Codeine addiction and beating it

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Hi Everyone

I'm new to this site and have been reading the many posts about addiction to codeine in its many ghastly forms. If, like me, you are hooked on this awful substance, then my heart goes out to you and I want you to know that you are not alone. 

At present I take 6 x 30mg co-codamol tablets per day. I started because I am a fool - I liked the initial buzz and euphoria and started buying them online, which is so easy. It's been about 3 years and I've seriously tried to come off them twice, once by cold turkey and once by tapering, both failed. The cold turkey lasted 10 days until I couldn't cope with the depression and exhaustion. 

From reading other people's experiences, it strikes me that it would really help to hear from people who have beaten these pills and have successfully quit them for good. Personally, I want to know it's possible and any advice that you can give before i take the plunge again. 

At the moment I can't face owning up to my GP, but have an appointment with a local drug counselling organisation next week. One thing I'm sure of - You can't do this alone!

I would love to hear from anyone who is going through this or has been there and beaten it. Truly we need each other to do it. I wish you well


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, it is possible to do this, I ok dyhydrocodeine for over two years not massive amounts but still took them when I didn't need to. I just got down to taking just two a day until New Year's Eve then stopped it was like having really bad flu for the first five days but after that each day gets better and more bearable. It would be best if you spoke with your GP they can help possibly give you some slow release codeine a nod help you with a taper plan also help if you are depressed. I'm so glad I gave up and got my life back I also tried meditation and mindfulness which really helped me.

     I'm sure other people will give you good advice I also had support from my husband it's good if you can tell someone. Good luck Ann 

  • Posted

    Roger! My man! How's it's going?

    I used to buy them online! It's bloody expensive isn't it! £50 a box! Robbing buggars. I used to take 15 of them a day though. Didn't last me 2 minutes.

    I've been clean since June now. It's takes so much willpower but when you get to the point that I did where I just had to kick it - it was getting out of hand. I can't believe you went cold turkey for 10 days! That's the hardest bit over and done with! I'd say the first 3 days are the hardest, then after that it just gets easier and easier not to take them because you're determined then! Focused!

    I went cold turkey. Just didn't take them one morning and haven't taken one since. I personally don't think the substitutes that doctors try and give you work - for me it's just something else to get addicted to. 7 months ago I couldn't see an end in sight. Now l, I don't have the urge to take any codeine. The headaches are gone, the sweats are gone, the feeling like something is missing is gone, the insomnia, the jitters, the let's just say bowel issues, gone. Everything. Gone! It's possible if you want and need to kick this habit. You control your body not the other way around. It's much easier than you'd think I promise!

    If you need any advice or anything just shout up! I want to help smile

    • Posted

      thats a good promise,14 days clean,vics,benzos,brutal first 10,no sleep,food,suicidal thoughts,third time cold turkey,first 2 cocaine and alcohol,should haave known better,serious pain in back,but worst pain being an addict..vicodin recovery is harber than first 2 times,but i was 30 then,60 now.gob bless every suffering adddict.
  • Posted


    I have been trying to come off 1200mg a day for 5 years since the end of August.

    Most of my story is on here.

    I am now on 4mg of subutex and 16mg of diazepam plus 2 antidepressants nicknamed Californian rocket fuel - that was prescribed by a psychiatrist. I have had depression for over 20 years but coming off the opiates (I was completely off opiates for 40 days) made me go into the deepest episode of depression I have ever had. I was sucicidal.

    Thank god my local drug centre along with support from here I haven't given up and gone back to them.

    I came off opiates too quickly for me. The consultant I see at the drug centre says because of the trauma I have been through in the last 5 years it was just too much. I lost my mum just before I started taking the codeine so when I stopped it felt like it had just happened along with loads of other stuff.

    I will be detoxed down to a low amount then taken in for 4 weeks to get me off the last bit with an option of a further 3 months.

    I've tried cold turkey, tapering and substitutes - I have found the right way for me I believe you need to do the same for you.

    Great that you already have an appointment! You are not on an extremely high dose so I imagine tapering would be your best option.

    Any questions please ask and good luck! Well done for taking that first step 😀

  • Posted

    Hi Rog,

    Getting in touch with the local drugs team is the perfect next move. As Sue says you've gotta find what works for you in terms of approach: substitutes, cold-turkey, taper etc. 

    I took 90mg MST (Morphine sulphate tablets) + Oramorph (Liquid Morphine) for about 7 months after a serious accident. I tried to taper for a few months and got down to 40mg/day before it became just too freaking hard, and then I went to see the local drugs team who helped me quit the rest in one go. I've now been clean for 8 months. Am I fully recovered from my Opiate journey? No entirely but I feel a little better every month. I have no desire to take Opiates again, they protected me in a time of extreme pain and mental fragility but it came at a huge price.

  • Posted

    Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement. It is the prospect of severe depression that scares me most as I have been on anti-depressants for many years and don't want to go back there. I am seeing the drugs counsellor next monday and will post again after that. Thank you again.


    • Posted

      I understand your concerns, withdrawal is evil, but it's good you know yourself, definitely a good topic for discussion. I found the depression pretty rough for about 4 weeks and then it started to ease, but it affects us all differently. After the 4 weeks of hellishness I felt far better than the preceding months though.
    • Posted

      I would make sure they are aware that you have suffered with depression before and on antidepressants. I really think it makes a difference when detoxing.

      I am trying talking therapy whilst I detox plus the strong antidepressants to help me be mentally as healthy as I can.

      I really hope the appointment goes well let us know.

  • Posted

     ast you know you cant do this alone,willpower is no avail to most drugaddicts or alcoholics. treatment,or maybe a treatment center with a detox center is a good start.thats what i did and followed with AA and god.there are more drug addicts in AA than drunks.90 meetings in 90 days is recommended to start,dont be afraid to works.

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