cold sore on right bottom lip
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I have been sick with horrible sore throat and fever , chills and aches and pains. Been on antibotics, now I have a cold sore on my lip anyone every get them and what do you do to care for it. My bottom right side lip is blister sore and red some puffy. Please don't say anything to scare the heck out of me already panic about it, I havent had one of these in years years! I started Champor P sp? Can cold sores blister be red and swollen around them? For the ladies that pray please pray for me and a friend of mine fighting lung cancer her name is Ida. I do NOT smoke. I was surprised I got the cold sore because I am on antibotics! Please dont scare me. Panic mode in high gear.
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Goddess1 Guest
Hi hun,
praying for both you and Ida…! 🙏🙏🙏💕 & yes I get cold sores as well not often but I do! I only put Carmex and it help the tingling & burning a great deal, I notice stress is a factor for me or having been ill from a cold, I really hope you feel better son! God bless you, your not alone!
Sochima822 Guest
Hi crosado, I'm going through the same. My cold sore is on the corner of my lip. Aloe Vera dries it up and heals it, so this is what I used, as well as Carmax. But I recently read that probiotics heals them even faster. I'm going to take one tonight to see if the rough edges on the roof of my mouth go away.
No need to panic, just keep your body warm. If you're still on antibiotics, don't take the probiotics until you're done. So use aloe vera or carmax instead. Btw, what is champor p, I can't seem to find it on any medical websites? Hope you recover soon. Happy New Year.
Guest Sochima822
You have a cold sore now Sochima, I'm using Camphor Phenol/medicated
What is Carmax and is it for cold sores? Does it help and if you axcidently get in your mouth does it taste bad?
Sochima822 Guest
Yes, I have a cold sore crosado. A word of warning do not use camphor phenol, it damages the liver
Learned this from working at the hospital. Make sure it doesn't get in your mouth. Actually, I'm using something called blistertex. I bought it otc. No it doesn't taste bad. Where are located,? Are you in the UK or somewhere else? Carmax is for chap lips. Aloe Vera works better because it dries out the sore.
Guest Sochima822
Guest Sochima822
I been using Camphor for the last 3 days 3 to 4 timers a day! You can't help but get it from your lips to your mouth can the liver damage be reversed i'm scared to death now!
Sochima822 Guest
Okay, well then just stop using it. I doubt you've started any damage since I'm sure you're not using a lot. I've done a liver detox once or twice. Also, when you use camphor cold sores
always comes back moreso, that was my experience with camphor until the doctor told me of the dangers of it. The best thing to use is all natural or even unnatural store bought Aloe Vera. It really heals and you won't get cold sores to come back for a long time.
jane5216 Guest
To reassure you Crosado: it doesn't sound like you've used or ingested much of the stuff so I doubt it will have done any or much damage. And the liver is an amazing organ - it regenerates itself so if you give it a break (ie no alcohol, no meds that affect the liver eg paracetamol) then I would think it will be ok. It's high doses and long term use that usually do the damage. Please get well soon and try not to worry so much - easier said than done I know. xx
Sochima822 jane5216
Thank you Jane. I'm still under the weather so my thought process is sort of hindered due to the flu putting my brain in pause mode. I was going to say that about the liver but couldnt think straight so I left it out. But yes, the liver regenerates itself over and over.
maria____a64048 Guest
Reduce your sugar and carbs intake. All it does is make a perfect environment for viruses and bacteria to grow. Get some rest, drink more water to flush your system.
Guest maria____a64048
Thanks Maria, I will do just that! I do need to cut the blasted sugar deal anyone know things that help build your immune system I lost my gallblader at the age of 21 and i'm 59 now and they say that lessens your immunity. I wish I had a chat cell phone partner that can help be a support to changing healthy ways of living and eating you know kinda help keep you acountable.
Guest jane5216
maria____a64048 Guest
jane5216 Guest
Best thing for immune system is healthy diet, staying hydrated, enough sleep and exercise - dull but true! 😇 Worst things are sugar and alcohol. Sugar actually prevents Vit C from entering the white blood cells which fight infections. Alcohol also reduces the efficiency of immune system. So even if you're eating a balanced diet with plenty of vitamins it's no use if they can't do their job because of sugar/alcohol.
And, lower levels of oestrogen have been found to reduce the immune system so in menopause we're really up against it.
Finally, a warning about too many supplements: a woman in the UK collapsed and was in intensive care for days because she took a whole load of 'natural remedies' trying to detox and drank too much water. So we can't win!!
Sorry if that all sounded a bit preachy - I don't follow it all myself! 😉 I do feel better when I cut out all the bad stuff though, which I do from time to time when I start feeling really crap. Take it gently - try a week of healthy living just to give your body a chance to recover. X
carol62649 Guest
Hi crosado,
hi my daughter gets awful huge cold sores, its caused by stress for her. She takes lysine tabs. Also chocolate and nuts orange juice can trigger cold sores. Antibiotics wont stop a cold sore as its herpes simplex, its just your body reacting to being sick. Tea tree oil is good, i used to use a dab of perfume the alchohol dried it up. Ice to bring swelling down, dont worry too much. I know they can be painful, ive had lots myself especially when im run down. Could be there has been a food trigger for you also? Keep the water up to your body while you are sick, and rest up.
i hope you feel better soon, 🌺
Guest carol62649
Choclate and orange juice I have pretty much everyday! I eat ounce of 80% dark chocolate and have a glass or OJ everyday! I been using Camphor Phenol to help dry it up but no matter how hard you try not to get it in your mouth it still happens and tatses horrible! Did someone on here say somethng about carmax or something like that. I need a different OTC med because this i'm using is horrible when you accidently get it in your mouth and causes you to spit like crazy. I did get horrible sick with sore throat, fever, chills and such before this happeed. I don't have any STD's my husband is dead and I havent been sexually active in over 8 years and then was with hubby only and I have been checked for STD'S and all was good they checked me when I had all that post meno bleeding they said routine and of course all thos scans and biopies. This popped out of no where right while been sick to top it all off. I finished my antibotics last night.
jane5216 Guest
Hi Crosado
Sounds like you're stressed and run down which is why the cold sore has appeared. It's like shingles (which I got last year), the virus is always in the body and surfaces when your immune system is low. Antibiotics don't work on viruses so they wont' make a difference. They're not the same as genital herpes but a different strain of the herpes virus - so nothing to do with STDs ;o) I reckon you need to give yourself some TLC and build up your strength. Give yourself time to get over it all and all the meds. Stay warm, lots of herbal teas and keep us posted how you get on. Sending a cyber-hug. xx