Cold Turkey off 100mg Sertraline day 6
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I have read so many blogs and took the courage to go cold turkey myself, but it is different for me so I thought I should post a blog to help others. It is day 6 off 100mg sertraline (been on them for two and a half years)
I didn'd understand what the brain 'zaps' were - I do now - it is like being connected to a very slight electrical current - not anything too bad When I move I get a slight electrical feeling in my hands, I feel a bit like my reactions are slow (when I get up to move it feels like it takes a nanno second before my brain cathes up) I am lucky as I am not working at the moment and have not children so I can take it easy. I have had some great dreams and am sleeping a lot too. My mood is ok and I am eating, slepping, looing and everything all ok. Day 6 shall post again daily - hope this helps others
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sue67478 Guest
brenda91906 sue67478
I have went cold turkey for about 8days. Been on sertraline for about 15yrs I think could even be longer. I hate taking them. One a day 100gms. Sometimes they begin to dissolve before I swallow and my tongue goes numb so god knows what it does to my insides. Any how I’ve been feeling tearful irritable sleep and now flue like symptoms along with weird dreams. Feeling shaky unsteady aswell. So googled it and found this site. Must admit am feeling very anxious and scared so decided to pop a pill and will start back on them then do it properly with help from doctor. Sertraline have saved my life it’s just the thought of what it’s doing to me inside. Hope all is going ok for others doing this. But it’s not worked for me.
josh17608 Guest
I have been on 100mg Sertraline a day for 8 months and went cold turkey 3 days ago. I fully understand the "zaps" they are kind of freaking me out but I know that's just me being paranoid, I have been eating ok but sleeping a lot more. I can relate to feeling slow and a bit out of it at the moment does seem like it takes me a bit longer to understand what is going on. Still feel it was the right decision to stop the medication as I personally don't want to be dependent on a pill for my mood, I am feeling emotionally alright and looking forward to that continuing without Sertraline.
joseph76384 Guest
Thank you for clearing so many things for me. I have been on sertraline 150 mg for 18 months now and quit cold turkey 3 days ago. I'm hot flashing, tired all the time, scatter brained, anxious, no sex drive and no appetite. I am stubborn and will not go back on it but the fiance is not making it easy. How long should i expect to be like this is my big question.
maathir Guest
I’m a 19 year old girl who has been on zoloft for 10 months now. I started by 25mg for two weeks then 50mg. My gp decidied to increase my dosage to 100mg but I didn’t want to so I told him that the dose was too much for me and caused me heartburn. He was OK with it.
Today I’m on day 7 off 50mg (cold turkey). I’m not going to lie it is not easy at all. Since day 4 I developed unpleasant sensation I really do not know how to describe it but the best word for my feeling is “strange”.
My withdrawal symptoms varies between blurry vision, dizziness and sleeping a lot. I’m not at my best health status but I can control the symptoms by relaxing and eating well.
I’m afraid that the upcoming days will be harder and harder but I will do anything to detoxify my blood.
I didn’t want to be on antidepressants from the start but ny gp insisted that I need it for my social anxiety and I trusted him.
I have read a lot of articles related to this subject and many of them suggest that after 3 months the symptoms will gradually disappear and I hope so.
Excuse me guys for my English but English is not my first language. I just wanted to make anyone out there feel slightly better and know that they are not alone.
Guest Guest
Thank you Victoria and all the others who shared their experience. I have been on sertraline One a day 100gms for about 20yrs. I am taking it to help with my depression that usually set in when im not working ( I have been doing IT consulting for the past 4 years). As i am not working in the past 8 months, i came across an article in the NY times talking abut how difficult it is to get off the medication and the fact that you are not to take it forever.
I have consider getting off the medication especially now that i don't feel its effective.
I am aware of the side affects once you stop taking the medication as i try it in the past, but wonder how people feel once all the symptoms are gone
donna89812 Guest
Wow, thank you everyone for taking time to share your experiences. It"s really helped me to be able to work out what is 'normal' and/or usual, when stopping sertraline.
I wasn't sure about taking it in the first place but as I'd recently found it difficult to get back to my usual smiley, energetic self following major surgery, my gp, occupational health doctor and another gp advised me to give sertraline a go.
I took it for 3 months but the side effects of joint pain and a distended, painful stomach seemed to be getting worse daily.
Two weeks ago I decided that I just didn't want this drug in my body any longer and stopped taking it. (I was on 50mg per day).
The first few days I didn't really notice any difference. After a few days I began having what people are describing as brain zaps. Quite a number of these in a day.
They haven't really eased off yet but I have started to get used to them.
It's been a couple of weeks now and I have started experiencing extreme tiredness and could sleep for England!
On the plus side, I have started dreaming again and my libido seems to be improving.
Also my stomach is loads more comfortable and no longer distended.
Can anyone tell me how long the brain zaps and joint pain might take to stop?
Also the sleepiness as at the moment I feel "drugged' when trying to wake up in the morning.
Thanks everyone, look after yourselves and good luck.