Colon Cancer

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Ok so just going to cut to the chase, I’ve been having a scare for a while now that I’ve had colon cancer. As some of you may know, I have health anxiety. I haven’t pooped right since last Saturday, went to the doctor Monday and they said that it’s probably just gastroenteritis and they gave me prescription antibiotics. Bowels have gotten better. I did stool cards to check for blood in my stools and I had blood in my stool that Monday I went to the doctor and Tuesday and Wednesday cards did not. Ok so that tells me that the antibiotics were working. They did a blood test twice and everything was good there. No anemia or low/high blood cells. I had a panic attack Thursday night and I thought I was constipated, took 2 500mg laxatives and had diarrhea 2 hours later. I have felt constipated lately. I’m just freaking out bc my anxiety doesn’t help with any of this. Had blood ON stool last Saturday when all this started. I was thinking if it was cancer then it’d show up on my two blood test, featuring anemia and such. I woke up with nausea this morning but haven’t thrown up. Been having random abdominal pains, nothing major though. Btw I have been diagnosed with carcinophobia as well. What do you guys think? Thanks.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh yeah, I’ve FELT constipated but I just had a movement yesterday and today, guessing it was laxatives tho since it was kind of runny.
  • Posted

    If you take too many laxatives you will get diarrhoea!  Your bowels have got better, you have no anemia, the antibiotics seem to be working. This is all good news!  Why are you worrying?  Worrying will exacebate your symptoms.  Worry can cause gut disturbance and can run your immune system down and leave you more prone to infections.

    Constipation and straining too much can cause haemorrhoids and fissures which can produce bright red blood.  Ask your doctor to examine you for this.  This is a reasonable and plausible explanation.  This will help to reassure you.

    Your doctor is not concerned, so try to take this on board.  If there was concern, you would have been referred urgently for a colonoscopy but you have not been. Gastroenteritis can cause blood and mucus in your stools. Try to concentrate on non frightening explanations. If you are young, cancer is very rare.

    Go back to your doctor and listen and accept what you are told.  Ask for CBT/counselling for your anxiety.  Try relaxation therapy.  You have been having panic attacks and have a diagnosis of carcinophobia. This is the issue you need to deal with in order to get better. 

    • Posted

      Yes thank you so much! This all makes sense! I have gotten help today, I’m on anxiety pills and supposed to go back to the doctor in a month to see how my pills are doing for me. 

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