Cold turkey sertraline .... how long do symptons last ??????

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My names ami im 24 , i was put on sertraline a year ago due to ptsd so doctor thought it was best to put me on 50mg to start with then upped the most to 200mg , well its been a year and still felt like rubbish but i knew it was the tablets , i didnt feel like myself ..... so i went to the doctors 2 weeks ago who just stopped me on sertraline 200mg and changed me to 15mg of mirt (cant remember how to spell it) so i took it the 1st night i swear i slept amazing never slept through the night in 5 years , well that was short lived it made me feel so tired and i was snapping at everyone to the point i nearly lost my partner over it . So that was my wake up call its been 2 weeks since any sertraline or mirt cold turkey .... 1st week was ok , start of the 2nd week i was throwing up violently all day, dizziness, tired and i literally felt so unwell. Its been 5 days since that and ive felt nauseous and dizzy everyday , i will keep fighting it but does anyone know how long this withdrawal lasts ??? i really dont want to give in as i feel better in myself being off them its just these symptons are awful ... Any advice or help would be amazing smile

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Edithami!

    You are going through a bit withdrawal from going from high dose of sertraline to mirt to nothing in no laps of time.

    Swithching from one med to another is one thing but going cold turquey is really not recommand!

    You might want to call back your doctor maybe to reinstate a small dose of sertraline (?) and from that stabilise your symptoms a little, then taper a little slower.

    When tapering, they usually recommand going by reducing 10% of your dose and wait till stabilisation to continue to reduce again.

    When going down too fast or cold turquey, you may feel really worse and a lot of time, people crash.

    Dont want to scare you but maybe give a call and the doc will help you most.

  • Posted

    Hi Edithami 

    I would say you are in withdrawal, a trip to you Dr would definitely be advised, you prescribing physician can give you a taper down plan, that will greatly help with your side effects! 

  • Posted

    my thing is i really dont want to be on anything so because ive had nothing for 2 weeks i dont want to give up now and go back to taking them , i actually feel since ive stopped them i do feel calmer in myself ... its just i can handle the withdrawal really just wanting to know how long these symptons can last
    • Posted

      From what I see from others and of course it’s different for everyone but they can last anywhere from several weeks to several months if you were on a high mg. 
    • Posted

      I just want you to know you can be setting your self up for a really bad relapse. 

      I took 100mg for 2 years, stopped cold turkey and felt great for 2 months. 

      Then one day I woke up at 2 am with insomnia and anxiety, started having panic attacks for the first time in my life. Had to quit my job and I havent been back to work in 14 months. Im back on sertraline because it does make the panic attacks go away. 

      Im against medication too, i just think you should taper down your dosage. Try to reduce by 50mg every 2-4 weeks. 

      The relapse i had completely ruined my life. Id hate to see you go through the same. Im 25 so im with you on the not wanting to be on medication but you have to be careful. 

  • Posted

    oh dear , i think ill go and have achat with the doctors .... crazy what tablets do to your body sad
  • Posted

    I’ve been on 50 mg for only 13 days and stopped and feel s**t , still feel like I’m still taking it after 2 days , sickness and sleeping 

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