Cold chills/swollen breast
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Hi all
I'm new to this forum. I'm 47 and going thru this time of my life. Here are my symptoms
-Cold chills
- tingling in my back and fingers
- breast are hurting badly
-left legs swells 1 week prior to my period
-periods are still on time
-sex drive down
-vision blurry (prior to my period)
All these are my symptoms
It's crazy to believe are bodies do this to us.
Looking for advise and hopefully some alternative to help with these symptoms
1 like, 5 replies
mercy21172 gilly_64426
Hi Gilly, very sorry, I too have had all the symptoms you listed. Now I am managing every symptoms that comes up. You are not alone in this. Even now i am still experiencing some, Just try and be positive knowing that one day it will be a story. Eat enough Vegetables & Fruits + Vitamins... you will be fine. We will overcome this.
sarah39816 gilly_64426
Dear Gilly,
I started perimenopause about 5 years ago. I will be 47 in a few months. I just wanted to write you a quick note to let you know I have experienced all of the symptoms you are describing (with the exception that my periods are now further apart and very unpredictable).
I completely understand what you are going through. The tingling feeling in the skin and muscle is a very odd feeling. I also get terrible breast pain and swelling in my extremities prior to my periods. It is a very odd and frightening feeling. Also, I have no libido at all. I also recall having the blurred vision from time to time prior to start my period.. All of these symptioms are very frustrating and I understand.
I had been to my doc and reported these similar symptoms. In my case, she said they are due to low progesterone and all part of perimenopause. I take 750 mg of magnesium, a multi vitamin and try to eat healthy food daily, as well as getting regular exercise. When you feel poorly, it's hard to do these simple things, but I find it does alleviate some of the symptoms.
I just wanted to write back and let you know you are not alone in your feelings. I hope you find some relief. You will get through this! Hugs! --Sarah
gilly_64426 sarah39816
I glad I found this forum and the advise and knowledge is very comforting
I do believe stress has a lot to do with the onset of my perimenapause , my job is very detailed and at time the stress from emails and calls I take every day could be the reason my body started early.
sarah39816 gilly_64426
Dear Gilly,
I do take iron with my multivitamin and it does help. I hope you will find that your energy will soon return once you begin the iron supplement. I absolutely agree with your comments regarding stress and perimenopausal symptoms. Stress definitely adds to the severity of the symptoms. I try to be mindful of that, but I am not always successful! Try to take some time for yourself when you begin to feel stressed. It will help minimize your overall symptoms.
As my Grandmother used to say, "This too shall pass." You will get through this and you will feel better. If you ever need to chat, please post and I'll respond. You are not in this alone.
Wishing you the very best,
gilly_64426 sarah39816
Thank you.