Coming bacl to yourself
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Hi I often wonder if I will be me again to enjoy life like I use too before god wants me home, this is in my thoughts sometimes
I guess it's silly to think this way anyone think this way too.
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nancy0925 maria101
monique_93857 nancy0925
This is me everyday anxiety feeling doomed I will be glad when this is over its miserable living like this EVERYDAY I refuse to take HRT I had bad experiences with it so I'm doing natural taking nothing at all and your right god will see us through this I say it everyday and I also say bad bad Eve just had to eat the forbidden fruit lol keep faith
louise44105 maria101
Hi babe, I thought this way for a while and beat myself up about it. Then my 23 year old autistic son made me see sense by reminding me that I have been changing all through my life as each new phase approached, and I got used to it. I realised he had a good point. I got used to having hormones as a teenager and periods, I got used to being more adult as I entered the workforce, I adapted to the changes that motherhood brought and I'm learning to cope with all this nuttiness now. I've accepted that I wont be the same again, but I can still get on a nd enjoy life and face each challenge as it comes. It all tikes time hun, but we'll get there x
monique_93857 louise44105
michelle50768 maria101
lou-lou maria101
I'm totally with you on this, I'm only 36 and in peri and I often wonder when willi be me again, I've cancelled so many plans with friends cause I really don't want to socialise, I'd rather spend all my time on the sofa shut away, and that's not me at all :'(
julesmsw maria101
I understand!!! I have thought this to. I think doing as much of the stuff you love to do that brings you peace us impt.
Ex: it's about 10 am here in nyc. I walked the dog, chanted, did some eft, washed the dishes, took 1 passionflower and 1 Ashwadgahra and now feel less anxious. One day at a time
chelo julesmsw
julesmsw chelo
jaimie44465 maria101
TropicalVon69 maria101
Yip me too Maria.....not always believed but what I've experienced has left me in no doubt and pray daily....sometimes feel like life is over.but sure there's something positive after this
Sochima822 maria101
Hi Maria, those feelings of despair will go away and you won't think this way. So resta assured that is a light at the end of this nightmare tunnel, where life will be back to normal. It doesn't feel that way now but it will with time. Hang in there, you're doing great. Hugs, xx
maria101 Sochima822
Hi thank-you for your reasurrance trying to get through it is hard but I'm getting there slowly but surely bless us all hugs xxx
MoodyNoire maria101
Hi Maria, I've felt like that way many times since Peri hit. I do know things will get better, then worse, then better again. I never in a million years would have guessed that most women will have to face this unsettling time of life. I've been fighting the symptoms of peri for about 7 years now, and I'm still scratching my head and wondering why I never heard anything about Peri or how it can wreck your life before! Where is the outcry? Why aren't medical professionals doing more to educate, prepare, and help women and their families? I know personally what this can do to all relationships. But all we can do is be proactive with our health , educate ourselves and insist our doctors take us seriously. Hang in there, Maria....we'll get through this, and maybe be able to help others when their turn comes.
michelle50768 MoodyNoire
I love your reply. Couldn't agree more as to why we are not educated about this time of life.
I have been going through peri nine years and I've struggled with every symptom there is to have.
Currently suffering severe nausea and acid reflux. Doctor gave me lansaprzole an acid inhibitor and I think it's making me feel worse. It's just awful.
Can't eat can't think straight at the moment.
Went six months no period. Then spotted for a week two months ago. Now nothing again.
Not had hrtWas on an antidepressants for a year but came off it six months ago. Thought it was making my acid worse but not sure it was that now.
So nice to hear positive stuff even when we don't feel very positive.
Not to mention the anxiety and health anxiety.
praying for better days for all of us xx
julesmsw MoodyNoire
I have been going thru peri for a good 8-9 yrs and hoping menopause happens soon. I have been going thru alot with it lately. It's about making new tools all the time! The 21 day Deepak/Oprah that started yesterday is spot on. I have to bring more snacks with me to the clinic where I counsel- healthy stuff- nuts, berries. What a huge process. And working out saves my butt
julesmsw michelle50768
michelle50768 julesmsw
julesmsw michelle50768
michelle50768 julesmsw
MoodyNoire michelle50768
Hi Michelle, like you, I've had a variety of peri symptoms. I had a short brush of misery with acid reflux, and omg, I feel so sorry for you! I have had trouble with restless legs and insomnia and when acid reflux was thrown in the mix, I thought, well, this is it...this is how I'm gonna die! lol But, it's good to talk to others that are experiencing this. And let's face it. Unless someone has lived through it, there's just no way they could understand it, could they? You've heard the expression, "misery loves company?" well, I say, "misery loves comfort." which is what I get, and try to give on this forum.