse social situations has vastly improved, and I am more sociable. It also makes me less interested in other methods of self treating anxiety, namely, food, booze and fags. In a sense, it has solved everything. 

      Which is good right?

      But also bad, because I know when I get my knee injury seen to, and they ask what I've been doing to treat the pain, and before the injury itself gets treated, I will be prescribed higher strength co-codamol, maybe even pure codeine, probably on repeat prescription, and then I will become totally addicted, like all of you. Not only that, but it's fixing so many other things at such a low dose, which means that it's masking and hiding other health problems that I potentially have.

      But I feel so good, so happy, and so rational, for the first time in years.

      So much so that I think I should just give in now, deal with the consequences years down the line when I'm in a better position.

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      The ones I used to take were 30/500 prescription only.

      I was addicted to them and it took some doing to get off of them

  • Posted

    the reason why these tablets don,t work anymore is because your body has got used to them and the fact that you are more then likely addicted to them the codeine that you are on are very addictive so be careful i myself is on them and to be honest i would rather suffer the amount of pain am in all day and everyday  
  • Posted

    Please stop extolling America for not selling codeine OTC!  Many responsible patients with real chronic pain, (arthritis, degenerative bone disease, migraine headaches) cannot get reliable effective pain relief without resorting to a doctor visit !   Have you any idea how inconvenient that is for many of us.

    Sorry, Latchy, YOU are the one with the *misuse* problem dont be clamoring to take effective medication from those who truly need it !

  • Posted

    hi latchy.

    i could really use some help. im addicted to codine and have been foe over a year now. i take neurofen plus, between 32-44 tablets a day, usually taking upto 20 in one go. i used to be so bad on them i stole them from my boyfriends father, they did find out in the end and have split over somwthing completely different.

    knowwhere in my hometown will serve them to me anymore and so find myself traveling upto 10 miles a day on the bus just for my "next fix".

    i have been to my gp and admitted this to them. she reffered ti me the drug and alcahol team, but after 3 months i heard nothing from them and so went back to a different doctor who has suggested doing it at home rather than reffering me as theyll not give me anything to help me through it, and so he put me on a depression tablet to help while i gradually cut down and eventually stop. they are also to help me sleep. tbh they dont seem ti be helping as yet. im down to 10 a day.

    noone knows apart feom my mum and dad as i feel so ashamed and dissapointed within myself.

    im fed up with tablets being the first thing on my mind when i wake and the last thing when i sleep at night. when im unable to get them i just feel so week and lafargic with no energy at all, which is hard being a single mum to two young boys. i do hope u reply and can give some words of wisdom, i also hope u havw managed to knock them on the head with it being 7 month since your last post. . thanks. sarah

    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,

      I just wanted you to know you're not alone. I was very addicted to codeine/paracetamol . (In Aust it's called panadeine forte 30/500) I was on it for 8plus years. Never thought about it until I used up my script too quickly and couldnt get anymore. So I decided to quit. I must say I never thought I was so addicted but I was. I told my family and my Dr and decided to go cold turkey. Which was really hard, but I'm getting through it. It's been nearly six weeks now. I can't tell you what's best for you tapering or cold turkey but I will tell you what I did. I looked up the Thomas Recipe and based myself on that.

      I got myself someL-tysrosine potassium and magnesium tablets, some Imodium (for the runs), small amount of Valium (doctor gave me 15 so I wouldn't over take them)

      The first 36 hours are the worst. Cold like symptoms, anxiety and killer restless legs. The magnesium and potassium will help with legs plus lots of hot showers.

      Honestly it was hard but each day gets a little bit better.

      Keep yourself busy, try and go for walks. Know that it won't last forever and it gets better. Make sure you have support. Write a diary so you can see your progress and to get your thoughts out from your head.

      Of course this is what I did but you need to stop the way it works best for you. I knew I had to go cold turkey but a lot of people taper off.

      I wish you best of luck and I hope you can get yourself off them.

  • Posted

    I have a bad problem I take 16 to 24 a day for the last 6 or 7 year I'm starting to chest pains now I'd love to kick it now I'm 31 I need to stop
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    I honestly think, there is no reason to be ashamed of urself, it is the doctors fault for being so easy going with handing out cocodamol and codiene.

    I only just turned 21, and I've been addicted to codiene for 2 years now. I injured myself and although I didn't have a diagnosis at the time, straight away I was given cocodamol && codiene. Later when I got my diagnosis I found that there really wasn't a need for me to take cocodamol, however my doctors still prescripe me cocodamol and codiene regularly, at 100 pills per two weeks! I've never been questioned as to why I've been taking so much! And has caused me to become, addicted to the point I used to have violent mood swings, and sweating, which caused me to wet all my clothes and bed specially at night!!! I wish myself to get help, however the doctors have refused to prescripe me any newer painkillers, due to my young age, and because I will be taking them for the rest of my life.... I agree u should get help, and try not to tempt urself, by sneaking some codiene I honestly think it's such a shame, as I'm quite young they still prescripe me such a huge amount but I do get reviewed every so often, however with older people, they don't really question or evaluate the situation twice before handing out codiene or cocodamols, or the pharmacy sometimes! If the doctor keeps presciping u, then the pharmacy should always question the customer as to what they need it for, so it will help less people become addicted to the codiene/cocodamol, as there such a high risk of overdosing specially with cocodamol, which has 500mg of paracetamol and it's very easy to od on paracetamol

  • Posted

    All my life i have suffered with anxiety and panic disorder and since my teens on and off depression. I have been taking mirtazipine pescribed by my doctor mostly to help me sleep at night so I'm not exhuasted the next day but also because its an anti depressant, I've also been taking propanolol when anxiety gets too much

    When I had my wisdom teeth removed i was pescribed codeine phosphate 30mg to help deal with the pain which was intense, and i was unaware that this was an opiate or how addictive they were

    it really helps deal with depression and anxiety, the warm feeling you get and it relaxes you when you're feeling intense, my guess would be this is a milder version of what heroin users experience

    It's especially addictive for people like myself, and potentially dangerous if to much is taken or if mixed with other medications and alcohol but let me tell you it is nice to feel warm and relaxed when you struggle to feel that naturally. The problem is the more you use it the more you have to take to get the same effect and your brain becomes accustomed to it that you no longer feel the effect so for a long term solution to depression and anxiety it's not the answer

    I would advice people not to take this at night, when feeling tired or before sleeping as for me, when i was drifting off i was so relaxed and then suddenly i became aware of how slow my breathing was. a feeling like it was coming to a halt which was scary, i think if you sleep on this there could be a risk of that happening

    I think maybe it will be fine for me to take it every other month during the day, 3 a day and this is something i want to ask my doctor

    All i know is that coedine has helped me a lot besides removing the toothache it was initially pescribed for and i'd like to really continue taking it someway thats safe without over doing it

  • Posted


    I'm currently on Day 7 of codeine withdrawals, I was taking about 32 neurofen plus daily (roughly 400mg). I'm not going to lie it's been so hard and I'm still not back to the real 'me' but it had to be done. I refuse to let these pills rule my life.

    Day 1-2 was the sweating, flu like symptoms, aches, diorhea etc

    Day 3-4 were even worse with a constant feeling of nautilus and then throwing up/heaving 9pm -7am. You do not realise how long the nights are until you can't sleep.

    Day 4 I went to the Dr and this was the best thing I could have done we talked about his smoking not addiction and how these little pills are the devil and he offered to put me on a programme but I told him I had already done 4 days cold turkey and he gave me some sleeping pills (which I haven't taken, didn't want to swap one drug for another).

    Day 5-7 is the start of recovery I can promise you this. As I said I'm not 100% but I can function and I'm trying to stay positive. One thing I will warn you of which no one seems to discuss is the extra time you have, codeine relaxes us and passes time without us noticing it, now I'm off it I have so much time and I don't know what to do with it, this I suppose is my biggest fear of relapse, boredom but I refuse to let it take me. I haven't gone through a week of hell just to go back to stage one. Anyone looking to go cold turkey (which is what I did, couldn't be arsed to ween off it). I would say get a week off work, stop taking them on the Friday before you finish work and endure it!!!! It's hard but so worth it. You will feel normal again, our bodies are amazing things and so are you.

    Sorry to ramble I just needed to share my last 7 days with someone as it's hard for people to understand how you can get addicted to 'just neurofen'.

    I start a new job today so hoping the anxiousness stays at bay and let's me make a good impression!

    I hope to hear from any of you, especially if more details are required.


    P.s. The only meds I used to help me get through were Imodium for my stomach/diorhea. I took dioralyte every morning after throwing up/diorhea to replace valuable nutrition such as body salts/sugars and a multi vitamin a day. I was so motivated not to pick up a 'substitute'. I also forced down boiled vegetables and forced myself to take my dog for a walk. Eating healthy and exercising is imperitave for a quicker withdrawal process I believe.

    • Posted


      Well done!!!!

      Just wondering if you felt down/emotional too, sorry if silly question or i missed it in your message.

      I'm on day 2-3 & can't seem to stop crying, well aware there are much worse symptoms but with young children at home,

      its obviously not nice for them to see me like this but can explain upset tum much easier.

      Hoping you're still checking this post.

    • Posted

      Hi Gray,

      Yes, I'm a 27 year old male and I cried at so much stuff. It was always set off by something, like something in tele etc. It's completely normal to be emotional, I was for about the first 4/5 days. Now I don't mean I was constantly crying just had points during the day where felt I could cry because of the stresses of being very ill for so long and probably self pity abit!

      Over 4 weeks for me now and I feel soooo much better than when I was on the pills.

      Stay strong!


    • Posted

      Thank you for getting back to me.

      I've been taking codeine for about 6 months due to back pain, had dr appt 2 weeks ago & said it wasn't

      helping with my pain so gave me tramodol which made me feel awful.... so thought I'd just stop

      taking all meds as wasn't helping anyway, now unfortunately I've got withdrawal, naively

      never even realised this could happen.

      You have done so well, really pleased for you that you're feeling so much better.

    • Posted

      I found I was more irritated and angry than emotional. Anyone else find that?

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